The day before yesterday I did some more cleaning in the house & cleaned out the car so it wouldn't be too junked up to give my elderly friend a lift to a restaurant. We went to visit her out in West Monroe yesterday. She's about 93 years old now and has a helper who drives her places. She ended up riding with her helper. The helper assists her with getting in and out of vehicles as well as getting up and down from chairs. She uses a walker so the helper stays near her to make sure she won't lose her balance or get dizzy and fall. It was really great seeing her again.
The kittens finally caught on to the whole litterbox thing and are no longer peeing on the waterproof mattress pad on the bed, so I haven't been having to wash the pad 3x a day. My sister has been keeping the litterbox cleaned, but I still need a better litter mat and an extra box. One box is not enough for all 6 of the kitties in the front room.
I think I mentioned before that we started demolition on the walls of the guest bathroom, although right now the studs are still up and a bunch of laundry and stuff has been shoved in to that room pending getting washed. I wonder if pure lemon juice would work on couch pillows/cushions or if I should just toss them.
I got a bunch of Mom's laundry done-- still have a ton more to wash though. Got a long handled lint brush for cleaning out the dryer lint catcher area and that has helped.
I'm going to be driving my sister back around the 3rd or 4th of January and maybe staying a week or two. I'm leaning toward a week bc I worry that my brother won't take care of things while we're gone. I also hope he doesn't bring over his friend who is banned from the house. I'm not too worried about the healthy cats, but there's an elderly cat and a cat with leukemia-- the latter needs a lot of care.
Since the floor in the kitchen was so messed up, I used some area rugs to temporarily cover it up.
That rotten looking spot is covered with this runner
And the part that is torn up has another rug
We used to have a larger one, but my brother dropped something that broke and it spilled all over & just ruined it.
The front room where my sister is staying looks like this: