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I clicked this by accident, but I like it. 😁
Zan, your a great human.
I'd have moved to another state and started a new life. I'm happy you are able to have the sanity and focus to help all of these people with their issues. Not many people can do what you do to help out people in need. 👍
.... You go so far has to help out the crazy ones too, so here's a few extra 👍👍👍 😁
Your a great human being and don't ever let anyone tell you that you're simply a good one.
CJ, that looks awesome!

Unfortunately, CPS here absolutely sucks donkeys. I called them on my friend's ex multiple times & they told me to stop calling if the kids weren't bleeding. Said unless there are bruises or they are malnourished they don't care. Also, unless you personally witness it, they won't take your report. The ex put her sociopath son in the tub with friend's daughter (they are half siblings) and made them share a room. The sociopath molested her & it took the ex 3 months to finally tell my friend. Girl was getting UTIs. Finally got put in separate rooms but no lock on girl's room so the girl said her brother was coming in at night, putting his hand over her mouth, punching her in the stomach and pinning her to the bed. When she told her mother about it, the mother spanked her. All of this was reported to CPS. They said that so long as it wasn't an adult abusing the girl, they couldn't take custody away from the mother. More like they wouldn't. The ex used to feed the kids off of chair seats. Friend's gf went on and on about how nasty that was but she literally throws food on the floor for the toddler. And the kid doesn't understand any words. My dogs and cats understand more than he does. But CPS doesn't care about stuff like that. Meanwhile, on a sister forum one of the members got charged with a misdemeanor verbal abuse for calling the grandson "lazy" and her husband got the same charge for calling the granddaughter a bitch bc she was starting fights with them on purpose and secretly recording them. They both took plea deals. But over here, both the ex and current gf scream profanities at their kids, hit them, etc. Standards of treatment for kids here is abysmal. It is so incredibly frustrating to me.

It rained all day. Internet kept dropping but I got in some online shopping. Scored some tools. Got a magnetic wrist thingy for my brother that he can use at work. Got some cleaning supplies & some pdf sewing patterns.

Attempted to make fried rice. It came out OK but not the best. I should have only put half the thing of corn in. Need to add more rice to it and more veggies. Maybe some mushrooms and peas. right now its broccoli and corn bc that's all I had on hand.

Earlier my largest cat was fighting with his older brother. Not sure which one of them started it but blows were exchanged and the younger one wouldn't back off until my oldest cat moseyed on over and started smacking him and getting up in his face. He's afraid of the oldest cat so he backed down but still was not wanting to walk away entirely. So I intervened. Petted them all and got the larger one to follow me into another room. Old cat may not be the largest but he's got enough attitude. Our smallest cat is the 2nd oldest and she's got the most attitude of all of the cats. LOL. She will beat the tar out of the biggest cat and he will cower. He's got at least 10lbs on her but she scares him.

Absolutely ridiculous!!! Here in NY all you have to do is call and someone WILL be there asap to look into it. Oh yeah, before they go to the house they will go to the kids school (if their in school) to talk with the kid in a neutral place with no outside influence.

NY sucks ass for a lot of reasons. But I'll give them the credit for taking care of the kids. Medical, food, shelter & safety are all things kids in NY have guaranteed!
I know about the CPS deal here because my wife has some ****** family. Her sister got mad at her a few years ago. Basically because we have our **** together and we're trying to help out our nieces who have a crappy home life. This upset her so she called CPS and said I was a big drug dealer and weren't feeding my son!

So a woman from CPS showed up one day when I got home from work. I was absolutely blindsided & livid (not at her, she was awesome!). I invited her in and we talked for a bit. Obviously she seen we are a working class family and my son came out with one of those huge bags of cheese puffs from sam's club, 😂. Definitely not starving. And I'm in my work garb with my tool pouch still on, 😂. Definitely not a high ranking drug dealer. So we told her about what's been going on with the wife's sister. The CPS lady couldn't tell us who called but layed out who it was between the lines. Also schooled us on what and what not to do during the next year. Because no matter what you are on some watch list for a year after they make contact with you.

