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I know it happens, especially some of the PD's on the east side of the country, but it just seems unimaginable for a cop who was taught under Police Officers Standards and Training. One bad apple will destroy the entire basket, so we will turn in any crooked cops, because this is a despicable action.
Look at that cop who shot a woman in her home through a window in Ft. Worth. He was there for a welfare check. Did not knock on the door. Did not announce it was the police. Peeped in her bedroom window and shot and killed her.
Yeah, that was just absolutely insane. Either his training was terrible or he was just terrible at his job. He should have knocked, should have identified himeslf, and never should have fired into a house like that. What if he'd hit a child? Crap like that is going to make it so people won't call the police out of fear of being shot or someone getting shot.
Yeah, that was just absolutely insane. Either his training was terrible or he was just terrible at his job. He should have knocked, should have identified himeslf, and never should have fired into a house like that. What if he'd hit a child? Crap like that is going to make it so people won't call the police out of fear of being shot or someone getting shot.
It is already that way in some black communities.
What some people have not realized is most police departments have a decreasing police force, and being desperate, they have already changed their rules on tattoos, drug usage, minor arrests, etc. They are basically scraping the bottom of the barrel and hiring cops that in no way should be trusted to drive a car, let alone carry a gun.
What some people have not realized is most police departments have a decreasing police force, and being desperate, they have already changed their rules on tattoos, drug usage, minor arrests, etc. They are basically scraping the bottom of the barrel and hiring cops that in no way should be trusted to drive a car, let alone carry a gun.
This guy broke procedure 4 times on this one call. We have some here that are poorly trained too. Several years ago, I had to explain to one what historical license plates are.
A young rookie officer responded to a call of a robbery a few towns over. For some reason, the rookie didn't believe what happened, and assumed he was crazy. he actually placed him on a 72 hour, full lock down, mental hold, until a neighbor produced a surveillance video of the crime actually occurring. This will end up costing the PD six figures.
There was a sheriff's deputy in a neighboring county who burst into a man's home with no warrant and did not say he was a cop. and got shot. They charged the homeowner but a jury found him not guilty. There had been some home invasions in that area. The police found nothing illegal in the home.
My brother-in-law told me about that last one, Rusty. He doesn't care much for police who violate people's rights or break protocol. He's sympathetic to them fearing for their lives, but also thinks they need better training.

It's not just black neighborhoods anymore. My best friend lives in a mixed neighborhood and even the white people don't trust the cops. Girl across the street hates them bc they did nothing about a violent assault on her boyfriend that left him blind in one eye & Officer Perkins (the one who sells drugs) planted drugs on her father & lied in court.

Havasu, it's really sad. It makes it worse because the more bad apples there are, the fewer people want to be cops & work with them so it makes even more of a shortage. They really scraped the bottom where I live bc most of the cops here are just terrible. Some of the are nice, but not terribly competent or actually caring about doing things other than busting people for marijuana that wasn't sold by Officer Perkins.
Under 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22 – Standards of responsibility: Paragraph (b), which addresses “Unavoidable adverse side effects; warnings” states, “(1) No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable in a civil action for damages arising from a vaccine-related injury or death associated with the administration of a vaccine after October 1, 1988, if the injury or death resulted from side effects that were unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and was accompanied by proper directions and warnings.
"It turned out to be a GPS tracker and because it was placed their by police, this man is now being charged with theft."

Grammar nazi alert! This bugged the hell out of me.
The dude rightly got busted for drugs but the charge of theft of the GPS device will be a hard sell. Glad he got busted though.
The dude could care less about the tracker, but his attorney is trying to suppress the evidence of the theft, getting the entire case thrown out. IMHO, the cops should have taken more time to gather evidence, then execute the warrant. If is part of the "fruit of a poison tree" from the 4th Amendment.
I just realized that it was grammatically correct. My brain was not working. LOL.
I think the cops trying to bust him for removing the GPS is part of what got them. I agree they should have done due diligence. I've heard that in the UK even if the evidence is obtained illegally, it can still be used in court so long as it isn't suspected of being planted.

Speaking of semis, truck drivers are in deep kimchee right now because the Louisiana govt sites got hacked over a week ago & are still down. DMVs have been closed every since so people can't renew licenses, get permits, or get anything that the DMV provides. My best friend is about to lose his job because he needs something from the DMV to get his work ID renewed but it's now been down for over 10 days & his ID expires Friday. He explained to his boss what was going on but his boss had no sympathy & told him he should have tried to get the badge sooner-- but my friend has been trying for a couple weeks to get it renewed. They told him he had to wait until a certain date and when that date rolled around the govt sites were down. Some kind of ransomware got onto a computer somehow.

Meanwhile, some schmuck picked the wrong house to break into. He thought he could rob a little old lady but she was an 82-yr-old body builder who just won a competition & can deadlift 225lbs. The would-be-burglar was carried off in an ambulance.
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I'm talking to my friend online right now. I can't remember if I mentioned that the clerk at a gas station stole his debit card and used it at an ATM to drain his bank account-- took out $400 when he had less than that. The cameras were conveniently broken so he can't prove the clerk did it. He disputed it with the bank and the bank said they don't believe him, cops didn't care, & now the bank is charging him overdraft fees. On top of that, he's been paying child support to his ex by having the amount ordered set aside in a separate bank account for her. She went to court without telling him and lied and said he hasn't been paying. So they doubled the child support payments and are now garnishing his paychecks. She claimed she wanted back child support for the first several years of the child's life. But they were together until 2016 and after that he still sent $ & bought whatever the child needed. But this biyatch is lying and using the system to get at him AND refusing to let him see her. She's making him look like a deadbeat and ruining him financially to retaliate bc he told her to stop spreading rumors about his fiance & to stop claiming he wants her back. The fiance heard the stuff she was saying about her around town and went off on her so now she's using the child to hurt my friend.

He can't afford an attorney. Also, bc the state DMV has been down, he hasn't been able to get the background check done to renew his ID to continue working. He has all the stuff he needs on his end but they need to do the check but they've been down almost two weeks now & he might lose his job.

I'm really not sure what he can do at this point. He's really getting screwed over.

Edit: I found out some more details. His ex went to court to get more child support out of him but he was never sent any notice to appear (we think she just went in and talked to the judge & lied to say he wasn't paying). The last time he went to court, the judge didn't let him present any of his evidence at all. Wouldn't let him show that his ex lives in a trailer he owns & refuses to pay for it so she's living there rent free, wouldn't let him show how much he already spends on his daughter w/o a court order, or show what his current income is (which is lower than the judge thinks). It's taking more than half of his paycheck now and she will likely try to get his taxes garnished as well. She actually owes something like $3k for the trailer bc she was supposed to buy it from him but never paid.
Another way he's getting screwed is that when his grandmother died, she left everything to her husband but down here they don't respect the Will of the deceased. Even though the house & vehicles were completely left to the the widower, the state makes it so it is also shared with the surviving children. So he can't sell the wife's car bc one of the sons wants it for himself but doesn't want to pay a portion to the other 3 people who have claim to it, so he's just taking it and saying he'd rather see it rot than let anyone else have it. My friend said that the only real family he has now are my people because we actually care about him and help him out but his blood family just keep screwing him over.
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