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Yes, that’s a stack of multiple sized individual bearings. If I have a 1/2” bit with a 1” bearing that leaves me with 1/4” of material left to remove after the oversized bearing pass. Maybe you switch out the bearings and do another pass that leaves 1/8” of material. Or I can go the other direction and use an undersized bearing in relation to the bit but there’s limits to how far under I can go in that direction.
That's what I figured, just never used those.
I joined a router forum when I was designing a lift for my new router.
I have a few of these age old PC 960's
I had just bought the new one at that time. The guys said "when" the bearing fails, buy ceramic ones for replacements.
Basically, they were telling me the Chinezium made PC bearings will fail.
Most guys there were fans of Bosch.
In the PNW countertops were part of floor covering. Not so in other parts of the country. I love it because I don’t need knee pads when I’m doing countertops😏. I’ve done plenty of utility rooms with vinyl and a Plam countertop. Granite in the kitchen and 5 sq ft of Plam in the utility. Whatever pays the bills. Butcher block and Corian are fun. Formica almost seems out of style these days but I still get some here n there.
I "made" a new tool today.
....ok, ok, I glued two things together.
I do more measuring than installing or repair work. I try to go above and beyond when measuring. I do it by hand, not computer program.
I use graph paper and an Engineers scale for most all install measurings.
The crazy ones are done on poster board. My newly made (last night), tool works excellent.
The home I measured yesterday is 3 stories and every level is different. It's 65 feet long.
Nailed this tool, it works great and doesn't require graph paper.
When I apply for a patent, I'm calling it a T-square.
Snazzy name, eh? 😉


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In the PNW countertops were part of floor covering. Not so in other parts of the country. I love it because I don’t need knee pads when I’m doing countertops😏. I’ve done plenty of utility rooms with vinyl and a Plam countertop. Granite in the kitchen and 5 sq ft of Plam in the utility. Whatever pays the bills. Butcher block and Corian are fun. Formica almost seems out of style these days but I still get some here n there.
I recall when I started in '75, my grandpa was one of the last doing countertops in Formica. I think I only helped him on one job, then we only did carpet and vinyl.
That is pretty cool, Highup.

CJ, I remember my mother always wanting a Corian countertop but it was always out of our budget. So we have some crappy laminate instead.

Last night I almost got electrocuted by a frying pan. My portable 2-burner induction cooktop thingy has a crack in the top. It's been throwing up some errors and giving me trouble but it still cooks. The 2nd side is not cracked but it won't go above setting 5 and I needed setting 7 (it goes up to 8) to cook last night. I have pans with metal handles which are too slippery and uncomfortable so we got silicone handle covers. The cooker briefly went into error mode and wouldn't work for a few minutes while I was trying to cook after I pressed down a little too hard with the spatula while trying to break up the meat. But it started working again and I was halfway through cooking the meat when my hand slipped a little and I gripped the metal handle. There was an audible ZZZZZT sound and electricity shot through my fingers, wrist, elbow, arm, shoulder, chest, and neck. Gave my heart a little jolt and set off some arrythmia. I involuntarily hopped in the air a bit and then discovered I couldn't move my arm. Which arm? The one with the rotator cuff/bicep problems. It caused sudden tensing of the muscles which made it worse & I was holing my arm and shouting profanities. Mostly the f-bomb with some motherfucks thrown in. Good thing Mom had her headset on. She hates swearing. Since I wasn't sure I could get my arm to work again, I went in and informed my mother of what had just happened. She asked if I needed to go to the hospital. I said "NO" and asked her to rub the arm a bit. My fingers started regaining movement and then I was able to bend my elbow. My grip was weakened for the rest of the cooking & I made sure not to let my hand touch metal again, but I finally got the meal cooked. Although, my hand being weak meant I lost some of the meat while trying to pour it onto the potatoes bc the other pan just slipped in my hand and turned at the wrong angle. Cats enjoyed some of it at least. I wish I could use the other side of the cooker but I'm going to have to pull out the nu-wave single cookers and try them. Not risking a hand-slip again. Hand was tingling for a long time and wrist was hurting, but there are no visible marks from the electricity.