At first I was red hot about the situation. After cooling off and thinking about it, it's actually pretty cool how fast they act. They can definitely help kids in bad situation's.

So guess who hasn't got any holiday invites to dinners and celebrations..... The bitch is pretty much outcast in the family. I do feel terrible for my nieces though.
Workin on another router sled. This one has aluminum rails with bearing slides. Should be a little more accurate than the wood one I threw together and have the capacity for larger pieces to be flattened. Dust collection is a must cus chips be flyin without it. Built the tram today and I’m waiting for Amazon to deliver my metric screws so I can put it all together. Even got a couple Biden did that stickers on it. I’ll prolly be $500 into it by the time it’s 100% but in my mind I’m gonna make millions. MILLIONS. Muahahaha. View attachment 15793View attachment 15794View attachment 15795View attachment 15796
Here's food for thought.
Thank you, Highup.

Tom, one of the reasons this state ranks dead last is bc of the lack of concern for kids. Teachers and principals actually have "liability immunity" so they can't be prosecuted or sued even if they severely injure a child while administering corporal punishment. People can try to sue but the judge throws it out on the immunity excuse. It galls me that the won't even send someone out if there are allegations. I had to drive my friend and his daughter a couple hours away so the daughter could tell CPS in person about the abuse from her brother. They said there was clearly abuse going on but that since it was being done by another child instead of an adult, they didn't have anything in their system to allow them to give custody to my friend. They did send someone to visit a few weeks later and tell the ex her son needed therapy & she needed to make sure the kids weren't left alone together. Kid went to like 1 therapy session and there was never followthrough. It's all so incredibly frustrating. Although, you mention drugs and they will harass the parents. But anything else and they don't seem to care unless its severe.

Went to samsclub yesterday. Left later than I'd intended so it started getting dark. Grabbed five cases of water, three 25lb bags of cat food, two gallons of milk, and some stuff for arthritis to see if it helps my shoulder. A lonely woman saw the cat food bags and started talking to me. She went on and on and I could ell she was lonely and needed someone to talk at. She just rescued a kitten. I finally tried to excuse myself when she stopped me bc she saw the arthritis cream. Then she started talking about her 92-yr-old neighbor that she helps out. I think she must have spent 25min talking but I didn't want to hurt her feelings. She's a widow and it was clear she needed to get the socializing out of her system. My back started to hurt so I finally excused myself and explained that I needed to get home to my mother to make sure she had something to eat bc she's disabled & I live an hour away. I told her it was good talking with her but I had to get moving. She understood and I escaped. She seemed like a nice lady.

Got through checkout. Greeter who checks receipt was almost asleep standing up. Loaded the truck up and tried to head home but there were police cars everywhere. I *think* there were firetrucks in some spots but it was too dark to tell & they didn't have lights on. Now, in order to leave this town, you can't just go back on the road you came in on, there's a roundabout. ALL roads to the roundabout were blocked off by cops for some reason. So I turned on my gps to try to find an alternate route and followed some of the cars detouring. Got to a point where a cop was directing people with a flashlight. He signaled me to go but he pointed his flashlight directly in my eyes and temporarily blinded me so I covered my eyes briefly and when I could see again there was a car driving through in my way & he was trying to stop them. Driver almost ran him over. He yelled "HEY, STOP!" and the person just went on by and then stopped next to his car-- the road was very clearly closed but this clown ignored him. He walked over to deal with the person so I went. Finally got around to a side road and made it out. but that added an extra 30min to my trip. Popped in to drop something off at my friend's house. I saw the cats at his house had no food and had been out of food for a week so I opened a bag and fed them and left it there. Poor little things were starving. The mother of the kittens has disappeared so they can't nurse. I wish I could take them home but Mom says "NO". 14 cats is too many already.

