I was sick Friday (which was Mom's birthday). I decided to make up for it today by fixing up her lap tray. The plastic was flimsy so it warped a bit, the "cushion" was absolute garbage. Ugly, weak fabric, undersized, understuffed, poorly adhered. It was falling off. After watching and reading some tutorials I decided to combine some techniques. I liked one where the lady attached the fabric to cardboard so it could stick to the tray more easily. I found some foam board in the store & went with that instead. I reinforced the plastic part with foam board (hot glued it on). Then I took a second chunk of foam board, cut it to size, poked stitching holes, cut out hole for cup holder (prevented it from sitting flush). I sewed strips of fabric to a zipper, sewed the fabric to the foam board, then got the rest of the sides done with fabric (I used a continuous strip to go all around). Had to watch a tutorial on ladder stitch to refresh my memory. I used basting stitches to hold things in place, used a backstitch for attaching it to the foam board, ladder stitch to attach the bottom piece of fabric to the sides Shape came out a bit wonky, but it didn't need to be perfect. Took the bag of Styrofoam microbeads from the old cushion & stuffed them inside. Hot glued the threads on the foam board to seal them up to stop fraying & then hot glued the cushion to the plastic. Now it no longer flexes as much, has more weight to it, and the cushion isn't falling off, looks much nicer, & has more stuffing. I had Mom put however much polyfil she wanted in it. Zipper operates nicely. I might go back and use a ladder stitch on it because the stitching I used is ugly. Because I'm very slow at sewing and had trouble threading the needle, it took over 10 hours. Didn't help that the thread sucked. Kept fuzzing up, tangling, snagging, etc. I had to put spit on it to keep it together properly. I would have used wax but couldn't find any.
Finished working on it after 7am so now I need a nap.
This was the original-- except the fabric was uglier & not nearly as stuffed (photo from product page).

Zipper & sides sewn to foam board with bottom basted to one edge

After it was all sewn together before gluing to tray (the color in the first 3 pics is more accurate)

Still need to get a picture after it was fully stuffed.