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A friend who is a waitress at a local truck stop told me she averages $300. a day in tips plus wages. Their cook makes about $20. an hour.

Sounds bout right, the waitress makes twice as much. My son is a bartender and makes about $300 a night in tips plus minimum wage while I’m sure the cooks make maybe $20/ hr. Funny, you never see any iron waitress shows. How about instead of beat Bobby flay we watch beat Flo. Yet that’s who is makin the money. Kinda like layin LVP. It’s basic bitch flooring but that’s where the money is, at least for me it is.
Bet it still gives you the real *****😝. Speaking of cheap chicken, I always did like the Banquet frozen chicken. Half hour in the oven and bam you got yourself some good ol fried chicken. Throw some frozen veggies in the mix, maybe a can of corn. It’s like eating a TV dinner without the metal tray, or are they plastic now.

That banquet fried chicken is the tits! I love that stuff for a quick dinner...
I also love that Stouffer's Mac & cheese! I actually like it way better than the wife's homemade Mac & cheese.
While I'm thinking about quick dinners, the Lloyd's pre cooked baby back ribs are pretty damn good too. Just toss on the grill for a few minutes a side to warm up and their good to go.....and delicious too

I'm not huge on pre packaged/ processed food but there's a few out there that get a pass.

Seeing as I don't have any work scheduled till Monday I been farting around the house and doing the cooking. Tonight I made meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes & corn. I also made a tossed salad with all the good stuff. This time of year sucks for good veggies (fruit too!). Their all bland and boring. Nothing like fresh in season fruits and veggies.

I bought some amazing navel oranges and tangerines before I left Florida. Crazy how you cherish a few good oranges in January. 😂
Alright, I’m gonna go out on a limb here. Anybody ever have turkey loaf. I think it’s a Jeanie O product in the frozen section. It’s basically a big ol loaf of a turkey nugget that you pop in the oven and maybe an hour later you’re eating some delicious stuff. You can get light meat, dark meat or a half n half and it comes with its own gravy.

Tonight’s special is meatloaf, sautéed green beans and stove top. Dessert is nestle toll house cookies with some tillamook vanilla bean ice cream.
Tonight’s special is meatloaf, sautéed green beans and stove top. Dessert is nestle toll house cookies with some tillamook vanilla bean ice cream.
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Paper plates wouldn't be right with that. Makes me think of a particular customer that's fed me hand crafted lunches and dinners every day on the job. She loves cooking like you do.
Paper plates wouldn't be right with that. Makes me think of a particular customer that's fed me hand crafted lunches and dinners every day on the job. She loves cooking like you do.

Speaking of plates, you guys don’t know this but those plates are the same plates I ate off of when I was a kid. My folks kept things and made them last. Not sure if that’s good or bad. Prolly good up to a point. We have some corn cobbers that we’ve had since I was a kid and some of them broke when we were eatin corn on the cob a few months ago. In my head I could hear my mom sighing cus we broke something but them damn things are 40+ friggin years old. In one of the kitchen drawers are the same damn teaspoon measuring spoons I made cookies with as a kid. Maybe this is where I get my OCD with my tools from🤪
That's how they did **** back then. Nothing went to waste.... nothing!

When mom made spaghetti sauce on Sunday it was made with any leftovers from the week.....

When mom went grocery shopping she stretched $75 into damn near $300 using coupons and scouting out sales.

Mom really knows how to stretch a buck and maintain a household without spending more than she has to, for sure!
If I get summoned to go for groceries Ill rack up $3-400 easy. I'll look at the cart and know mom could get the same if not more for half that. Because she will plan it out before even going to the store. Also she won't go off script and toss in those bag of chips/cookies etc.....

I have a problem when it comes to tossing in treats when my missus gives me a grocery list to go by.. ☹️
I do all our grocery shopping. Things are getting expensive.
Our local Fred Meyers (Kroger's) has breakfast cereals on sale every month or two. The large shredded wheat were $1.45 if you bought 5.

.....uh, ya I did. 99 cents for a huge bunt style chocolate pudding cake. We're talking 3 lbs. $1.88 for butter. 99 cents for 1/2 gallon of milk.
On the other side of the coin, a large package of Oscar Mayer bologna. $7.49. 😱
Wally world is $3 cheaper, but that's a 9 mile round trip. At Kroger you get fuel points so no reason to shop around a lot.
Costco gas is a solid $0.50/ gallon cheaper than Safeway. Damn near a full buck a gallon cheaper than Shell. I got a 36 gallon tank in my van so that savings is noticeable.

Say what you want about the Mart but they do have the best prices on food n such. Yeah I’ve seen some interesting **** at Walmart but isn’t that’s half the fun. Buyin dinner and a show. Anymore the wife does the order online and has it delivered. Not nearly as fun but it really does cut down on impulse buying.
Our local Fred Meyers (Kroger's) has breakfast cereals on sale every month or two. The large shredded wheat were $1.45 if you bought 5.

.....uh, ya I did. 99 cents for a huge bunt style chocolate pudding cake. We're talking 3 lbs. $1.88 for butter. 99 cents for 1/2 gallon of milk.
On the other side of the coin, a large package of Oscar Mayer bologna. $7.49. 😱
Wally world is $3 cheaper, but that's a 9 mile round trip. At Kroger you get fuel points so no reason to shop around a lot.
We get fuel points at the local grocery too. They are 6 blocks from here. Food costs a little more there but, I only go to Walmart when I must.
Fred Meyers and Safeway are side by side and just over two miles away. I'd rather get 40 or 50 cents off per gallon than spread it between stores. Freddy's has good prices on the stuff I buy. Besides that, it's 5 times less walking to buy stuff.
You can get the Gatorade powder and mix your own for about $0.25/ quart vs buying it at $1.25/ quart. Only thing I’ve noticed is that they don’t have the G2 or G zero in the powder.

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