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Gonna go fix some carpet doorways that got cat scratch fever. House is getting put up for sale and needs to look pretty. No leftover carpet so the repairs come from inside a bedroom closet. I found a piece of carpet that's only 5 shades off from the existing to replace what I steal from the closet.
....maybe the closet replacement piece will match if I use my serpentine straight edge. :D
LOL. Barbecue sounds good about now. It's been so cold here-- the moisture makes it feel colder. It rained hard enough to take the internet out last night.

I finally got sick of looking at all of the trash on the kitchen floor that I'd been stepping around and thinking "later" on picking it up. I told myself I just needed to sweep it up. Filled three 33-gallon trash bags. It wasn't just trash, I found some flatware and bowls and tupperware bowls and stuff cats had knocked down. Spice containers and such. Cats had used a lot of it as a litterbox. Sink is currently piled high with stuff that needs to be washed and put away (and not just dishes).

In the middle of it, one of the cats my brother is supposed to be responsible for came in and had an infected wound on his head (he's been slipping out when my brother goes to work and he got beat up). I had my brother hold him while I cleaned the wound and treated it with hydrogen peroxide. My brother wiped it with a paper towel and promptly threw said paper towel on the floor when he was done. Then he went back to his room to watch porn (and I know this bc he left something in the microwave and rather than put it out where the cats could get it, I decided to be nice and bring it to him in his room-- only I got yelled at instead of thanked). I was like "Dude, you shouldn't have left something in the microwave if you were planning to jerk it before eating."

I wanted to wipe down the countertops but needed to clear the floor and even before I finished most of the floor my back decided to crap out on me. I pushed through and finished a corner I almost left for later. I was going to let it be a surprise for my mother, but then realized cats might knock stuff down before she comes out so I took pictures on my phone. I handed it to her and crawled on the foot of the bed and started singing "All by myseeeelf" (to indicate that's how I'd done the cleaning). I still need to get those countertops cleaned, have my brother drag all those trash bags out (there are still some ones from last week he didn't take out and he's just left them on the floor next to the trash can), maybe put a bunch of stuff in that stupid dishwasher that just sprays stuff and leaves a film and only seems good for a drying rack-- and I need to clean the cabinets inside and out. Despite using roach traps & deterrents, mice and roaches still got in. I need to figure out how to seal them up better. But one thing at a time. I still need to clean up the living room and front room. Front room will need to be done so my sister can sleep in there and it is a huge mess, but I'm not doing that one by myself-- my brother is responsible for most of the mess in there. If I have to hide his car keys on Monday and disconnect his internet cord to make him clean, I'll do it. It's his day off, but he hasn't been pulling his substantial weight around here and I'm tired of cleaning up after him.

Highup, those cat-scratch spots are awful, aren't they? Mine have done a number on the doorways when they wanted in or out. I'm also trying to figure out the best way to transition from plush carpet with a nice thick pad to linoleum in the bathroom. I want something that won't rust if it gets wet, won't feel too cold or hard if I step on it barefoot, and won't be as likely to trip me. If there's ever an overflow of water, I want it to stop water from getting to the carpet. Not sure if such a transition piece exists though.
Finally got a little rain. Has been bone dry and windy. Some idiot decided to burn trash yesterday in 50 mph winds. They lost two sheds and melted the siding on their house.

Sheesh. I just hope it didn't spread and damage someone else's property. People like that are why other people lose their homes sometimes.

I tried to get to sleep last night but couldn't. For some reason I'm restless. I want to do more cleaning and I'm alert enough for it, but my back is disagreeing. LOL. I should probably eat something before I work on that.

I'm pretty sure if I don't get the sink cleared before my brother wants to use it that he'll kvetch up a storm and probably knock stuff on the floor to get it out of his way. That's how some of the stuff ended up on the floor in the first place.
We had a guy burn a entire city block in a historic city ( an hour away)
He said he was watching modern marvels ( I think it was) and had a big fire ( on a windy day) in a barrel trying to bend steel😳
Like the guy on tv
You need to have a sit down with him!!
Tried numerous times. He refuses to grow up and be responsible at home. He goes to work and is a supervisor, but at home he acts like a child.

We had a guy burn a entire city block in a historic city ( an hour away)
He said he was watching modern marvels ( I think it was) and had a big fire ( on a windy day) in a barrel trying to bend steel��
Like the guy on tv
What an idiot! I've mentioned before that my barn got partially burned numerous times by the timber company doing "controlled" burns. Smoke inhalation made my brother very sick bc it was around almost the entire perimeter of our yard and they would start the fires without warning nearby residents. One of the neighborhood guys used to drive around to check on everyone in the area to make sure no structures were burning while people weren't home and to see if everyone who was home was safe.

Also, I totally forgot to make the broom joke earlier-- about how they are sweeping the nation.
Good job, Floorist!

I started cleaning the counters in the kitchen. My brother had spilled some sort of sticky gunk. I don't know if it was syrup or honey or wtf it was but it wouldn't come off and it was stuck to the bottom of a pressure cooker & other stuff. I discovered the only "magic" thing about a "magic eraser" is how it magically shreds to pieces. What a useless piece of junk! I scrubbed and tried different cleaners, but stupid sticky gunk wouldn't come up. Then I remembered hearing that peanutbutter gets gum out of stuff, so I tried it and it worked. Rubbed some peanutbutter in with a plastic scrubber and it came right off (although it still took some elbow grease). I now have one very small section of countertop clean. Still a lot more to go.

