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Rusty, I hope your knee gets better. My mom used to have a lot more problems with her knees until she started taking glucosomine with condroiten. But this sounds like a different issue. Rest Ice Compression and Elevation is the key.

I went to the post office yesterday and dropped off some cutting boards for my friend (his bamboo one was falling apart). Was a bit annoyed to see his ex over there bc there's no reason for her to be there. The other person staying there was annoyed she was there as well (bc she's been nasty to her). The baby is with the ex's adopted parents. They don't want my friend to come get the baby until he's quarantined for 14 days after his grandfather's funeral. I think it's just an excuse to keep him longer. But they are doing better with him than his mother was. They have him able to hold his head up while on his tummy-- he couldn't do that last time I saw him.

My friend had gotten a new adorable puppy. I took some pics and was going to post but he told me she didn't make it through the night. Poor thing was lethargic but I didn't think she was going to die. It's the kind of luck he has though.

Been having sinus headache most of the day. My brother made beef soup (not thick enough to be stew) with carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms. It's pretty good. It's missing something though. I'm going to have to go to the store and get some more crackers and other food supplies maybe tomorrow.

One of my cats is on my shoulder purring in my ear. It's helping with the headache a teeny bit.

I watched Kid's Baking Championship with Mom for a bit but headache got too bad so I'm lying down and about to nap again.
I leveled out ceramic tile in a two-part bathroom on Thursday, but the bathroom doors needed to be cut. One is the entrance from the master bedroom and the second one goes into the toilet and shower area. Pocket doors of course. 😳. Initially I thought I'd cut them in place, but then yesterday I decided it would be better off just to take the door trim off and it went fairly well. Nothing broke and it all went back together and the doors are back in place. I'll wait till I get the floor completed before I put the trim back on. The rollers and the inside of the tracks were pretty dusty. I went to the store and got some brake clean to blast the crud out of the nylon rollers and some silicone oil so they would roll more smoothly than they did before. Took a lot more time than I thought but it turned out well.
I decided to take the weekend off so I removed all of of my tools and put them in the garage so the place wouldn't be a mess over the weekend.
Monday I can finally get started on the floor.
I wish I had your energy to get stuff done. I used to be very energetic and have a great memory. Now I feel like an amnesiac sloth.

Friend is going back to work on Monday so we will have to deal with his work schedule for getting stuff done.

I keep meaning to do cleanup/sorting in my house but every time I look at things I freeze up and don't know what to do with things. My friend's sister said her mom used to be a hoarder and she helped clear the mom's home out in the past. The mom is still a hoarder, but she takes stuff to my friend's house and dumps it on his porch/in his yard.

I really really need to work on my bathroom floor. I also need to get my brother to help me clean up the hallway to the laundry room. I can't even get my laundry to the machines now because I keep tripping on his stuff. Maybe if I have my friend come over he can help motivate my brother. I'm also planning to go clean up in my brother's room (because helping him sometimes helps to motivate him to help me). He's mostly got water bottles in there, but I'm expecting to find some of the missing flatware too.

I got up and ate breakfast this morning, watched a little TV, then got very tired and napped. Got up again to get mom food and have lunch. Head is feeling better but I'm still tired. It looks sunny outside and I'm trying to get up the nerve to move the 6 cats off of me to get up and go for a walk down to the barn.
Zan, my energy level isn't anything to brag about. Customer can't have the place torn up forever. That and I need a few bucks now and then....
....now is better. 😁
I'm working for some very patient people, so that helps a bunch.
Highup, I wish I had your work ethic then. I inherited my Mom's. LOL. I think my problem is getting started. I need to work on that. It's great when customers make food for people. We used to give people fresh fruit from our garden when they did work for us.

Friend's ex was hitting me up on messenger late last night with total BS about how my friend wanted her back but she was confused bc he wasn't answering her. I fwd some of it to him and he said she's absolutely nuts. He wants nothing to do with her now. She was getting jealous that he helped a female friend (female friend just left an abusive relationship and he helped her put together a bed for her kid). He told her she has no business getting jealous when she was messaging him from another guy's bed. She kept whining to me and I finally told her she ripped the bandaid off and couldn't put it back. The bridge was burned & that if she truly cared about him, she'd let him go and move on. She said she's happy with the new guy. My friend marked his status as single and already has 5 dates lined up.

Took my friend to get a bathroom cabinet from FB Marketplace. Sellers originally came from Montana. They'd gotten the cabinet for $300 on wayfair and it was smaller than they'd expected. So they sold it for $60 and were renovating the bathroom. The husband showed me his water filtration system and said where he got it from. I looked at the brand and will be looking it up shortly. They chatted a bit about home improvements but it got too cold outside so we parted ways.

Got the cabinet in, ordered some pizza. A woman my friend dated very briefly was the delivery person. She jumped into my friend's arms and wrapped her legs around him when he said he can add her back as a friend on FB now that he's not with the jealous gf. It started raining ice so we decided to head home before it got worse.

I got food for Mom and now i'm under a pile of cats and dogs.
From a woman's FB memories. look at the date.

There have been illnesses that cause loss of sense of taste and smell before. I lost my sense of smell for a few months before when I was sick. Made changing litterboxes a lot easier but food didn't taste as good.

I decided to be honest with my friend's ex and break it to her that she blew her chance with him, they don't have anything in common (aside from having had physical attraction), they weren't happy together, and she can't expect him to take her back and that he will never take her back. I told her to put herself in his shoes & think about how she would feel if he'd done that to her. I told her the relationship is not something that can be repaired at this point. He gave her multiple "last chances" and every time she hurt him. But, he realized the reason she wants him back-- new guy doesn't have a job or any means of supporting her financially. My friend just got his job back and as soon as that happened, she started wanting him back. She's trying to use him. She asked if she could move her stuff back into his house to "store" it. He laughed at her and told her No. He reminded her how many days she has left to get the rest of her stuff out. She cried and had a fit (which used to get him to cave). But he's not falling for it.

Friend called to talk on the phone. He's doing much better mentally & physically. His job is not making him work long hours. So long as he goes in and fixes stuff, they are happy with him. His boss is actually very sympathetic to him. He's got another puppy (sister of the one that died) and was going to give her to his Mom but his mom's boyfriend has Covid so he's not going anywhere near their home.

Went to the grocery store with my brother and stocked up on some stuff. Got a bunch of containers to store stuff in the pantry to keep mice out. Sometime this week we need to clean out the entire pantry, get rid of all the mice, and I need to put a new doorknob on the pantry (old one broke and fell off) to see if that will help keep the mice out. The walls are lined in metal screen so the mice can't get through there.

I finally made a good sauce for the tortollini we get from samsclub. Past sauces were too thin or too lumpy. This one was nice and creamy. I think it needs some more seasoning though, but I'm happy with out it turned out. I heard a tip from one of the kids on Kid's Baking Championship on how to thicken stuff and tried it. It worked. LOL. I whisked corn starch in to heavy cream and some milk and added a little bit of hot water while I had butter melting in a pan. I then poured the contents of the bowl into the pan and whisked it and added garlic salt then brought it to a boil. I'm sure there are better ways to do it, but I'm happy with how it turned out and Mom really liked it.

Found out my dog, Princess, loves stuffed crust from Pizza Hut. I gave her a small piece and she took it gently. Next piece I gave her she nearly devoured my hand. LOL.

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