We have Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement agencies to handle it. These are unarmed men, women, children, and infants who are on a long journey to seek asylum through legal means. They aren't violent insurgents rushing the border. They are walking at a slow pace and won't be at the border for months. So bringing the military in months before arrival is pointless. Particularly because these refugees are unlikely to have access to social media & news. They are unlikely to even know about the military waiting. Now, if there was evidence that the "caravan" was armed and they were within days of reaching the border, I *might* see justifying the military-- but the military isn't really trained to handle refugees. The Border Patrol *is* trained for it. There could be some misunderstandings with military involvement and it could turn ugly. Besides, what the refugees are doing is not illegal. The legal way to seek asylum is to come to the border and speak with officials to formally request asylum.
The talk of them being this dangerous force rushing the border is total BS meant to cause fear & incite hatred against the refugees and people who defend them. These people will probably be absolutely exhausted when they finally reach the border. I just hope that no nutjobs rise to the fearmongering and try to take matters in to their own hands (although I've heard there are groups of armed citizens who plan to go fight the refugees). The people from Guatemala are fleeing attempts at ethnic cleansing & racial persecution. Many of them were going to be killed if they didn't leave.
Editing to add the link to an article:
If they are all going to stand in line and apply for asylum, I don't have much of a problem with it.
How will they prove they were going to die in their home country? What if everyone coming says that? What if most of them are just poor? So are 5 billion other people.
.......what about most of them that
just say they were fleeing persecution of one kind or another?
The military needs to be there as a show of force. If nothing happens, that's great. I don't personally think there gonna be anything big. If there are issues, should we just suddenly deploy some troops... spur of the moment kinda deal? That's insane. No way are there enough spare border patrol agents that we can send to one place and still have enough left at their regular locations. Not having a military presence in this situation would in my opinion be insane. If it's not needed... and it probably won't be, then that's great.
People are making a big deal about nothing. I don't know what's behind this "caravan" but no way in heck way it funds itself. I mean who buys all the new shoes? food? water? sanitation? All these things are huge considering their months of traveling.......and it's kinda funny they want to move to this hateful, racist, bigoted country that doesn't want them. How many countries did they pass along the way? Why didn't they stop or why weren't they allowed asylum in those countries?
......and they know exactly the situation they are heading into. They are not blind to the news. They may not have cell phones, but they talk to people in cities they travel through that do........ no way they are ignorant of what lies ahead. They know.
Funny how Democrats believed in border protection until a Republican was in charge.
Obama was big on this too.
It's a media circus not a caravan anyhow. I think I can see Jim Acosta high stepping in the lead wearing a tall hat, white gloves and a waving a glitter covered baton. 76 Trombones playing in the background.

This is much ado about nothing just like the mid terms. No big deal the Dems won the house just as no big deal Trump won the presidential. Life goes on. People get their panties in a wad these days if a leaf falls from a tree a week earlier than last year. The media fans fires instead of reporting the news. Kinda sick what weinies we have become.