My fingertips still feel a little weird and my shoulder/bicep are still throbbing, but my elbow and wrist aren't hurting anymore. Arrhythmia subsided after about an hour.

My cow has been hollering for me and sat behind my truck so I need to get her some feed. Need to pick up mail as well. And get some more groceries. Gonna suck trying to get the feed, but it has to be done.
Corian is expensive. It starts around $400 for the basic plain Jane stuff and goes up to maybe 1k for the cool stuff. Butcher block isn’t even that expensive.
Yeah. Corian is pricey but I hear its good quality.

I ended up going to the post office and two stores. Got my groceries at walmart and cow feed at TSC. Had to ask the associate for help with the hay and feed since my arm is not having it today.

Cow hit my cheek with the side of her horn trying to get to the sweet feed before I could cut the bag open.

Also, it's 85°F outside. WTAF? Why? It's supposed to be winter! Called AC place and left another message.
Time to clean my blades again. Do you guys clean your blades? Hot soapy water and a scritchy brush gets all the pitch n resin off of the blade and the sides of the teeth. A tooth brush works good for getting anything off the face of the teeth themselves. The Diablo blade with #2 on it is a solid 6 months old and I haven’t had to sharpen it yet, just clean it bout once a month. The blade with #1 is almost a year old and still cuts nicely after it’s cleaned.


Time to clean my blades again. Do you guys clean your blades? Hot soapy water and a scritchy brush gets all the pitch n resin off of the blade and the sides of the teeth. A tooth brush works good for getting anything off the face of the teeth themselves. The Diablo blade with #2 on it is a solid 6 months old and I haven’t had to sharpen it yet, just clean it bout once a month. The blade with #1 is almost a year old and still cuts nicely after it’s cleaned.

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Soapy water isn't carcinogenic enough for me. 😁
Yeah, Diablo blades hold up well.
I recall Project Farm doing blade testing a while back.
Soapy water isn't carcinogenic enough for me. 😁
Yeah, Diablo blades hold up well.
I recall Project Farm doing blade testing a while back.

There are blade cleaning solutions out there or even lacquer but then I’m just dumping that stuff down the drain when I’m done.

I dumped some acetone down the sink many years ago for whatever reason and it killed my garbage disposal. Fried the seals, ended up having to buy a new disposal. Prolly what I deserve for dumping acetone down the kitchen sink in the first place. Suppose I could find a cactus to dump it on but they’re protected here so that’s prolly a worse fine than dumping it down the drain.
Electricity is the only way to cook out here unless we go outside and build a fire. LOL. I'm using the air fryer for now bc my arm hates me. I could not get to sleep last night bc it kept throbbing. It was more annoying than painful but it was enough to keep me from getting comfortable enough to sleep. It's sort of like having someone repeatedly poking you in the arm when you're trying to relax. Arm didn't want to work worth crap today.

Friday I took mom to get her bloodwork. Encountered an entertaining lady who had brought her sister to the hospital (Mom has to get bloodwork done at the hospital bc of her insurance). The injured sister was using two canes. Talkative sister said "That's the last time I push you down the stairs!" They took turns explaining how the other one injured her back and how her leg wasn't working & she fell down. A one-legged man in a powered scooter rolled in & I grabbed a number for him as he couldn't get up to it. The talkative lady opened the door to the office for him when his number was called. He said he could push the door to go in just fine but wouldn't be able to open the door from the inside to get out. She told him she would only let him out if he was good. Glass walls and door so we could see when he was trying to leave. She got up and opened it. He said "I must have been good!" She said "I'm being a good samaritan for now, but later I'll go back to being evil".

