I bought mama a new car last night.

I've been trying to power through some cleaning. My old parquet floor is in bad shape. I'm debating whether it is worth mopping it or if I should just leave it as is until I replace it. I mean, I'll sweep it up and such, but it has some gunk that doesn't want to come off, latex paint spill, water damage, etc. I have a hardwood cleaner that I could mop it with-- but I loaned my mop to a friend and will have to go get it back. I'm trying to focus on picking stuff up and cleaning countertops. I have a small area of floor I still need to pick up and put stuff away (we sort of dump groceries and stuff we get from the store right inside the kitchen doors- by "we" I mean mostly my brother bc I try to put stuff in the laundry basket I set out as a catch-all). Found some old stuff in jars-- pickled peppers or something. Not sure. The lids are kind of rusty and I'm waiting for my mother to wake up to ask her if she should toss them or dump them and keep the jars. I haven't even touched the front room yet. My brother promised he'd work on it, but, again, doubtful he'll keep that promise.
I now have everything but the lag bolts for my automatic gate system. My brother brought home the packages with the battery and box around 5am (which is when he finally came home-- so he's probably going to sleep all day and refuse to clean). Just need to figure out if the posts can be stabilized or if I have to replace them. My sister is coming in tomorrow so I might not be able to work on the gate thing until February (unless I work on it while she's here before I drive her back to Albuquerque).
The guy that is supposed to help me with the gate hasn't been coming out bc his girlfriend was in the ICU for diabetic ketoacidosis. She just got out of the hospital yesterday and he was supposed to come over today but it rained hard last night so I don't expect him to show up. He said he might come tomorrow, but we'll see.
Highup, at least you know how to build stuff. There are people who are book smart who can't do practical things and then there are people who can do practical things who aren't good at memorizing stuff from books and taking standardized tests.
I'm about to head once more into the breach to start on the cleaning again. Wish me luck!
NO MOP ! Replace the water boards , and screen and coat the floor ..
NO MOP ! Replace the water boards , and screen and coat the floor ..
She needs to start taking Potassium ..
Magnesium oxide is also good to take ..400mg one a day .. I'm Diabetic , and that is the two supplements my Dr put me on ..
I'm guessing Pabst Blue Ribbon doesn't help in this situation.Xanax works good too.![]()
Nice!Bought for $15 off a Facebook site. That is an Estwing framing hammer and a real Crescent wrench, not a cheapie.
Well, part of the reason I feel it's not worth it is because a large area of the parquet was so bad that it came apart and had to be removed. So, there's a big chunk of missing floor.You be surprised what a sanding will do for a floor ..
Post the photos . You can't just stop taking certain meds it can cause Death . Have her ask her Dr if he has any samples to give her .. They all get them from the drug pushers from the company they work for ..
Hate to say this , But that floor should be ripped up .. I would mop some 100% pure Lemon juice on the urine infected areas .. It'a like a $1.00 a bottle and works better then the expensive stuff you buy..