My brother and I carpeted local state police office. There were two parts, the main office area and the crime lab which was a separate entity, it was separated by a 2 inch thick heavy wood door. The plans showed for the carpet and the vinyl went and the head of the crime lab made daily tours through the place seeing what was going on. He was there the day we carpeted a small 8 by 12 room. It had countertops along two walls and a chamber about 4 ft wide and 2 ft deep with some little air nozzles in the top of it. Might have been something for checking fingerprints or something, I don't know.Easiest carpet demo I’ve ever done was a glue down job in an insurance office where the hot water heater let go and flooded the place. Peeled up entire rooms in one piece.
Anyhow we put carpet in that room and the guy that ran the crime lab was there so he knew that we were putting carpet in that room.
A day later he said they were supposed to be vinyl in that room, not carpet.
Would have been kind of nice if you would have brought that up while he was there the day before.

We checked the plans and the plans said carpet was supposed to be in that room, so we didn't screw up. Anyhow we are doing some larger runs of carpet and got back to that room a day or two later. The carpet was unitary backed and we used an adhesive called Magnum Bond. It dried like bubblegum on steroids...... Ok, you had a strong bond and never totally dries up. Nasty stuff but I had a good grab and that's why we used it for this unitary backed carpet.
Hot water you said? This old building had a slope to it. I filled up a 5-quart painters pail with hot water and poured it on the uphill side of the room and I could watch through capillary action it wove its way downwards slowly towards the other wall. I repeated this a couple of times and the water eventually made it down towards the other wall and I sucked it up with my shop vac. Then I figured the carpet would just peel loose. No, it didn't. I still had to cut the carpet into narrow strips and use a razor scraper. That was nasty stuff to deal with. I remember the good old days those carpet adhesives dried to a hard crumbly state and were a lot easier to scrape off. Not this stuff.