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The story on it made it really interesting. It is an Indian site that dates back thousands of years.
I think I saw that documentary on either PBS or YouTube. Yeah, it's something we never understood when they taught us American History in school. Of course there was this whole issue of covering up the genocide by denying they even had significant populations or actual CULTURE and CIVILIZATION. But they really did.
There is a special on Netflix "Alien Apocalypse" . The guy showed that some civilizations dated back to just after the last Ice Age, 25,000 years ago.

At Wounded Knee, in the 1890s, the cavalry talked the Indians into laying down their weapons to talk peace. The cavalry then murdered almost 200 unarmed mostly women and children and got medals for doing it. The US government never honored any treaty they signed with the Indians. The Indians honored almost all of them.

It is amazing how many of these far-flung civilizations built pyramids and had a serpent god.
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Poverty Point sounds like it would be my town. LOL. But in all seriousness, I haven't visited a lot of places in this state. The roads are awful so traveling here sucks.

I was planning to get up and clean out the truck today but it was cold so I stayed inside and focused on cleaning the hallway and kitchen. Between my brother not taking trash out for months, not picking up trash pretty much ever, and his propensity to trash up his room and then kick trash into the hallway, I had a busy day of cleaning it all up. There were also some pet beds and towels on the floor where the dogs had been peeing a lot. Tossed some of those and continued to clean the hallway. Dogs like to play with empty water bottles and drag them all over the house. They had about 10 they dragged into my room. I do drink water in my room, but I always take the bottles out at least once or twice a month and I don't leave them on the floor.

Anyway, I got about 99% of the hallway cleared and I'd say 45% of the kitchen. I got the main path through it. Had to take a nap after filling up a couple of bags (and taking trash out). I started with an already full bag in the can that I took out and stuffed more (since it couldn't fit more while in the can). Found stuff cats had knocked on the floor- tupperware containers, cleaning spray, cans of soup, and random stuff. So that took more time to sort out.

I set all of the pet food trays and bowls up and had to deal with cats trying to play with the broom or get my attention. One cat was on the counter and kept patting me on the back. LOL.

After my nap I got up and continued. Ultimately filled about five 55gallon bags. Yeah, it was *that* bad. Still have a to clean up under and around the kitchen table and over near the stove and sink. There's more stuff the cats knocked off counters there that isn't trash so I have to wash it all and figure out where to put it.

One of the problems I had is that some of the cardboard and paper stuff (plates, napkins, frozen food boxes, etc) got wet and stuck to the floor. I'm having trouble getting it to come up. I need to see if harbor freight has a short rolling stool I can use to sit on and roll around with a scraper to get stuff up. A bunch of the parquet flooring came up too so that doesn't help. Floor looks disgusting but its not completely covered in trash anymore.

This was midway through when I was filling up bags.

This was about what it looks like now: All that paper crud is really stuck on. I see I need to pick up the lemon juice. LOL. Before the entire floor was covered in plastic bags, boxes, wrappers, empty bottles, etc.
I know it's not healthy having this kind of filth in the house so I'm working on getting it cleaned up while the weather is cool enough for me to not oveheat.

Mom said to me "A trash thief broke in and sole all our trash!" LOL. She was pretty happy about it and is in a good mood now.

I'm going to play ESO and then take a nap.
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O-boy ! Hope you had all female nurses looking out for ya 😆 ….. are they painful 😣…… God speed Daris
No not painful other than you go into a panic mode when you can't get your breathe. The best nurse I had was a male but the rest were great and caring as well. The one thing you lose really quick is your modesty. I had to whizz and they wanted me to use a bed pan which no that didn't work. So they were going to set me up with a suction system where you just let it go and the system takes away any moisture. Well I wasn't in the right position so they lifted and moved me. In the process of all this my gown was up over my chest with 2 beautiful nurses seeing everything I got to offer. Not one of them laughed so I felt good about that. But all in all I had great care. Just to many blood draws and checks even when you are sound asleep. But I guess it is all in the process of trying to keep you alive. Hospital is a great place to be when you need it.
No not painful other than you go into a panic mode when you can't get your breathe. The best nurse I had was a male but the rest were great and caring as well. The one thing you lose really quick is your modesty. I had to whizz and they wanted me to use a bed pan which no that didn't work. So they were going to set me up with a suction system where you just let it go and the system takes away any moisture. Well I wasn't in the right position so they lifted and moved me. In the process of all this my gown was up over my chest with 2 beautiful nurses seeing everything I got to offer. Not one of them laughed so I felt good about that. But all in all I had great care. Just to many blood draws and checks even when you are sound asleep. But I guess it is all in the process of trying to keep you alive. Hospital is a great place to be when you need it.
I'm betting you made their day too.
Glad your doing well.
Daris, one of the good things with the experienced staff/nurses is that they see all sorts of stuff every day & unless you have decorated your genitals like a clown or something, they aren't going to laugh. I never felt awkward about doctors/staff seeing stuff because I know they are professionals & its what they do. I'm glad it wasn't painful and that you got through it. I was having a heart catheter done and felt like I might have to pee. They told me not to worry and put a pad underneath me and told me it would be ok if I had a bladder leak because it wasn't anything I could control & they deal with it all the time.

