Photography 2

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I sure wish Grandpa and Grandma had pulled these photos out and told us who these people were.
Somebody was makin the big bucks to afford a fancy getup like this one. The father looks a bit like Mr. Haney from Green Acres. :D

New travel trailer Aug 1940 -10_800 filtered.jpg
Any idea where the photos were taken?
The last one looks early 70's

If you were referring to the photos I posted, the first three pics were taken at Catalina Island (off of So Cal) and the last pic was taken at Lake Millerton, in the central valley near Fresno, Cal. This is where I learned to water ski, and was taken in 1963~1965. (based on me being about 8-10 years old.)

Dad's Old Slides  (216).jpg

Dad's Old Slides  (223).jpg
I never would have thought the first photos were in California.

One of the two images in that double seater baby carriage is Bill Foote. Grandpa's last name is Foote.
I just did a quick search under that name and came up with this..... a surfer dude like you. The first image on his website looks about your era.

This Bill Foote, is obviously not the one from the old photo. :D
I haven't a clue what happened to this photo. It was a clear, blue sky day when I took it. It's my son Danny in the canoe up at Union Valley Reservoir above Placerville Ca. in the high Sierras. It looks like there's some kind of glow behind the tree and rain, but none of that was happening that I was aware of.

Maybe one of you fotagrafers can explain it.

It is digital from four years ago.
Looks like it's just some leftover fog at the base of those trees on the far side of the lake. Maybe you were concentrating to much on your boy and the canoe, and just didn't notice it.
.......and 4 years ago? I'm surprised that you can even remember taking the picture. :D

Can you send me a larger version of the image?
...and 4 years ago? I'm surprised that you can even remember taking the picture. :D
We had just came in from a run with the ski boat and can recall how nice it was before I cooked the lobster.:) Picture coming your way.

There were lines in the water Daris, just not much catching going on that trip. Always fun trying though.
He's starting pitcher, first home game of his freshman year. I had coached him since he was 7. We worked on his pitching a lot off that very mound as it's right around the corner fro where we live. I rarely got to see him play as a spectator because I would always have been in the dugout or coaching 3rd base. So it was tough to be on the side lines but you sure could get some neat angles with the camera.

The background is the San Gabriel Mountains-----Azusa foothills.
Great Shots IN.

I LOVE the leg kick a la Nolan Ryan. That's why that shot is my favorite.

There's some great instructional videos he put out and I used them with my son and all the kids I worked with throughout the years. Nolan Ryan was kind of like Cassius Clay/Ali. All the natural talents and physical advantages AND the hardest working athletes in all of history before them. Competitors and TECHNICIANS. Art, science and brute force.....everything we love about sport, right?

They tore his arm up freshman year. There was no relief pitcher-----not even close. They had a third pitcher but he wasn't healing up from a broken thumb the previous season. When my boy struggled and couldn't find the strike zone or everything he threw was getting hammered------the coach had no options. My son started and completed EVERY game that year. Half way through JV sophmore year he gave up pitching with a sore elbow. He really had a rocket though. Not great control but for 5'9" he got everything he could out of his 160 lbs. He started varsity in his junior year playing right field. Senior year he was center fielder. The highlights of the games..........the GUN from deep right or center throwing out the runners trying to tag up or take the extra base at home or 3rd.

Home runs were pretty cool too but the plays at the plate......priceless.

Along the same lines maybe the best memory of all is his hook slide into home after back to back doubles. He led off with a double in the 10-year old All-star game. His buddy from the same team I was coaching doubles him home and he beats the tag with an amazing hook slide.

I SWEAR we never practiced that so much as once. I have no idea where he got that from. That **** is what makes it all worth while.