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Same here Zan, but the roads are open, they just shut down schools.
Safer because we have a lot of small curvy two lane roads and little hills all over. If the bus drivers aren't used to driving on snow and ice, you wouldn't let your kids on the bus. A day off for kids isn't a big deal, and it's pretty rare for snow to be on the roads for more than a day.
In January of 1968, we had 24 inches in one night here on the coast. That's not gonna happen again in the next 100 years. Mom and dad went to the Elks Club for dinner. Not long after, the snow started coming down. We had a street light on the corner and I swear the snowflakes were the size of potato chips. I'd never before or since seen them floating down so slowly. When we get snow, it's wet and heavy.
That was Oregon's worst and also the most expensive storm in our history. Inland, they had 3 and 4 feet. The entire state shut down.
Fun for us kids tho. The next morning, the sun was out and the sky was blue as blue gets. In a week or so it all melted. Fun memory.
...not like the eastern US.
How bout you guys , Daris and Don?
It's brutal up here man. Now I'm kinda freaked out about all the weight on the roof. The front door is scraping at the top. Never done that before!

I braved going out on Friday morning. Wasn't too bad, a couple inches. Had to grout a custom hearth I built. Got there at 7, done in an hour, didn't get home till 3!
Even the damn state plow trucks were getting stuck.
It's brutal up here man. Now I'm kinda freaked out about all the weight on the roof. The front door is scraping at the top. Never done that before!

I braved going out on Friday morning. Wasn't too bad, a couple inches. Had to grout a custom hearth I built. Got there at 7, done in an hour, didn't get home till 3!
Even the damn state plow trucks were getting stuck.
Stay home
How bout you guys , Daris and Don?
Right now we may have 2-3" on the ground, but it is colder that a whore's heart. 15 degrees when I got up. Our normal temps for this time of year is in the 40's. High for today is supposed to be 26. BUUUURRRRIIITTOOES. Colder than a well digggers ass in Alaska. They discovered a new bird here, its called a Kee bird. All it does is sit out there on a limb and screechs "KEEYYRIST IT IS COLD OUT".
We’ve only gotten a few inches of snow so far.
It’s snowing now. The snowblower is all gassed up and ready.to go.
I hate the cold. I have a few new things to go in my trailer, I don’t feel like even bothering.
Stating inside today.
My brother, my uncle and I did the NASCAR driving experience today. When we were all done and picking up our pictures n such my brother asked me why he’s fatter than I am in the pictures. I just smiled. Best day ever.
Right now we may have 2-3" on the ground, but it is colder that a whore's heart. 15 degrees when I got up. Our normal temps for this time of year is in the 40's. High for today is supposed to be 26. BUUUURRRRIIITTOOES. Colder than a well digggers ass in Alaska. They discovered a new bird here, its called a Kee bird. All it does is sit out there on a limb and screechs "KEEYYRIST IT IS COLD OUT".
😂 Thats a good one I fully intend on stealing!
Tom, that is concerning. I wonder if you don't have proper header on that door or if the snow is *that* heavy.

It used to only snow once every 20 years here and it was always light. I remember one day it snowed while we were at school and the teacher let us all go to the window and watch. I was the only kid in the class who had ever seen snow before. Some kids from other classes ran outside and were playing with the snow and one of them started wiping snow off the teacher's car and she yelled at them to stop because she wanted to see how the snow looked on her car. LOL. I had lived in Virginia (which is where my little brother was born) so I remember heavy snow, making snowmen and snow angels, sledding down the hill to our backyard, and playing around in an overstuffed snow suit. Then we'd come inside and have hot cocoa. Meanwhile, my father was having to drive to DC in that weather and hated it. My uncle came over and brought an innertube that we used to slide down the hill. Good thing it was bouncy because we hit a small tree. When we were older we went on a trip and I was sledding with one of my cousins. Somehow the sled flipped and my cousin waited to see my reaction before he reacted. Laughter was the correct response. LOL.

It's not as cold out here as it is for you guys, but then, anything under 50 is considered cold for this area. I prefer the cold to the heat because with the cold you can bundle up and be warm. Can't do that with the heat. Plus I like having lots of blankets and stuff and my kitties are more cuddly when it is cold. I still need to one day capture video of what my dog does every morning when I get out of bed. Bc both sides of my bed are closed off due to stuff (desk one side/boxes the other) I have to scoot to the foot of my bed to get up. The dog waits for me to scoot and then goes to where I was sleeping and rolls on her back. It looks so funny.

Went to my friend's house today after going to the store. Brother got an oil change in Mom's CRV. I got my prescription & the pharmacist who got it for me was chatting with me a bit. She's very sweet. She used to have cows too. Said she had a friendly bull like my cow who wasn't aware of his horns.

