Louder with Crowder.
Guys are funny as hell an rarely politically correct.
You can start at the 4:30 if you want to skip the beginning satire....
.....and move on to the regular satire.
This ought to be a morning show on cable, these guys are funny.... and so accurate that his show gets banned on a regular basis from the Gestapo on YouTube.
Dave, the guy to the left that plays Greta thunberg's sister is hilarious and a great addition to the show.
You really need to watch that video all the way through. Stephen goes through all of the climate predictions over the decades as the crazy people keep moving their own goalposts, time after time after time.
I know his show is a long one, but there's so much truth along with the humor.
.....we know there's truth here because he didn't get banned or demonitized for this episode.
.......but you know they wanted to.