I hope they get things straightened out with your blood, Rusty. With as much as we have learned about medicine and the human body, there is still so much we don't know. I've wondered what ever became of Gary from the houserepairtalk forum. Last we heard from him, his wife was going downhill & he was trying to get her in to a special clinic to figure out why. He stopped posting and none of the admins could get a response from him. I hope he and his wife are ok but I suspect the worst.
Today is one of those days where I feel I never should have gotten out of bed. Ever have one of those days where you wake up clumsy? Almost couldn't stand up. Stumbled to the door. Went to get mom something to eat but wasn't up for cooking over the stove since I knew it was an off day and I'd probably spill stuff or burn myself. So I heated up a microwave meal and still managed to cut the side of my thumb on the corner of the microwave door. It doesn't even seem sharp but I somehow managed it and it was bleeding. Ranks up there with the time I cut my finger on a paintbrush. So I'm lying down again.
I'll have to go get mail tomorrow.
Highup, I think you should send that to Coretec.