Agree ? Disagree ? Or set me straight on this manufactured outrage, thx !
Ok, last nights adult beverage

set me straight.
So freedom of the press has manufactured the encouragement for justice and equality, even though it got out of control in the BLM protests. While on the other side they exposed the outrage for injustice and inequality as that also got out of control. I get it
what a provocative marketing campaign

( good or bad ) I now understand the outrage over this manufactured outrage felt.

…… It’s like a schoolyard fight against your friend, TWO AGAINST ONE, not very fair……Is this the underdog effect you are speaking about Daris ?
Ok ! what do we do with that knowledge ? How can we direct against that full court press of provocation ? Will blame , reactivity and name calling win the day ?
( space for self reflection before reading on

One option could be to prudently break it down to the raw material, rather than reacting inward from a place of resentment over the tactics used. I’ll get back to that in a few, but first this. when we learn the tools that forecast a coming resentment storm ( A Brewing ! ) we could simply open the tool box and grab a Respectful hammer and nail down a white Elephant truth, “ Respect starts at home and finishes at home “ …..Internal Respect guides personal and or organizational thoughts and actions as it relates to resentment. Managing resentment is the responsibility of the home owner, not the guest. THE BUCK STOPS HERE as they say. If I bash you for bashing me, I just broke my responsibility
Sorry for that life lesson

but if we want to see improvement in the world, the improvements must start with each and everyone of us by learning the dynamics about anger. It can take us over by giving our power away to others….by giving our responsibility away to others. Do stay in responsibility, rather than react from provocateurs.
Back on the raw material of injustice, with new eyes
Ask yourself, is injustice and inequality happening and felt by one group more than the other ? …… Let’s strengthen our hearts and minds with new tools and Give them understanding for their tactics, because chances are they are reacting resentfully too.
Learn more at
And improve !