It was so dark I somehow missed the turn off to my road. Drove 3 miles past it and was confused so checked gps. I have NEVER missed that road before so I think it as a combination of darkness and being tired. There are no street lights in that area. Did a U-turn and headed back and made it home. I'd grabbed grilled chicken sandwiches at Wendy's after leaving Samsclub and they were lukewarm. Would have been cold if not wrapped in foil. They were good at least. Mom said she made herself something to eat (we keep potato salad and chicken salad in the fridge and she has bread). She saw how exhausted I was so didn't ask me for anything. I ate and then climbed into bed and racked out.

Woke up around 5am to the sound of my brother coughing hard. He's got bad mucus right now, almost lost his voice, and really feels cruddy. He got sent home from work early for being sick. Fortunately, he's got a good boss who understands. I went out to the truck to get a case of chicken noodle soup for him and refilled his water jug with filtered water.

I'm going to try to nap a bit more before I have to get up and haul stuff in. My stupid shoulder really hates me. Hurting all the way through to my collarbone. Allergy meds and naproxyn time for now.
Monday I ended up taking my brother for a doctor's appointment. He was on the verge of pneumonia. Went to Walmart to get groceries & he forgot to ask about picking up his RX. Just asked about replacing broken parts on his nebulizer. He then pitched a fit about me not wanting to go back in the store to wait for his prescriptions (which weren't ready until today anyway) even though we had frozen stuff. Got home and he actually helped bring in groceries (but didn't help bring in any cases of water- & hasn't helped with those in weeks-- which becomes relevant later). Cooked for Mom & racked the hell out. She woke me up in the middle of the night wanting to tell me a joke she heard online but she botched the delivery.
Speaking of delivery, the amazon warehouse in Port Allen has already lost 2 of our packages this month. The nearby Baton Rouge facility had entire delivery vans go missing in the past.

Brother woke me up early this morning demanding I get up to get his prescriptions from the pharmacy. He was very impatient about it and was irritated that I had to go to the bathroom & get dressed and that I wasn't moving super fast bc I was still tired and my whole body was rebelling. Went to get his prescriptions & the new blood sugar thing wasn't ready but I know he wanted to take the meds asap so I told them I'd pick that up later. They didn't have the nebulizer parts (said it would be like $35 to order them but said a local place might have them). Went to the local drugstore which had the parts. Clerk apologized that it was higher priced but it was only $5. I guess poverty levels here are so high that $5 is a lot for some of their customers. Stopped at a local shop to get beef stew (its their most popular food they prepare) so we all had that for breakfast.

Went to get some water bottles for Mom. There had been a case that I brought in sitting in the front room. Went and it was gone. My brother drank the entire case by himself and didn't bother to tell me there wasn't any left. I then went to get something out of the fridge and an empty milk container fell on my head. I could see he's been putting trash on top of the fridge again and it pisses me off. The trash can is 5' away. It's throwing distance from the fridge. He's also been opening packages in the hallway and dumping the packaging/boxes on the floor. Can't blame it on him being sick bc he does this while not sick but he's been worse about it.

Now, the bottled water issue is a buggaboo for me because I have to go out to the truck and haul in cases of water with a messed up rotator cuff. My brother's is already on the mend so his shoulder isn't as bad as mine right now. But the bigger issue is that the wind blew rain onto the porch and it is super slippery. I hurt myself slipping on the way into the house and didn't feel safe trying to go get the case in the rain with the porch that slippery & my brother told me "too bad". So I had to find something else for Mom to drink and I will still have to go get the water out. I got my brother all sorts of water filter pitchers so he would stop drinking so much bottled water bu the's been too lazy to fill them. I even filled one for him the other day. If he had told me that he'd used the last of the water I would have known and been able to bring stuff in before it rained. I know firstworldproblems. LOL.