Saturday I took my brother to go vote for municipal elections. We were the first ones there & they hadn't even turned the voting machines on yet. Bunch of elderly people sitting around in the room but they were nice. We apparently got moved to a different district and the man responsible for writing names of voters for our district was sitting across the table from the lady who normally writes our names down (as we were in her district). Old man is apparently half deaf bc she had to shout to him & repeat my brother's name and spell it out over 10x it seemed. She had to say mine a couple of times too but he finally got it.

Finally got to sleep after tossing and turning & mom woke me up to go to the store and get her some vitamins. My brother tagged along and then insisted we drop by to see our friend. I told him "only 5 minutes because Mom is waiting". He went into the bathroom for 15min. I kept telling him we needed to go but he wouldn't leave. I should have just left him there. Mom called all irate and I said we would be on our way. It was good seeing my friend again.

Heard his daughter on the phone with my friend's grandfather. She was quite annoyed. He calls her all the time and wants her to hand the phone to my friend but she refuses. We kept hearing her say "He's busy. He's BUSY! I SAID HE'S BUSY! B-U-S-Y! No! Ugh!" He used to call my friend 100x a day on average. Sometimes more. He no longer has my friend's number so he harasses other people.

The toddler was fussing a little. He has a double ear infection & he gets so little attention that it took it being pretty severe for them to take him to the doctor. He's learned that his mother ignores him or yells at him if he cries so he was just lethargic and refusing to eat. Still can't communicate verbally, but he handed my brother his sippy cup bottle to signal he was thirsty. Kid spends 90% of his time in his room with the door open but a child-gate up to lock him in.
I have a backyard bar fridge that is looking pretty dingy. What did you use to cover the fridge?

That’s peel n stick wallpaper. I use a plastic spreader to smooth out and remove the bubbles.

The guy that tints our windows uses a spritz bottle with watered down baby shampoo and a softer tool meant for smoothing out window tint. He gives the window a quick spray before he applies the tint and works out the bubbles. Depending on how wide of a product you are trying to apply, this may be a helpful tip. Luckily the product I was working with was only 18” wide so it was a lot more manageable than some of the products I’ve worked with before.
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Fridge looks awesome!

So, I love my cats but they decided to be complete ******** Sunday night/Monday morning. I got to sleep and Aminatu came leaping from behind my headboard (from a windowsill) onto my head and springboarded off my sore arm. Later that night Senator Snugglebum chased Yasuke into the room & Yasuke used my arm as a springboard to jump to the tv stand. Snugglebum then pounced on my arm and stayed there until I managed to push him off-- which made my arm hurt even more. In the morning, Snugglebum was chasing Sir Hammington who pounced on my arm looking for me to defend him. Each time they woke me up. Each time my arm was spasming and throbbing. I love my cats but I was ready to toss them all out the window at that point. I think I yelled at them for a good 2min straight and then my alarm went off bc it was time to get up to take Mom for her appointment.

Her bloodwork was good, her weight is down, and she's doing well. I've been around 220lbs for awhile. Hopped on the scale out of boredom while waiting and was down to 216. Then I took off my fanny pack and was a hair over 210. I need to keep losing the weight. I feel like I had gained weight instead of losing it.

Had to take my brother for an afternoon appointment and he's still got some wheezing and needs another round of antibiotics but he's cleared to go back to work this week.

Got a navigation DVD for my truck off Ebay. Advertised as new, returns/refunds allowed. After purchase it changed to say "used" and "no returns/refunds". Took old dvd out (which still works but is not updated) & it popped up an error. Disk Read Error, invalid DVD, contact dealership. I checked everything to make sure it was supposed to be compatible and it was. Contacted seller to tell them about the error and asked what to do. No response but the seller changed the listing again to say disk read error was bc of bad navigation system. DVDs don't go bad. Don't bother them over it, etc. So, I contacted the dealership and they told me the only reason for that error is a bad disk. Said they will write a letter for me to give to ebay to confirm its a bad disk and not a bad navi system. Guy gave me his cell to contact him when I want to bring the vehicle in for maintenance so he can make sure I get the letter & get my concerns with error messages on the system addressed. Well, "check ABS", "check VSA" "Check emissions" stuff. In the meantime, I'm going to tell the ebay seller that my deaalership called BS on his claims & that its a bad disk. I will send proof to him and I want a full refund or I will leave a 1 star review. I'm sure he'll leave me a bad review but I don't care. LOL. If he still gives me crap, I'll go through Ebay bc of their money back guarantee.

