Playing around with some cork tile I've had hanging around since 2005 or so. I recall the date because I just found some old pay stubs from the summer when my eldest boy worked with me. This stuff went into a couple of President/Vice President corner offices at a new manufacturing plant in Fontana. I wonder if they're still in business. Wish I could remember the name. What I can never forget was the designer who picked the cork was wife of the President and mother of the Vice President. She was a hysterical nutcase. I got pretty good of playing "Good Guy" with such a fanatic. She bought striped carpet tile and refused to quarter turn so she was going apeshit about the way the seams/stripes looked. It was a pretty big carpet tile job done by another shop------we just did the cork. She was also picking on the quality of the flat vinyl base installation. She was right to complain as it was typical sloppy BS. I couldn't help but laugh at how intense she was. Usually we're not involved directly with the "end user" so they never get THAT bent out of shaped. That was one deranged old broad. Funny, I remember more about all that than the actual cork install.