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A lot of places are being irresponsible and cramming people in without proper ventilation and not requiring masks. The Chinese place I like is spacing people out and has put plastic barriers between booths and requires masks and gloves. They provide both if people don't have them when they come in. The staff wear masks and face shields and are constantly cleaning up the area.

My sinus headache is acting up today. My quarantine won't be over until at least Wednesday, but I was advised to continue isolating so long as I'm sick. I hope it will be gone by Wednesday but it doesn't seem to want to clear up just yet. I have 5 cats cuddling with me and purring right now so that helps a little. I want to be well so I can hug my friends. My Mom said my friend practically got on the floor to give her a hug yesterday (she was sitting on the couch).
Here are two reasons I'm glad my grandfather was a flooring installer.
One one I'm glad he wasn't a logger.
Two I'm glad he didn't make his living working on a cargo ship.
At the beginning of the video it mentions the ship going from USA, Oregon. I wouldn't be surprised if this came from where I live.
Coos Bay is the only deepwater Port between San Francisco and Portland. It only takes an hour and a half from the ocean to the dock. In Portland it takes about 8 hours.
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Yikes. I've heard that whistling sound from winds in hurricanes/typhoons before. Looks like their tarp/cover over the outside small deck didn't make it. I wonder if any of the logs cracked or got ruined from that.
I hope those guys had good heat inside at least. Wish my dad was still around to show him this. I bet he inspected some ships like that during his early days in USINS. Gonna share that video with my uncle. He was in the Navy and likes all things related to the sea. My paternal grandfather was a merchant marine for awhile.

I'm up earlier than usual. Actually slept through most of the night. Time to take my morning antibiotics and try to get in some walking-in-place (too cold outside for me right now).
Rusty, he must have had some interesting experiences.
I never met my paternal grandfather. He was born in 1903 and died when he was 62 (when my father was only 17). He did all sorts of odd jobs- including working in a circus walking on the wings of planes (until he fell and broke his leg). He was a chiropractor for awhile but his partner was prescribing illegal drugs & they got shut down & he had lost his license for being associated with the guy. He spent the rest of his working days as a foreman at a propeller factory. Then one day they started making jets and just laid him off with no pension or severance pay. I think he'd worked here for over 10 years. After that my grandmother had to be the breadwinner and he retreated to alcohol. He would drink himself into a stupor. He was a quiet sleepy drunk apparently. Grandma was addicted to painkillers because her migraines but she still managed to be a school teacher for the special needs kids. Somewhere there are a bunch of letters my grandfather wrote to one of his cousins about his experiences when he was trying to get a job in California but they closed the borders to other states for people who weren't already employed and he was living in a refugee camp essentially. He had some bit parts as an extra in some Paramount movies (usually cowboy ones) and then went back to New Jersey.
Here are two reasons I'm glad my grandfather was a flooring installer.
One one I'm glad he wasn't a logger.
Two I'm glad he didn't make his living working on a cargo ship.
At the beginning of the video it mentions the ship going from USA, Oregon. I wouldn't be surprised if this came from where I live.
Coos Bay is the only deepwater Port between San Francisco and Portland. It only takes an hour and a half from the ocean to the dock. In Portland it takes about 8 hours.

Yeah you keep that for a job
With all the cruises we have done never came across anything like that. Even crossing from South America we didnt even have white caps going down Coming back we had waves coming over the bow for about 3 or 4 hours, didnt hear of anybody being sick


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The guy I'm working for drives tugs pulling barges. He's 70+ and close to retoringy. He picks the jobs that he wants to take. He's been all over the world. Local piloting business sold one of their smaller tugs and he took it down through the Panama Canal and over to the Great Lakes. Very interesting guy.
I like this view better. It's less wobbly also


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I wish I didn't get seasick so easily. I get motion sickness in elevators. LOL. I used to love going fishing and watching the water. It's nice being on shore and watching the water move. If the boat moves fast and I can feel the wind it's not so bad.

