They are trying to raise natural gas rates here. They are compaining about lost income because we have had a couple of warm winters. The next time we have one with below zero days, they sure won't lower the rates.
They are trying to raise natural gas rates here. They are compaining about lost income because we have had a couple of warm winters. The next time we have one with below zero days, they sure won't lower the rates.
Well, our gas has once again climbed and is now almost $4.50 a gallon. When is that guy in the White House going to do something for the working class for once in his tenure?
Well, our gas has once again climbed and is now almost $4.50 a gallon. When is that guy in the White House going to do something for the working class for once in his tenure?
We could do what other presidents have done. Open up the Alaskan Reserve and flood the market, until the Saudi Princes have a hard time paying for their 24K Lambo's.
I understand there are no quick fixes, but there was suppose to be an official inquiry by Congress as to who was to blame for the gas spike which occurred last summer. What ever happened to this official inquiry?
I understand there are no quick fixes, but there was suppose to be an official inquiry by Congress as to who was to blame for the gas spike which occurred last summer. What ever happened to this official inquiry?