You looked old, even back then! That's a good one. I bet the grand kids like seeing those.
Well, here's the second photo with my new phone......... new cheap phone.
Looking at this second photo I see the limitations in image quality. Looks like once you get beyond 30 to 50 feet, the image quality goes south really fast. The nearest parts of the water look somewhat decent for a crappy camera, but beyond that it's terrible.
I'll have to take a few more and see if it can do better closer up to something.
When I was in town today, I stopped by and snapped a few more photos with the phone. Ya sure don't want to see these enlarged.
I found they do a lot better with a little photoshop work..... color corrections, filtering and a little sharpening. Here's the modified image and the original. I suppose these could go as big as a 5X7 if you didn't look to close. Can't expect much when the lens is slightly larger than a gnats eyball.