I have to wait to go to the dealership bc I finally got ahold of the AC repair guy. He said he'd call me back when he can send someone out. So, I'm waiting for that call.

At least mom is concerned about my arm and is telling me to take it easy to not make it worse. And the new neck pillow I got is very comfortable. Its much squishier than other ones I've purchased so it doesn't hurt my ears or neck.
Fridge looks awesome!

So, I love my cats but they decided to be complete ******** Sunday night/Monday morning. I got to sleep and Aminatu came leaping from behind my headboard (from a windowsill) onto my head and springboarded off my sore arm. Later that night Senator Snugglebum chased Yasuke into the room & Yasuke used my arm as a springboard to jump to the tv stand. Snugglebum then pounced on my arm and stayed there until I managed to push him off-- which made my arm hurt even more. In the morning, Snugglebum was chasing Sir Hammington who pounced on my arm looking for me to defend him. Each time they woke me up. Each time my arm was spasming and throbbing. I love my cats but I was ready to toss them all out the window at that point. I think I yelled at them for a good 2min straight and then my alarm went off bc it was time to get up to take Mom for her appointment.

Her bloodwork was good, her weight is down, and she's doing well. I've been around 220lbs for awhile. Hopped on the scale out of boredom while waiting and was down to 216. Then I took off my fanny pack and was a hair over 210. I need to keep losing the weight. I feel like I had gained weight instead of losing it.

Had to take my brother for an afternoon appointment and he's still got some wheezing and needs another round of antibiotics but he's cleared to go back to work this week.

Got a navigation DVD for my truck off Ebay. Advertised as new, returns/refunds allowed. After purchase it changed to say "used" and "no returns/refunds". Took old dvd out (which still works but is not updated) & it popped up an error. Disk Read Error, invalid DVD, contact dealership. I checked everything to make sure it was supposed to be compatible and it was. Contacted seller to tell them about the error and asked what to do. No response but the seller changed the listing again to say disk read error was bc of bad navigation system. DVDs don't go bad. Don't bother them over it, etc. So, I contacted the dealership and they told me the only reason for that error is a bad disk. Said they will write a letter for me to give to ebay to confirm its a bad disk and not a bad navi system. Guy gave me his cell to contact him when I want to bring the vehicle in for maintenance so he can make sure I get the letter & get my concerns with error messages on the system addressed. Well, "check ABS", "check VSA" "Check emissions" stuff. In the meantime, I'm going to tell the ebay seller that my deaalership called BS on his claims & that its a bad disk. I will send proof to him and I want a full refund or I will leave a 1 star review. I'm sure he'll leave me a bad review but I don't care. LOL. If he still gives me crap, I'll go through Ebay bc of their money back guarantee.

I have to wait to go to the dealership bc I finally got ahold of the AC repair guy. He said he'd call me back when he can send someone out. So, I'm waiting for that call.

At least mom is concerned about my arm and is telling me to take it easy to not make it worse. And the new neck pillow I got is very comfortable. Its much squishier than other ones I've purchased so it doesn't hurt my ears or neck.
Are you familiar with Poverty Point?
Brother and are carpeting a bedroom today. Cut the carpet and pad yesterday and delivered it.
Had to remove a dresser and hutch and disassemble a big bed.
When we arrived, the guy said they only had that one bedroom. 😳
...well, they agreed to sleep in the living room.
I could barely lift one end of the hutch or the dresser. It's some crazy, heavy wood from Vietnam.
The carpet was the heaviest softback I'd seen in years and we took the cart to move it into the house...... miserable day yesterday.
The job is 30 minutes away.
I'd rather measure something.

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