Taco Tuesday
My mom used to bring us home a pizza from Sorrento's every Friday for........many, many years when we lived in Connecticut.When married to my ex it was taco friday. That is what we had every Friday. Now it might be once every couple months. Just can't find the good corn shells we used to get.
Chili dogs for lunch. Tacos for dinner. View attachment 16045View attachment 16044
You guys need to build a food truck and fancy it up with the theme of your shop. It'd be great around large job sites cuz all the workers are popped in would feel at home.Chili dogs for lunch. Tacos for dinner. View attachment 16045View attachment 16044
Boy, that's a meal I haven't had in years, maybe decades. My grandmother made it all the time. I have no idea what her recipe was but I saw on Facebook my brother made some for a family gathering.Wife got to it and were they ever good. The only drawback was the cabbage leaves were really tuff. Hadn't had them since Christ left Chicago.