My brother decided to go hang out with friends and will conveniently be gone all day-- although he promised to help clean when he gets home. I'm skeptical-- he's not good at keeping promises.
Try WD 40 Z . I take a lot of different glues off floors in seconds with it ..
Alcohol works wonders on some things but doesn't do much on others. It can harm finishes on some cabinets so you gots to be careful. Don't spill it all over if ya have any pilot lights. ;)
If alcohol doesn't solve the issue at hand..... it has medicinal effects too and maybe you won't care about the sticky problem so much. :D
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Try WD 40 Z . I take a lot of different glues off floors in seconds with it ..
Alcohol works wonders on some things but doesn't do much on others. It can harm finishes on some cabinets so you gots to be careful. Don't spill it all over if ya have any pilot lights. ;)
If alcohol doesn't solve the issue at hand..... it has medicinal effects too and maybe you won't care about the sticky problem so much. :D

I managed to get all the sticky stuff up because of the peanutbutter. Unless you're talking about the latex paint. It's dried on very firmly now. My brother shoved the ladder and made the closed paint bucket fall-- landed on it's side, lid came off, paint flew everywhere. He kicked things around and shouted for awhile and then went back to his room without telling me or even trying to clean it up. I came in 10 minutes later to find the paint and did my best to clean it up, but was unable to get a lot of it before it dried. Tried scrapers and such. I'm looking for some pet-safe paint stripper. Although, quite frankly that old parquet floor is ruined anyway so maybe I shouldn't bother. I can at least try the alcohol on the oak cabinets to get off the small splotches I wasn't able to get off before. But right now, making it so the kitchen is usable is more of a priority. Need to clean inside cabinets, figure out where to put stuff after it's washed and dried, etc. I think that is one of my biggest challenges. I don't know where to put things.

My brother (who said hew as going to get home at 3pm) didn't come home until after 8pm and then my friend's girlfriend called asking me to take her to the hospital (it was nothing major but she needed a note to not go to work tomorrow bc it's not safe for her to be around food prep when she's potentially contagious and was running a high temp-- but not quite fever). Her boyfriend was at work and was going to meet us at the hospital but he got sick from something he ate and had to stay in the bathroom at home. So, I was with her for a few hours, got her some medicine, bought her food, and took her home. I had just been about to go to bed when she called-- ok, I actually was in bed trying to go to sleep, LOL. While I was gone my brother burned 10 of the 33 gallon trash bags I'd filled, but he didn't do any cleaning. Left some spilled trash on the kitchen floor for me to deal with. I'm going to tackle that after a nap and then try to figure out what to do next.
Well today we are getting on this ship for 16 days to cruise from Auckland NZ up around the Pacific Islands and back
Its only a little ship with 600 passengers unlike those great big ships which look like sheep carriers with a few thousand passengers
Hope the weather improves as the Auckland Harbour is one of the best in the world
Watch the time laspe video about 5pm NZ time and I will be there waving to you all :D


Here is another web came from the North Shore where I live showing out ship with Auckland City in the back ground


Its a tough life eh? :)
Well today we are getting on this ship for 16 days to cruise from Auckland NZ up around the Pacific Islands and back
Its only a little ship with 600 passengers unlike those great big ships which look like sheep carriers with a few thousand passengers
Hope the weather improves as the Auckland Harbour is one of the best in the world
Watch the time laspe video about 5pm NZ time and I will be there waving to you all :D


Here is another web came from the North Shore where I live showing out ship with Auckland City in the back ground


Its a tough life eh? :)
Jon............. I had no idea why you feel the need to escape your little community so often.
Auckland is the largest metropolitan area in New Zealand, with a population of over a million in the greater urban area.

Now I know. :D
Well today we are getting on this ship for 16 days to cruise from Auckland NZ up around the Pacific Islands and back
Its only a little ship with 600 passengers unlike those great big ships which look like sheep carriers with a few thousand passengers
Hope the weather improves as the Auckland Harbour is one of the best in the world
Watch the time laspe video about 5pm NZ time and I will be there waving to you all :D


Here is another web came from the North Shore where I live showing out ship with Auckland City in the back ground


Its a tough life eh? :)

I hope you have a fun and safe trip!
I've been trying to power through some cleaning. My old parquet floor is in bad shape. I'm debating whether it is worth mopping it or if I should just leave it as is until I replace it. I mean, I'll sweep it up and such, but it has some gunk that doesn't want to come off, latex paint spill, water damage, etc. I have a hardwood cleaner that I could mop it with-- but I loaned my mop to a friend and will have to go get it back. I'm trying to focus on picking stuff up and cleaning countertops. I have a small area of floor I still need to pick up and put stuff away (we sort of dump groceries and stuff we get from the store right inside the kitchen doors- by "we" I mean mostly my brother bc I try to put stuff in the laundry basket I set out as a catch-all). Found some old stuff in jars-- pickled peppers or something. Not sure. The lids are kind of rusty and I'm waiting for my mother to wake up to ask her if she should toss them or dump them and keep the jars. I haven't even touched the front room yet. My brother promised he'd work on it, but, again, doubtful he'll keep that promise.

I now have everything but the lag bolts for my automatic gate system. My brother brought home the packages with the battery and box around 5am (which is when he finally came home-- so he's probably going to sleep all day and refuse to clean). Just need to figure out if the posts can be stabilized or if I have to replace them. My sister is coming in tomorrow so I might not be able to work on the gate thing until February (unless I work on it while she's here before I drive her back to Albuquerque).

The guy that is supposed to help me with the gate hasn't been coming out bc his girlfriend was in the ICU for diabetic ketoacidosis. She just got out of the hospital yesterday and he was supposed to come over today but it rained hard last night so I don't expect him to show up. He said he might come tomorrow, but we'll see.

Highup, at least you know how to build stuff. There are people who are book smart who can't do practical things and then there are people who can do practical things who aren't good at memorizing stuff from books and taking standardized tests.

I'm about to head once more into the breach to start on the cleaning again. Wish me luck!

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