I'm thinking it might have been a waste product before the gas engine was developed. I dunno, might have to do some research on it. Waste, by product...same thing.
Because of my trading and investing in energy companies I've done some research. Waste actually costs money to dispose of in most places around the world.
Gasoline isn't anywheres on earth a waste product the way natural gas was once actually a waste product that had to be burned off at the wellheads when they drilled for oil. In those days they had neither the need for the natural gas nor the infrastructure to deliver it. So it WAS by all means a waste product from those operations. Things change.
It's abundance as a byproduct from Europe's diesel refining along with tough environment and real estate limits on East Coast refineries explains why it's imported to that region as opposed to expanding domestic refiners, building new ones or piping or shipping it from our Gulf of Mexico facilities.
This is all just logistics, supply and demand and some elementary science principles that MOST people don't bother learning. It's not all that complex to grasp the basics. So it seems it's almost a willful ignorance on the part of the public or perhaps willful neglect in our public education. This makes our citizens TARGETS for idiotic propaganda.......sitting ducks you might say.
This whole concept of one man one vote can't work if people refuse to read a F'n book and depend on TV/internet BS for their opinions.