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More specs on that car:

massage seats, heated seats, champagne glasses, mini fridge, solar powered vents to keep air circulating while the car is off... Back seat area very nice. Front seat area still ok but too cramped for taller people. I wish I'd had something similar but with all the luxury in the front and just the divider thingy with glass in the back whenever I drove my friend's ex somewhere. Just close off the window and muted the intercom so I wouldn't have to listen to her bitch about things. Speaking of exes, he somewhat broke up with his current gf now that paternity results are in, but he's still letting her sleep in the bed and boss him around. She's not only demanding that he be the one to wake up to take care of the baby at night (mostly bc she just puts a pillow over her head or puts headphones in and ignores the baby crying) but she keeps calling him at work and telling him to come back and take care of the baby for her. She says she can't deal with it. But the bio dad for the baby just got evicted. Has no job, no vehicle, etc and he feels she would have nowhere to go. She couldn't go back to the other guy's living place anyway bc his family hates her. She *can* go back to either her bio mom or her adopted parents though. Hell, she could go live with her brother who lives nearby. She has places to go, but at all those other places they would expect her to clean up after herself and take care of the baby. She doesn't want to do that so she sits around yelling at my friend and making him miserable.

He's been able to hang out with us bc he's been taking responsibility for her.

Anyway, I'm about to scrounge up some breakfast.
Ordered a new microwave. Too expensive but we need it. We saw one for $1k and Mom said "It better go to the store to buy the groceries and pay for them at that price!" LOL. Ours ended up being $400+ (with a 4 year protection plan) but that was before the $200 cashback reward. The clicker part to lock and unlock my truck that is built in to my key died. Then I remembered Mom has a spare so we swapped. Had to manually unlock the truck for the first time ever-- which sucked bc the plastic is broken and key wobbles around in the case. The silicone cover is the only thing holding it together.

The outlet extender broke into pieces and the outlet split in half when my friend was trying to remove the old extender. I wish I could find a tiny thing of rustoleum that I could just dab on the screw head to prevent it from rusting out. I put outlet covers on the ports of the extender. Discovered there is no ground wire & dad didn't leave any slack on the wires. When we redo it, we'll have to add a loop. I'll probably need a larger gang box and get some pigtails in there because the wires are doubled up on the screws for now (old one had the screws and the ports in the back-- new one doesn't have those). Tested all of the ports and they work. Kitchen and pantry light work, but microwave was dead.

Saw my friend at the store so we hung out with him.

I apparently forgot to hit the Post Reply button on this.
Had to mix up some paint today and I was lookin at the mixing paddle itself. It has curved blades. Todays question is which way are you supposed to spin the paddle. I’m sure somewhere there is a person who put much thought into the design and figured there was a correct way to operate the paddle.

What say ye.
I would say counterclockwise for a more brisk mixing (thicker substance). Clockwise to be more gentle (less splash)

Just so you know, I made that all up. I have no idea.

Looks like a impeller on an outboard.🤓
Took Namir to the vet and she suggested leaving him there for a bit while we went to the store so she could give him meds. While about to go into fedex place to send a package to my sister we got the call that he was having massive seizures and there was nothing they could do for him & it was best to put him out of his misery. My brother was devastated. He almost busted an airbag open by pounding on the dashboard. The cover started to come off but he pushed it back down. He cried so much that he threw up dinner later on. We had to go to samsclub and then back to the vet to pay the bill. Namir was only about 2 years old. He was my brother's baby. He was holding another cat and just sobbing into her fur. He normally gets depressed this time of year and this does not help. I hate to see him like that.

I made spaghetti for the first time (since we don't have a microwave). I finally figured out a way to cook pasta that doesn't take forever (I boil the water in a kettle first). It turned out OK. Fippy happily cleaned the sauce off of the bowls.

I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day.
Speaking of New Zealand, has anyone heard from Jon?

I got up in the morning to feed the cats and then flopped back into bed. Didn't wake up until after 3pm. Still not wanting to get up. Oh, I did make myself breakfast- grilled cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs-- I forgot about that. I napped after that. I need to take out trash and clean litterboxes but I'm comfy with cats sitting on me. LOL.
Does your drill motor have reverse? I'd spin it both ways. Doesn't cost any extra.

Looks like that paddle was designed to go clockwise though.
Whenever I'm mixing grout I have a paddle that is twisted by design to force **** down. I normally mix the right way (clockwise) and after slaking it off hit it in reverse.
Why? Couldn't tell ya. But there's NEVER any boogers in my grout!!
Speaking of New Zealand, has anyone heard from Jon?

