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Happy Thanksgiving.

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I took my saw table and router table down to the shops Warehouse couple days ago.
Turkey day may end up being make a stair nose day. I doubt if the warehouse is open tomorrow but why take chances. It'll take more time setting up than making the darn thing. Besides, the sun is out all day today and we're already at 51°.
Well I mosied my way down to the warehouse to make my stairnose piece. Sure sure takes a lot of sawdust to make a piece of wood.
I cut up my favorite 2x4 instead of using a piece of plywood. It's an unusually heavy 2x4 and I think the grain goes better than anything else I had around.
With plywood for the nose, I'd have to make the three quarter inch plywood, thicker.
So I finally got to use the router table I built couple years ago and guess what. It works! 😱
The bullnose overhang is an inch and a half and the part that will lap onto the existing landing is 1 and 7/8. I could make the nose part 1 and 3/8. Nobody would know the difference and that would take a little off the overhang and add a little on to the lap. Probably isn't necessary with a little construction adhesive and half a dozen screws.
Anyway it also gave me a chance to use a new carbide tipped rip blade that I bought a couple weeks ago. Weather has been perfect. Not necessary for working indoors but I have one of the big roll top doors open and it's nice seeing the sunlight.


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I still need to make legs for the router table. I made the base out of steel tubing and I have another couple sections that are probably 8 ft long and l-shaped. I have a friend that can weld and if I can figure out a design to make legs that are quickly detachable, I'll have to get working on it while it's fresh on my mind.
I have three router motors. I have this one set up so it can just stay in the router lift. I bought a switch for it a year ago, do you think they need a switch or is just plugging it in to turn it on safe enough? 😁
To get the top plate flush with the table, I just used some nylon screws to make minute adjustments.


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Hmm.. My friend tries to keep the floor clean but he's got the toddler and his gf. The gf throws food on the floor to feed the toddler (yeah, she makes him eat off the floor). She also spills stuff on the floor and never cleans it up. So I'll have to talk to him about that.

Highup, that looks really good!

He was bummed bc he tried to buy a loft bed for his daughter but it sold out before he could get it. I've currently got my eye on some Klein tools that are $50. Waiting to see if they go on sale or not.

Didn't really do much yesterday. Mom wasn't feeling well so we both had oatmeal for dinner. The dog, Princess, LOVES oatmeal and she was drooling on me while waiting for me to let her lick the bowl. She will tear open the packets and eat the stuff while it is dry.
Hmm.. My friend tries to keep the floor clean but he's got the toddler and his gf. The gf throws food on the floor to feed the toddler (yeah, she makes him eat off the floor). She also spills stuff on the floor and never cleans it up. So I'll have to talk to him about that.

Highup, that looks really good!

He was bummed bc he tried to buy a loft bed for his daughter but it sold out before he could get it. I've currently got my eye on some Klein tools that are $50. Waiting to see if they go on sale or not.

Didn't really do much yesterday. Mom wasn't feeling well so we both had oatmeal for dinner. The dog, Princess, LOVES oatmeal and she was drooling on me while waiting for me to let her lick the bowl. She will tear open the packets and eat the stuff while it is dry.

You should call CPS. This chick sounds like a real POS. Making a poor helpless kid eat off the floor.
****, send me the names and address. I have no problem getting CPS involved in that bull ****.
Workin on another router sled. This one has aluminum rails with bearing slides. Should be a little more accurate than the wood one I threw together and have the capacity for larger pieces to be flattened. Dust collection is a must cus chips be flyin without it. Built the tram today and I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver my metric screws so I can put it all together. Even got a couple Biden did that stickers on it. I’ll prolly be $500 into it by the time it’s 100% but in my mind I’m gonna make millions. MILLIONS. Muahahaha.
What is it you do at that shop/ your work Chris? You do more than just flooring right? Lately I have only seen a couple camper floors you cranked out.
What is it you do at that shop/ your work Chris? You do more than just flooring right? Lately I have only seen a couple camper floors you cranked out.

I totally stumbled across this job and I absolutely love it. I work for a fab shop that customizes vintage silver trailers, mainly Airstreams. There’s several other manufacturers we deal with as well but they’re almost always vintage polished aluminum trailers.

We turn them into whatever someone is willing to pay for. Food carts, Photo Booths, retail boutique shops, air bnb units, bar trailers, podcast studios, better than they were campers and full gut custom rebuilds.

Lots of custom finish carpentry. Lots of Corian, butcher block and live edge. Occasionally some painting and a floor or shower thrown in here n there.
I totally stumbled across this job and I absolutely love it. I work for a fab shop that customizes vintage silver trailers, mainly Airstreams. There’s several other manufacturers we deal with as well but they’re almost always vintage polished aluminum trailers.

We turn them into whatever someone is willing to pay for. Food carts, Photo Booths, retail boutique shops, air bnb units, bar trailers, podcast studios, better than they were campers and full gut custom rebuilds.