Yesterday I took my doctor's advice and went for a walk. One of my cats was super excited to see me outside and started getting under foot. I walked away from him quickly and he got mad that I wasn't stopping to pet him so he chased after me and jumped on my leg and wrapped around it. I decided to go check out the barn to see how much more it's falling apart. It's really in bad shape. I saw some carpet remnants still dry and clean in the former loft now within reach. So I grabbed what I could and dragged it to the workshop. Another cat was trying to follow me in but I chased him away. Went back inside the house and had dinner. Cat that pounced on my leg didn't come in. This afternoon I saw he was still missing so I checked the workshop. Poor baby had slipped in and was hollering his fat head off wanting out. He didn't seem mad though, he was very happy to see me and wanted to be cuddled. I brought him up to the house and gave him some chicken.

Tomorrow I'm taking my brother to the doctor to get an X-ray on his hip (doctor prescribed it) and seeing if I have the energy to help my friend work on his kitchen. We don't have to worry about his ex b***ing at us while we're trying to get stuff done. He's moved his fridge over and we are going to move a cabinet from the laundry room to the kitchen. I will stain it and clearcoat it before it goes up. We're also going to fix up the floor some more. We plan to do the toekicks too. Idea is to get them cut and dry-fit so I can stain & clearcoat them before installation. I think we're going to need another under-cabinet light for the microwave cabinet. We're going to move the microwave off of the counter and in to the cabinet. Will take some adjustment for height though to make sure all of the adults there can reach it. We'll probably put some sort of shelf-liner in the bottom so spills will clean up easily.

He wants to eventually get a dishwasher and have butcherblock countertop.

Sinus headache is still bugging me although I am feeling better today. I'm about to get a nap now that my kitties have started piling on me.
Already started thinking about camping in May. Last year my 8 person tent ripped beyond repair. Ordered a new tent from Backcountry.com. It’s a Marmot Halo 6p. $600. There goes the stimulus check. I think I’m going to take the telescope gear indoors and do some cable management. Not looking forward to that.

Still working from home, but at least I’m working!

Realized I’m 2.5 years from retiring instead of 1.5. This November will be 30 years! Wow! And to think of all the people I’ve met over the years. I consider myself fortunate to have a job I enjoy, not counting the screaming sessions I occasionally have.

Thats no good Floorist. Us old people have got to learn to take care
I presume you wont be helping me tomorrow :)
Just had two long days with two coats of prep over poly particle board then laying 20sq m of vinyl planks into kitchen which run into a laundry then a bathroom and toilet. Poky areas
That's what I'm doing Jon. Mine are the click together type floating floor.
I've got a grind some high edges on ceramic tile, then float the floor out with patch, then there are two pocket doors that may need to be cut in place. I'm starting with the master bathroom, it's in two parts. The larger is 9x10 and the toilet and shower area is about 5x5 or less. The only place I'm going to have to work is outdoors and the weather ain't pretty. There's a large deck right outside the bathroom. I bought a heavy duty tarp and added 10 or so reinforced grommets. The tarp will attach to an overhang that has long screw hooks hanging down. I made The grommet spacing match the hooks which are 2 ft apart. The weather for the next 2 weeks is often on rain so I made my shelter today and will slowly Begin work tomorrow. There's also a second smaller main bath, it's about five and a half by 9..... this bath also has ceramic tile that need to be floated out.
I left the job tonight with my 4th book that this guy wrote. They are really nice books, documenting his father's and his maritime carreers. Plus one of his sons short life.


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There is one think I love is getting gear in and out of the wagon onto the job when its raining
Its surprising how many times you go back and forwards lugging stuff even though I try to take something back I have finished with
I'm working out of my pickup now and it's so much worse than working out of my van and rainy weather. With the van I have most of what I need in it. Working out of my pickup I need to figure out how to organize and put in it what I need for the day. Steady rain all day today. Miserable. I spent five or six hours rigging up a tarp so I could have a working space outdoors but it was too windy to set up the tarp. 😞

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