I got up in the morning to feed the cats and then flopped back into bed. Didn't wake up until after 3pm. Still not wanting to get up. Oh, I did make myself breakfast- grilled cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs-- I forgot about that. I napped after that. I need to take out trash and clean litterboxes but I'm comfy with cats sitting on me. LOL.
Z, Jon passed a couple months ago.
Daris, Oh no! I somehow missed that info before. Thank you. :-( Excuse my language, but **** cancer!

Got up & fed the kitties, dragged my brother to the post office & store. Got the new microwave at the post office. Sucker is massive & the lady at the post office said she couldn't lift it. So she slid it across the floor and opened a side door. I picked it up and carried it out. I've fallen down the stairs there before so I set it on top of the rail to slide it down to make sure I wouldn't trip. A nice lady outside saw me and thought it was bc it was too heavy so she put her hands under it when I got it off the rail and walked it over to the truck with me. Very sweet of her. My brother took it and almost dropped it-- banged it around putting it in the back seat. I could have gotten it but I guess he wanted to try to be useful.

He bought a ton of junk food at the store. I think it's bc he's depressed about Namir. I did get some clearance chocolate muffins for myself. I was craving chocolate. I got two little shallow plastic bins. First one I grabbed I thought might be too tall to fit on top of the microwave and I was right. 2nd one was a drawer organizer and is just right. Before I had a shallow cardboard box on top that was falling apart. I emptied it & cleaned everything in it and then organized things in the drawer bin and set it on top of the microwave. Now I can find my damn scissors! I used the other bin to go behind the air fryer to keep the cats from climbing behind the air fryer and bumping the power cords in the outlet. It lets the air fryer sit forward enough that the door handle doesn't hit the counter when it opens and I can fit the can opener behind it now-- with the bin the cats can't get behind the can opener and knock it off the counter.

Got groceries home, unloaded, & put away. My brother helped bring some stuff in but then went to go play video games without helping put stuff away (which is usual for him). He didn't help bring the microwave in and that was a bitch and a half to get through the bottlenecks and over to a good spot. I moved the old microwave out of the way, scrubbed the counter & organized the coffee stuff (which I don't use) then got the new microwave set up. I need to put something under the "feet" to keep it from sliding around. Got the bins all placed too. Used the new microwave (which is apparently the same model as the old one) to cook for mom.

Also emptied the kitchen trash (which is one of the big outdoor trash cans that takes a contractor bag) and set the bag aside to be taken out in the morning. Picked up some trash in the living room. My left shoulder really hates me right now. I will have to take the old microwave out tomorrow when I can see better.

I also got the batteries in the animatronic Grogu for Mom and left her to play with it. Couldn't give her grandkids but I got her a Grogu. LOL.

Here is my current setup (the door hardware needs to be placed and lower cabinets need a good cleaning and new coat of poly).
Got my ass kicked with snow! Got about 4 foot the last 24 hrs! Damn state of emergency yesterday. And I realized really quick I need new tires on my van. Got stuck at least a dozen times.
Neighbor dug my banks out with his tractor for me, thank God! They were about 7 foot high! Not even winter yet and I'm already over it.
Got my ass kicked with snow! Got about 4 foot the last 24 hrs! Damn state of emergency yesterday. And I realized really quick I need new tires on my van. Got stuck at least a dozen times.
Neighbor dug my banks out with his tractor for me, thank God! They were about 7 foot high! Not even winter yet and I'm already over it.

They mentioned your town on the tube getting hammered with lake effect snow. Sounds like fun until you have to go out and function in it.
Yikes. I think I've mentioned here that we don't have snow plows, snow shovels, ice scrapers, etc. And if we get 1-nch of snow things shut down. I'm not exaggerating on that. The last time we got 1-inch of snow the whole city shut down. Roads were closed and people were ordered to stay home.

Today I went to the store to get cat food because my cats were about to get pitchforks and riot. Ran into my friend there and snuck up on him and pretended to be a T-Rex. Made faces and held my arms close to me like a T-Rex while raising up when he finally saw me.

Grabbed cow feed from TSC. Cow seemingly popped out of nowhere when she realized there was food. I had to keep dodging her horns because she's impatient. She hit the bumper of my truck a few times when I was trying to get the feed out of the back.

Cooked for Mom and am about to nap.

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