I helped my friend get some door trim around the doorway to the kitchen and it frames out the barn door nicely. It was reclaimed barnwood still covered in dried mud. He couldn't find any measuring tapes and asked me-- of course I carry measuring tape with me. LOL. The picture I took didn't turn out well. His lighting is dim & I should have used flash. His mom stopped by which was a god thing. Friend has been making excuses about why he hasn't kicked his cheating gf out. He apparently told her to get out and she told him to **** off. I mentioned this to his mother and she spun around and said "I will drag that little bitch out by her hair!" She marched toward the house and I told her she wasn't home. She took his 2nd car (meant for emergencies) without asking and left. She didn't tell him she was going and didn't' say where. Pretty sure its to the last guy she cheated on him with (she cheated with 7 or 8 guys). I told her how my friend said he can't evict her without a court order and she gleefully said she can get a court order. I told her we would pay for it and that we can get 3 day notice bc the bitch has been violent with him & he has video proof of it. She popped her head in to tell him that she will file with the court to evict her.

I put a kitten in my brother's lap to try to cheer him up. It's the nephew of his cat that died and it loved being held by him. But he's still really upset about his kitty.

I left to go home and cook for Mom. Apparently just in time bc she was calling to find out when we were coming home right after I left. I just realized the comforter I got on clearance is still in the back seat of the truck. LOL. I'm sure it will make my cats and dogs happy when I do bring it in and put it on the bed. Although the dog keeps stealing my pillows and blankets and pulling them off the side of my bed where she's made a nest. Speaking of dogs. Fippy got ahold of one of mom's little plush elephants and chewed the stuffing out of it. In fairness to him, it is the same size and texture as some toys she used to get him. Guess I need to get him some more. LOL.
It's the weight. There's literally thousands of pounds up there. This isn't my house but one behind the shop. That's about 3 foot of snow up there. Mine is exactly the same. PXL_20221121_121532382.jpg
Yikes. I've never heard of a roof rake but that sounds like a good idea.

I went to the post office thinking a package was coming but its been "delayed". It was mailed off on the 9th and I think USPS lost it.

Popped in to see my friend briefly. His gf gave me stink-eye the entire time. She hates other females & I haven't been buying her stuff or giving her $ so she's got no use for me. Probably knows I've been encouraging him to kick her out too. Idgaf though.

Went to TSC to get cow feed and discovered the molasses infused hay bales are back in stock. The cows were ecstatic. It was raining so I fed them under some trees. They destroyed their trough with a roof so I can't feed them there anymore.
Been trying to get my friend's car running for the last month. He removes parts then I come over and look at them to see whatever there is to see. His engine was running really crappy on his way home from out of town and he barely made it home.
Starting off, we replaced the distributors cap and rotor.
With the age of the engine the most obvious thing was that his timing chain had jumped a tooth.
I checked that scenario out with the best methods that I could come up with and decided that was not the problem. I had him remove one of the rocker arm covers so we can see if there was anything obviously wrong. There was. The rocker arm should contact the top of the valve and one of them didn't. The gap between the rocker arm and the valve was .096". That's fairly close to 3/32 of an inch.
Just a week and a half beforehand on a kick, I bought a boroscope. It was close to 50 bucks and has a 16 ft cable so you can stick the camera down inside things like walls or vents or inside the engine.
What perfect timing to have one of these in hand. The camera image shows up via Wi-Fi on your cell phone. Anyway peering down inside one of the oil return holes in the head you can see the lifter valley and I could see the cam lobes. Here's what I saw 😳😳😳
In the first two images you can see the bright shiny bare metal look of two of the cam lobes. In the third image you can see a cam lobe that is shiny on the edges but has a carbon varnish to the center of the lobe. That lobe is how they should look in an old engine.
The shiny lobes barely open the valve because they are totally worn out.
I readjusted all of the rocker arms and he put the covers back on.
The engine purred to life and the idle was relatively good considering the cam and lifters are trash. Gently raising the RPMs, the engine has soft backfires. That's because the exhaust valve doesn't open far enough to let the exhaust gases out.
This is literally been a month-long journey checking in probing his engine when I've had the opportunity.
His dad bought this car new in 1980 and he inherited it. It's been garaged it's entire life and the paint is good the pinstripes still look like new. No rust on the body panels. The frame inside the engine bay and even on the underside is clean as a whistle.
I could see the despair in his eyes as he finally had to admit this car has finally died. Yesterday was his birthday and he turned 83. Not so good news for a birthday or Thanksgiving gift. Darn.🥴


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Decided to weigh myself today, 196.4. I haven’t been under 200 pounds in a solid 15 years, basically since I quit smoking.
I weigh about 10 lbs more than I did 10 years ago. Gained that about 3 years ago when I was put on a steroid for a couple months. Just can't seem to lose it. My autistic son had got heavy. A year ago he decided to lose weight. He has lost 110 lbs so far.

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