That is pretty cool, Highup.
CJ, I remember my mother always wanting a Corian countertop but it was always out of our budget. So we have some crappy laminate instead.
Last night I almost got electrocuted by a frying pan. My portable 2-burner induction cooktop thingy has a crack in the top. It's been throwing up some errors and giving me trouble but it still cooks. The 2nd side is not cracked but it won't go above setting 5 and I needed setting 7 (it goes up to 8) to cook last night. I have pans with metal handles which are too slippery and uncomfortable so we got silicone handle covers. The cooker briefly went into error mode and wouldn't work for a few minutes while I was trying to cook after I pressed down a little too hard with the spatula while trying to break up the meat. But it started working again and I was halfway through cooking the meat when my hand slipped a little and I gripped the metal handle. There was an audible ZZZZZT sound and electricity shot through my fingers, wrist, elbow, arm, shoulder, chest, and neck. Gave my heart a little jolt and set off some arrythmia. I involuntarily hopped in the air a bit and then discovered I couldn't move my arm. Which arm? The one with the rotator cuff/bicep problems. It caused sudden tensing of the muscles which made it worse & I was holing my arm and shouting profanities. Mostly the f-bomb with some motherfucks thrown in. Good thing Mom had her headset on. She hates swearing. Since I wasn't sure I could get my arm to work again, I went in and informed my mother of what had just happened. She asked if I needed to go to the hospital. I said "NO" and asked her to rub the arm a bit. My fingers started regaining movement and then I was able to bend my elbow. My grip was weakened for the rest of the cooking & I made sure not to let my hand touch metal again, but I finally got the meal cooked. Although, my hand being weak meant I lost some of the meat while trying to pour it onto the potatoes bc the other pan just slipped in my hand and turned at the wrong angle. Cats enjoyed some of it at least. I wish I could use the other side of the cooker but I'm going to have to pull out the nu-wave single cookers and try them. Not risking a hand-slip again. Hand was tingling for a long time and wrist was hurting, but there are no visible marks from the electricity.
My fingertips still feel a little weird and my shoulder/bicep are still throbbing, but my elbow and wrist aren't hurting anymore. Arrhythmia subsided after about an hour.
My cow has been hollering for me and sat behind my truck so I need to get her some feed. Need to pick up mail as well. And get some more groceries. Gonna suck trying to get the feed, but it has to be done.