There's an ER tech named Steve who puts out a lot of short Youtube videos with skits of life in the ER. He said they can handle diarrhea, blood, mucus, vomit, urine, blood, etc but not ticks, bedbugs, scabies or any sort of insects.

Speaking of ticks, my cow had a bunch of them behind her left horn. When I went out to clean my truck out a bit before going to the dealership for maintenance tomorrow I saw her and went over to give her some love. I pulled up a dried up dogfennel stick & started scratching behind the horn and she loved it. She put her head down for me and let me get behind both horns. I felt with my hand and found the ticks and started plucking them off and squishing them. She had one big fat one and a bunch of small ones. I scratched behind her ears a bit too. Sometimes I see her going up to bushes and trying to get a stick behind her horn to scratch herself so I know that's an itchy spot.

I dumped the floor mats out (they had a lot of dirt in them) and cleaned up all the receipts, empty water bottles, etc from the front of the truck. I brought in the cat food bags from the back seat but my body was not cooperating. Even my ribs hurt right now. I'm sore all over. Got on Mom's bad side because I got her some stuff to make a sandwich and told her I needed to lie down. She called me and wanted me to get up and go all the way across the house to take the stuff and put it back in the fridge. She's literally only 6' away from the fridge. All she has to do is get up and take the stuff through the door to the fridge. She's done it before but she was being lazy. I told her I was sore all over. She called me a bitch and hung up.

I'm seriously tempted to take my friend up no his offer to come soak in epsom salt in the tub at his house. I mean, I did buy the tub/shower surround and help him install them. LOL. Even my wrists hurt right now. Ugh. I took magnesium and ate a banana. Hope that will help at least a little because naprosyn isn't cutting it.
Rusty, I had packages arrive squished with tire tracks on them from the postal service before. A lot of my packages look like someone cut the tape to take a peek inside as well.

I'm exhausted right now. Had to get up around 7:30am to get up, take my truck in to the carwash, got my friend to follow me to the honda dealership, dropped truck off around 9am. They made me wait awhile as they handled phone calls and other stuff. Told me to pull up and then shut the garage doors in front of me. I slipped a few times on the wet floor.

Went to the mall with my friend only to find it doesn't open until 10am. Sat around in the car waiting and then went in but only about 2 stores were open. Some consignment shop with lots of neat stuff and Hot Topic. Got some gifts for a mutual friend in both. Waited for food court to open (opened at 11) and had Chinese food. Went to Bed Bath & Beyond to shop around and use the restrooms. Their toilets need CLR badly. I got a dish scraper for when I wash dishes. Will make things much easier as its more comfortable to hold than a putty knife.

Went to Target and browsed around. Went back to the dealership around 3pm. Friend had to get back home so I stayed there and he left. Waited until almost 4pm when they told me my truck needed to stay overnight. No one could pick me up and drive me home so I ended up getting a cheap Hertz rental. They dropped me off at the rental place. Only 2 vehicles left to be leased. I took the Rav4.

Thing has a ton of buttons & I don't know what they do. LOL. Took me awhile to figure out cruise control - which sucks on that vehicle. Backup camera is great though.

Came straight home instead of going to samsclub bc I didn't want to risk any damage/accidents with the rental. Cooked for Mom and I'm about to take a nap.
The pharmaceutical companies are not stupid enough to distribute these drugs without 100% indemnification from Congress.