Mom is already coming down with what my brother has I think & she's already acts like a child without being sick but when she's sick she's a crabby baby. I better not catch this crud from him.

Sorry, I'm not as crabby as I sound. Just tired. LOL.
Thanks MSLI. I went out this morning and found it was dry so I carried in all 5 cases. Well 4-1/2. I think I mistakenly put 5-1/2 on another forum. LOL. Turns out my ******* brother went out in the middle of the night and tore open one of the cases and took about half the bottles out but couldn't be bothered to bring the whole case in like a decent person would have done. I swear I may need to hide some of the cases from him so he doesn't drink them all. I tried to take trash out but left shoulder said "nope". Fed the kitties, unboxed some stuff and took it to mom's room for her. While I was unloading the water my friend rolled up unexpectedly-- bc if I'd been expecting him I would have put on pants. He didn't comment on my pantsless ass being out there. Just said he was there to pick up my brother for work. I said I thought he was too sick and he said my brother messaged him and said to come get him. So, he can't carry a single case of water into the house but he can go to work. Jerk. I finished carrying the cases in and then took the half case to the living room.
I cooked some pork chops and watched "Chopped" while eating. Itsy (one of my cats) kept trying to remind me that she loves food and she loves me when I have food and when I give her food. Kept making this mraaaaagh noise at me over and over and rubbing against me. She was more patient and wasn't grabbing me like she sometimes does and she didn't try to steal any of my food. I gave some bites to the dog and let Itsy have some tiny pieces and crumbs.
Oh, and I swept my floor with my new broom set. Dustpan is good but the broom is not so great. Sturdy handle but brush is too small and isn't angled so it doesn't sweep as well as angled brooms. But the dustpan has a plastic rake like thing on it to scrape off hair/fur/lint and that part works great.
I wish I could 3d print stuff bc I would make more of those rakes for other dustpans.
The image makes the broom look wider than it is. It's much smaller. Has a good 3" on each side when sitting in the dustpan.

Now I'm about to take a nap.
L. Turns out my ******* brother went out in the middle of the night and tore open one of the cases and took about half the bottles out but couldn't be bothered to bring the whole case in like a decent person would have done.
Mslicology coming 😝 (SAFE CLASS)
When we judge, we tend to either lash out or watch them. Lashing out is on the controlling side ( aggressive) watching is a continuation of judging ( passive) try the more productive way ( assertive)

He really is an ass 🤫 but holding onto judgement helps nothing. I know you are venting and that is one technique to eliminate the pressure, but giving respectful direction
To someone, when needed , not only releases the pressure, but sends an important assertive message to the perpetrator, a reminder, hey buddy old pal, be responsible and help out please.

Saw a movie last week about an oil distributor being robbed by his competitor
And how he responded, mostly in an assertive manner to move forward.
“ A most violent year “ 👍
My brother doesn't respond well to requests for help or to do even the bare minimum. For some reason he thinks nothing at home is his responsibility. He was too spoiled as a kid. It's just frustrating that he's so inconsiderate and no amount of reminding will change his behavior. I'm not mad at him anymore, just tired and frustrated at the repeating cycle of having to be the only adult in the house.

He didn't last long at work. Maybe a couple hours and friend brought him home. Boss said he was no good to them coughing constantly and feeling dizzy & he needed to rest up. Apparently the friend did notice I didn't have pants because he sent me a Lord of the Rings gif about "The beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!" in reference to my pale legs reflecting the sunlight. LOL.

Supposedly our friend told his gf to get out after he found out she's been trash-talking him to her new baby's father. She also keeps messaging and calling him at work whining about the baby (which isn't his) and how she wants him to come home and take care of her. His mom said she will babysit the grandkids (not the new baby though-- that one needs to go to its bio dad) bc she wants the gf out.

Anyway, I cooked for Mom and watched more Chopped. Didn't actually get my nap because I couldn't get comfortable but I'm probably going to take a nap soon.

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