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Spent all last week till today at the driving range getting ready to play tomorrow. Now they are calling for storms . :mad:
One of the dumbest ideas of all time. IMHO

A resilient guys worst enemy is the grain of sand that works it's way onto the glue and under the goods-----------!!!!!!

So bring in BAGS AND BAGS of sand and toss it all about. Then try to sweep and vacuum it all up.

Yeah right. No one's going to get in the way on a construction site when you're throwing elbows fighting for every square inch of working space in a hailstorm of flying ******** from the Third World.

Better not go too far down that road.
We talking the same system ? If you vacuum the sand off the second coat, then pour an inch of self leveling concrete over the epoxy.............. how does the sand reappear?
My experience with epoxy and sand was small, so I suppose maybe it's only a 'deal' on large jobs?
...or you need a larger vac? A Binford XLZ Turbo 7500 :D
We talking the same system ? If you vacuum the sand off the second coat, then pour an inch of self leveling concrete over the epoxy.............. how does the sand reappear?
My experience with epoxy and sand was small, so I suppose maybe it's only a 'deal' on large jobs?
...or you need a larger vac? A Binford XLZ Turbo 7500 :D

The vacuums they send out are in fact absurdly cheap and inadequate, now that you mention it. We rarely use self leveling.
I played D&D with friends last night. One of the friends had just gotten out of the hospital so we wanted to hang out with him. It was a fun night.
On the way home this morning there was a man just lying in the middle of the road sleeping. He was clearly breathing and didn't have any visible injuries but he wouldn't respond when I tried to wake him. Called the local police because it didn't seem like it needed 911. They contacted the sheriff. I kept trying to see if I could wake him and he finally opened his eyes and was confused as hell. I asked him some questions and he wouldn't answer verbally until I asked his name. He woke up a bit more by the time the cop arrived. I explained that I'd only just gotten him to respond to me but that he wasn't very lucid. As soon as the cop came over, the guy perked up and started speaking more. He got on his feet and explained that his truck had gotten bogged down in the woods and around 3am he'd started trying to walk toward his father's home and wasn't sure what happened. He'd had a bit of beer. Said he was going to walk to his father's the rest of the way but the cop said he'd give him a lift. Said the only crime committed was that the guy was obstructing the roadway. I said it wasn't a big deal, my primary concern was the guy's safety. I was worried he might get run over. So we all shook hands and parted ways. I'll post a picture later.
The vacuums they send out are in fact absurdly cheap and inadequate, now that you mention it. We rarely use self leveling.
I never thought about epoxy/sand and then doing a skim coat over it. I thought you were doing self leveler from the looks of those photos. I've only been around the epoxy system once and we poured self leveler over it. In your case, just skim coating, I can see sand as being more a pain in the keester.
Thats very honorable but he could have attacked you.

That thought crossed my mind, but I did have my brother with me and I know some martial arts. It was a risk, but I felt it was worth it to make sure he guy was safe. He didn't have any weapons on him or anything. He works for the local towing company and body shop-- was wearing the T-shirt.
I actually didn't touch him until I had already contacted the police and they were sending someone. I called out to him very loudly for several minutes trying to wake him. He didn't even twitch. Then once cops were on their way I started gently shaking/patting his arm the way I was taught in First Responder class.
I told him I almost called an ambulance for him and he asked "Why?" (once he was a bit more lucid). I said "You're lying in the middle of the road, man. You weren't responding when I tried to wake you and I've been here trying to rouse you for 10 minutes.
I'm glad it worked out ok.
Turns out some of my friends know the guy I met this morning. I shared the pic with them and they are going to rib him about it later.

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