Thank Donald Trump, Joe Biden and EVERYONE with any access to power in our government. That's the type of outcome we get from a one-party government. They have no fear. They are evil and incompetent. And they get nearly 95-100% of the vote in every election nationwide at every level of government.
Had two different dentist appointments today. Didn’t feel a lick of pain and it was almost $200 less than I was expecting to pay. Then later on I was takin the long way home from taking the dog to the park when I stumbled upon a hot dog cart out in Rio Verde. I got the Tucson dog. It was delicious.

Every time I see polls asking what I eat on my hot dogs my answer is that I don't eat hot dogs. I will feed the wiener part to the dogs or cats and put chili & cheese in the bun. I typod that as bum initially. LOL.

Woke up early to call from Honda dealership. Truck has a bad wheel bearing. I took my truck in to local tire place 5x asking them to check wheel bearings and some ******* named Jose (who was friends with my brother) gave me attitude & was generally rude about it. I think he didn't check-- either that or he's just incompetent. I'm going to have a word with the owner of that shop. The errors I got started after I took my truck to them to have the brake pads done. I don't think they damaged the wheel-bearing-- I think it was probably weakened by the wreck where a drunk driver hit my wheel & fender. Steve (guy at dealership) told me that it would cost $810 before taxes & other fees. I don't know if that was just for the wheel bearing or the total cost thus far. Said they needed to get the part and truck *should* be ready tomorrow between 1 to 2pm. I really hope so because this rental Rav4 is annoying and I want my truck back. I miss my comfy heated seats.

Took Mom to her eye doctor appointment. We were 10min late because she took her sweet time doing her hair and getting out to the car. She was pushing buttons on the center console and asking what stuff did and I had to ask her to let me concentrate on driving and to stop touching stuff. She's like a kid sometimes. Eye appointment went well. Went to Samsclub after. Getting out of the vehicle a disabled woman approached and asked if I could help her get some food. She wanted $2 but I don't have cash. I offered to buy her food. She asked to come with me. I wanted to get her some chicken but they didn't have it ready. She said the ribs would be ok. I asked if she wanted anything else-- like a drink. She got an orange juice & saw some salads. Asked if she could have salad and I grabbed it for her (she could only seem to move one arm). Then she asked for some oranges & I got those for her. I bought the stuff and handed her the receipt and told her to have happy holidays. She looked exhausted and she didn't try to get any junk food or unhealthy stuff so I think she was genuinely hungry and wanted good food. I found Mom in a recliner & she had some cases of water. Someone saw her trying to get a case into the cart and offered to help. She normally doesn't do heavy lifting but she knows my arm is borked. I went and grabbed some other stuff and checked out. I tried calling her but she couldn't figure out how to get her phone to pick up. I went and got her and we left. As I was about to load the water cases into the car an employee came up and asked if I needed help. I was so relieved. I can barely lift my arm and it developed a rash (helped along by a bad reaction to some deodorant and constant rubbing/chafing from the arm). I currently reek of rash cream and arthritis cream.

Went to the post office to get a package that showed as being there but they didn't have the slip in the box & didn't have it processed yet so I left with the mail. FINALLY got my father's DD214s in the mail. I requested them in 2020. We can use them to show the social security office so mom can get more benefits. They put in that my father spent less time in the army than he did and now we have proof that he spent more time.

Went to Walmart and there were no riding carts so Mom walked around and sat down on a bench. Her RX wasn't ready because the supplier hasn't sent it yet.

Before we went to the post office we grabbed food at Wendy's. Mom didn't like hers so I ate it. I was hungry. Had 3 grilled chicken sandwiches. The dog was sitting on the back of the couch behind me whining to let me know she wanted some. LOL.

Good thing I grabbed a salad for Mom before we left the store. I'm sure she'll want something else later. I'm probably going to take a nap soon and I really hope we get the truck back tomorrow before the rental place closes at 5. It was supposed to be $30/day but they charged $150 per day. It says on the paperwork $30/day but doesn't explain where the extra $60 comes from- unless they were charging for another two days & will remove that once the vehicle is returned.

On the upside, I talked to my friend's secret gf (bc they aren't publicly dating yet as both of their exes will flip their **** if they find out). I got her some early xmas gifts and she wanted to reciprocate. I said I'd take a hug. She said she'd give me two and help me clean the house. I don't know if she'll be able to help without throwing up, but any help is appreciated. Even if its just reaching stuff I can't get bc of my stupid shoulder.

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