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Next you'll see California Governor Newsom be groomed as the democrat nominee to put the final nail in this coffin, which use to be the best country in the world.
My brother is a Super for CMC and they wanted him to prepare for a client meeting last week. He did his due diligence, but when it came time to speak 🗣️ he told me he went off the cuff, nailing it ! rather than trying to remember the planned attack.

Joe can’t function like he use too 🥲 I think the Camp David prep. Was a mistake, and took him over the edge.

I saw a program on Prison reform, with Governor Newsom recently and he looks to be quite capable 🤔
My brother is a Super for CMC and they wanted him to prepare for a client meeting last week. He did his due diligence, but when it came time to speak 🗣️ he told me he went off the cuff, nailing it ! rather than trying to remember the planned attack.

Joe can’t function like he use too 🥲 I think the Camp David prep. Was a mistake, and took him over the edge.

I saw a program on Prison reform, with Governor Newsom recently and he looks to be quite capable 🤔
Newsom has bankrupted California.
Newsom has virtually bankrupted this state. He has been recalled 4 times but since his people tabulate the recall signatures, to disqualify 192,000 signatures because they touched the line with their pen tells you how crooked the system is. I was heavily involved with recall #2, and know what I'm talking about.
When my other half's first husband was killed by a drunk driver, driving wrong way on the freeway and hit him head on as he rode his Harley to teach at the police explorer academy, the poor little criminal ended up doing 5 years in prison. She filed a claim against him for funeral expenses for $10k, and she has yet to see one penny. This gang banger works cash side jobs, and sucks of the government for the rest of his money. His only chance for rehab is by putting a bullet between his eyes.
Does anyone recall getting praised as a young child for finishing all of your peas, beans or broccoli?
This reminds me of that.
I was almost expecting her to yell....
....who wants ice cream !!!

Does she not know how bad this makes her.... and him look? 🙄
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Does anyone recall getting praised as a young child for finishing all of your peas, beans or broccoli?
This reminds me of that.
I was almost expecting her to yell....
....who wants ice cream !!!

Does she not know how bad this makes her.... and him look? 🙄

It’s the infantilization of a person and it’s a real thing. I see it all the time at the old folks home. If you’re feeding them, wiping their butt and doing everything else that you would as if you were taking care of a child, how long until the baby talk starts?

Who knows, maybe it’s just a continuation of the babysitter game they started playing a long time ago😳

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