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Term limits would stop the corruption. Why isn't this imposed?
Who allows a vote on term limits? Does the house have to bring this to a vote?
I'd be happy with 4 terms..... First term is a learning period (I'll scratch you're back.... you scratch mine.)
One term to get up to speed.
Second and third terms actually accomplishing something.
That would end the 50 year buddy system.
I do t think one or two year terms aren't long enough.
If they suck, the can still be voted out.
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Before the BS gets too deep…
Always when a conservative voice points out rampant insanity on the left like trannys in kindergarten, the president making Easter the “trans day of visibility “ THAT kind of insanity some idiot shows up and says “ there is corruption on both sides” in a Solomonic baby decision method of discernment. Stop it.

This country was founded by rich white men get over it or leave.

That ex cop from Louisiana that became a congressman went on Tucker Carlson and he let the cat out of the bag: the feds had HUNDREDS of “plants” in the J6 crowd which was not a riot.
They LURED those people to the capital, THEY LURED them inside they flagged them through and then BOOM it’s an insurrection.

I got a bad feeling and we decided not to go.

The FACTS are the J6 committee DESTROYED their records the same way Hillary destroyed those servers and that’s fact.
Two different groups one group is covering for the Clintons the Obama’s and the Biden’s and the Schumers and the Epstein list and one group is covering for Donald Trumps traffic tickets


Trump is SO innocent they had to go waaaaaay back in time , find a suitable LIAR and then on TOP of that CHANGE the statute of limitation law to even CHARGE him , then they take another set of laws and magically transform them into federal laws and then magically transform a data entry into falsification of records, then on TOP of that introduce felon convicted liars testimony to testify ? What in the actual flying f is going on here ? Not allowed to produce defense witnesses?

So if you’re so deep in the mire you can’t tell this country is and has been turned into a banana republic and are willing to throw it away then we are on opposite sides of freedom and liberty .
I’m a vet. My ancestors were vets we fought and bled and died for this country so F U to anyone that supports this insanity with claims that “we are all corrupt”
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Before the BS gets too deep…
Always when a conservative voice points out rampant insanity on the left like trannys in kindergarten, the president making Easter the “trans day of visibility “ THAT kind of insanity some idiot shows up and says “ there is corruption on both sides” in a Solomonic baby decision method of discernment. Stop it.

This country was founded by rich white men get over it or leave.

That ex cop from Louisiana that became a congressman went on Tucker Carlson and he let the cat out of the bag: the feds had HUNDREDS of “plants” in the J6 crowd which was not a riot.
They LURED those people to the capital, THEY LURED them inside they flagged them through and then BOOM it’s an insurrection.

I got a bad feeling and we decided not to go.

The FACTS are the J6 committee DESTROYED their records the same way Hillary destroyed those servers and that’s fact.
Two different groups one group is covering for the Clintons the Obama’s and the Biden’s and the Schumers and the Epstein list and one group is covering for Donald Trumps traffic tickets


Trump is SO innocent they had to go waaaaaay back in time , find a suitable LIAR and then on TOP of that CHANGE the statute of limitation law to even CHARGE him , then they take another set of laws and magically transform them into federal laws and then magically transform a data entry into falsification of records, then on TOP of that introduce felon convicted liars testimony to testify ? What in the actual flying f is going on here ? Not allowed to produce defense witnesses?

So if you’re so deep in the mire you can’t tell this country is and has been turned into a banana republic and are willing to throw it away then we are on opposite sides of freedom and liberty .
I’m a vet. My ancestors were vets we fought and bled and died for this country so F U to anyone that supports this insanity with claims that “we are all corrupt”
Love this!
They LURED those people to the capital, THEY LURED them inside they flagged them through and then BOOM it’s an insurrection.
Csason, I’m not trying to be a Solomonic ass 😜 ( nice word ! I had to look it up 👍) but If some of the protesters were able to be fooled/ lured by the opposition plants, wouldn’t they also be susceptible to manipulation by their own people too ? ….. I may be reaching on this a bit, but then again maybe 🤔 not. I guess the point is that we all have a responsibility to think critically during complex times, and to be careful about listening to others who want us to do something we may not be sure about, whether it be coming from our friends or our opponents.

So if you’re so deep in the mire you can’t tell this country is and has been turned into a banana republic and are willing to throw it away then we are on opposite sides of freedom and liberty .
I’m a vet. My ancestors were vets we fought and bled and died for this country so F U to anyone that supports this insanity with claims that “we are all corrupt”
Freedom and Liberty IMHO only have one side. Maybe two different ways of expressing it…..the very same one that is in the constitution. It feels like we are miles apart, due to the expression differences, but we are all actually fighting for the same thing.

As for the corrupt and FU expression, I have no problem with that, because it’s our right and if it really came down to it, I’d shed my blood helping to maintain it, even though I believe there’s a more improved way to express difference with each other.

In closing / adding some levity 😂 :
The anger management teacher was constantly trying to get us to understand that every time we use a “ YOU STATEMENT “ we are giving our power away to the opposition. SO ! Maybe 🤔 when we are upset with the opposition for some reason, maybe we could say F _ _ k
Me ! 😜 and empower ourselves to understand why they may be interpreting Freedom and Liberty that way. 🤷🏻‍♂️
OSHA wants to force fire depts. not to use trucks over 15 years old. That will cripple volunteer departments who can't afford $500,000 for a new truck. We have 5 volunteer depts. in my county.
There's an old sea story about a ship's Captain who inspected his sailors, and afterward told the first mate that his men smelled bad. The Captain suggested perhaps it would help if the sailors would change underwear occasionally.

The first mate responded, "Aye, aye sir, I'll see to it immediately!"

The first mate went straight to the sailors berth deck and announced, "The Captain thinks you guys smell bad and wants you to change your underwear."

He continued, "Pittman, you change with Jones, McCarthy, you change with Witkowski, and Brown, you change with Schultz."

THE MORAL OF THE STORY: Someone may come along and promise "Change", but don't count on things smelling any better.
OSHA wants to force fire depts. not to use trucks over 15 years old. That will cripple volunteer departments who can't afford $500,000 for a new truck. We have 5 volunteer depts. in my county.
Probably a good argument could be made that the old trucks are better quality . If you know where I can find one of those old Jeep military fire trucks I’ll drive to go get it
Probably a good argument could be made that the old trucks are better quality . If you know where I can find one of those old Jeep military fire trucks I’ll drive to go get it

That’s half the reason I keep driving my van. A new one will just make me mad with all the computer crap that will eventually glitch on it.
I thought the step stool, or bucket, was for the passenger riding bitch.

Life pro tip, if you’re gonna have to ride bitch it’s better to do so in the morning.
I’ve got a 2012 350 series 16 foot box truck filled with flooring tools .
My run around town ride is a 1980 CJ 5 four cylinder the most complicated part is probably the carburetor lol . If it breaks down I can still get it going
Push it down a hill and pop the clutch ?
All day long it’s basically a one wire to the AC DELCO distributor if it’s hot and you got spark at starter you should be in business they put a few hundred thousand of these blocks into service with those million mile post office trucks

Plus it will go wherever a Polaris goes and way cheaper I paid 3500 for it with a warn winch
OSHA wants to force fire depts. not to use trucks over 15 years old. That will cripple volunteer departments who can't afford $500,000 for a new truck. We have 5 volunteer depts. in my county.
Buy electric fire trucks.
......... they'll quit their whining and you'll never hear from them again
Don't know if you saw the story on CBS. Our government had been hiding a video for 20 years that showed the Saudi government was involved in the Twin Towers attack.