Lots of custom finish carpentry. Lots of Corian, butcher block and live edge. Occasionally some painting and a floor or shower thrown in here n there.
I rehabbed rentals for a while, plumbing, electrical, carpenter work, drywall. Loved it.
Workin on another router sled. This one has aluminum rails with bearing slides. Should be a little more accurate than the wood one I threw together and have the capacity for larger pieces to be flattened. Dust collection is a must cus chips be flyin without it. Built the tram today and I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver my metric screws so I can put it all together. Even got a couple Biden did that stickers on it. I’ll prolly be $500 into it by the time it’s 100% but in my mind I’m gonna make millions. MILLIONS. Muahahaha. View attachment 15793View attachment 15794View attachment 15795View attachment 15796
I'm really, really liking the new version.
Oh, and I saw Black & Decker 36" thickness planers were on sale on eBay for $179. 😁
Yes I'm kidding.
I totally stumbled across this job and I absolutely love it. I work for a fab shop that customizes vintage silver trailers, mainly Airstreams. There’s several other manufacturers we deal with as well but they’re almost always vintage polished aluminum trailers.

We turn them into whatever someone is willing to pay for. Food carts, Photo Booths, retail boutique shops, air bnb units, bar trailers, podcast studios, better than they were campers and full gut custom rebuilds.

Lots of custom finish carpentry. Lots of Corian, butcher block and live edge. Occasionally some painting and a floor or shower thrown in here n there.
I wish I had half your skills and 100% of your job 😁
Workin on another router sled. This one has aluminum rails with bearing slides. Should be a little more accurate than the wood one I threw together and have the capacity for larger pieces to be flattened. Dust collection is a must cus chips be flyin without it. Built the tram today and I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver my metric screws so I can put it all together. Even got a couple Biden did that stickers on it. I’ll prolly be $500 into it by the time it’s 100% but in my mind I’m gonna make millions. MILLIONS. Muahahaha. View attachment 15793View attachment 15794View attachment 15795View attachment 15796
You need some sort of loosely laid fabric across the sled rails to keep dust accumulation down. I'm figuring they have seals but....
....you know.
I'm also thinking that this thing is accurate as far as flat goes investing in one of those planing type router bits made for these devices might be worth checking out. Might be a waste of money, but then again might save you a butt load of time sanding.
CJ, that looks awesome!

You should call CPS. This chick sounds like a real POS. Making a poor helpless kid eat off the floor.
****, send me the names and address. I have no problem getting CPS involved in that bull ****.
Unfortunately, CPS here absolutely sucks donkeys. I called them on my friend's ex multiple times & they told me to stop calling if the kids weren't bleeding. Said unless there are bruises or they are malnourished they don't care. Also, unless you personally witness it, they won't take your report. The ex put her sociopath son in the tub with friend's daughter (they are half siblings) and made them share a room. The sociopath molested her & it took the ex 3 months to finally tell my friend. Girl was getting UTIs. Finally got put in separate rooms but no lock on girl's room so the girl said her brother was coming in at night, putting his hand over her mouth, punching her in the stomach and pinning her to the bed. When she told her mother about it, the mother spanked her. All of this was reported to CPS. They said that so long as it wasn't an adult abusing the girl, they couldn't take custody away from the mother. More like they wouldn't. The ex used to feed the kids off of chair seats. Friend's gf went on and on about how nasty that was but she literally throws food on the floor for the toddler. And the kid doesn't understand any words. My dogs and cats understand more than he does. But CPS doesn't care about stuff like that. Meanwhile, on a sister forum one of the members got charged with a misdemeanor verbal abuse for calling the grandson "lazy" and her husband got the same charge for calling the granddaughter a bitch bc she was starting fights with them on purpose and secretly recording them. They both took plea deals. But over here, both the ex and current gf scream profanities at their kids, hit them, etc. Standards of treatment for kids here is abysmal. It is so incredibly frustrating to me.

It rained all day. Internet kept dropping but I got in some online shopping. Scored some tools. Got a magnetic wrist thingy for my brother that he can use at work. Got some cleaning supplies & some pdf sewing patterns.

Attempted to make fried rice. It came out OK but not the best. I should have only put half the thing of corn in. Need to add more rice to it and more veggies. Maybe some mushrooms and peas. right now its broccoli and corn bc that's all I had on hand.

Earlier my largest cat was fighting with his older brother. Not sure which one of them started it but blows were exchanged and the younger one wouldn't back off until my oldest cat moseyed on over and started smacking him and getting up in his face. He's afraid of the oldest cat so he backed down but still was not wanting to walk away entirely. So I intervened. Petted them all and got the larger one to follow me into another room. Old cat may not be the largest but he's got enough attitude. Our smallest cat is the 2nd oldest and she's got the most attitude of all of the cats. LOL. She will beat the tar out of the biggest cat and he will cower. He's got at least 10lbs on her but she scares him.

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