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I wonder at what point the border people was aware she was sick. Media reports this issue like they wanted her to die. The border people nor Donald Trump wants little kids to die. To think so is pretty sick.
I had not heard she'd been taken to a hospital at all. They just said she died in border patrol custody after being denied medical treatment.
I do know that when my father was with INS and they got illegals in, one of the first things they did (after feeding them) was to have them examined to see if they were sick. If they noticed someone was sick, they quarantined them and got them treatment immediately.

I know the government & border patrol don't actually want children to die, but I think Trump might-- or he just doesn't care. The man who ghost-wrote his book for him said that he doesn't have normal human emotions and that he has no sense of shame or morality.
Have to side with Hav on this one. No risk, no reward and it is very dangerous crossing the border. Lots of people die of heat stroke in our deserts. Even just legal visitors. I hike our deserts regularly and see people doing long hikes with just one little bottle of water. lol
So, Trump says we are going to pull out of Syria-- which makes Putin happy. Yesterday he said we defeated ISIS and now he's saying he'll leave it to Russia to defeat ISIS. He also said he won't sign anything Congress wants him to sign to keep the government open. Ironically, the Homeland Security will be shut down. There was an announcement that 9AGs are suing him over illegal business shenanigans and he already got busted and ordered to pay restitution for using his "charity" as a personal slush fund.

I think he's going to try to do as much damage as he can before he gets indicted or forced to resign.
Well, I was right about one thing at least: When he said he would own the shutdown, I knew he was going to turn around and blame the Democrats. The Republicans were actually pissed off at him for refusing to sign after he said he would if they came to an agreement-- and it was a unanimous bipartisan agreement, but he wanted to shut the government down because he thought it would mean Mueller's investigation would shut down and that he could just go to Mar-a-Lago. Only Mueller's office stays open and Trump can't go golfing. LOL.
Ironically the shutdown will affect Coast Guard, ICE/Border Patrol, and TSA. So much for securing our borders & keeping us safe (mind you, to my knowledge TSA has never once caught any actual terrorists).
Mattis and McGurkin were pretty pissed off about the Syria thing. He really does not know how to run a country (or a business) without running it in to the ground. As much as I dislike Pence for being a homophobic bigot, I think he might be more stable than Trump- but Manafort pushed him as VP for a reason so it's likely he'd do Putin's budding as well.