Sense, In ever day and age, has not been that common, probably due to the Huxley effect

( the majority’s less than par intelligence

) That’s why Leaders of yesteryears , yesterday and today have an extra burden to demonstrate personal responsibility to the masses, because a gathering of followers can easily be turned into a group of irresponsible ones, even a Person of Peace can turn on a dime.
This concept imho can happen irrespective of Party affiliation, Creed, Nationality, Status and so on ! because in the End and the beginning, we are all one thing for sure, DIFFERENT From one another.
( IMHO ) Sense comes from a combination of following, but ! to whom you could follow is yourself. Follow by listening to analytical thought and emotional thought together ! now ! that’s the recipe towards intelligence. AND as it relates to Leaders, be skeptical

when-ever a leader is asking you to abandon one of those ingredients, they’re essentially trying to turn us individuals into blind followers, and what if that leader is a person who demonstrates personal irresponsibility ? To me, that tips the scale towards us potentially following in the wrong direction, even though it FEELS right. Could that be what Huxley was saying when speaking about History and not learning the important lessons ?