Payin the bills.

Anything free comes at a cost.I was apparently absent for that training, but maybe my brother went to it instead. LOL. He was always whining until he got what he wanted.
Finally got Mom's taxes printed but HP can go **** themselves with their ink "plan". Printer was cheap and on the box said it came with 6 months of "free" ink. But you have to sign up for a "free" trial and then are supposed to agree to a subscription. It only works if your printer is permanently connected to the internet so they can monitor every single ******* thing you print. You have to agree to be spied on. And they can control how many pages you are allowed to print per month. The more pages you want to print, the more you have to pay. If you want to print more than that, you have to pay extra. Even if you go out and buy your own ink they will block you from printing so long as you are online. Oh, and you HAVE to be connected to the internet to print wirelessly. You have to login to their servers to print. Only way to get around it is to manually plug the printer in to the computer with a USB cable (that was NOT included with the printer) which defeats the whole point of wireless printing. It is absolutely one of the most asinine things ever.
It took me over an hour to be able to print Mom's taxes from her computer. But my cat bumped a button on the printer and it printed out a paper about the wifi. So, you are expected to keep the thing on constantly and connected to the internet constantly. Not sure what happens if you turn it off. But say a child or pet bumps the button and you have the limited pages thing or it messes up the print job and uses up your paper limit. I'm not a violent person, but I want to find whoever came up with this idea and give them an earfull. Once we have the rest of the taxes printed I will probably return the stupid thing to the store and return the protection plan for it.
The lowest plan is 99cents per month with only 10 pages allowed. There is some rollover with max for lowest plan being something like 30 pages. I wish roaches hadn't ruined the old printer.
As an aside, I may have an ear infection in my left ear. It might be an irritation so I'll keep cleaning it carefully and wait and see.
Try being 6’ 6” & 280#. Yeah, I quit doing campers myself.I quit doing motorhomes and trailers a long time ago. Everytime I need a tool, it's behind me and I have to stand up to turn around and get it. Not enough swivel space to spin around. I'm 6' 2ish.
5' 2ish would be easier.
AC started heating in cool mode again last night. I read some troubleshooting tips and was worried it was the furnace board not sending signal to solenoid valve, the solenoid valve being dead, or the reversing valve jamming. But, I decided to change the filters and pour bleach down the condensate line just in case. That worked.
Wow, that's a match.Needed some putty the other day so I grabbed a few colors and made my own color matching putty. Not bad.
I was putting the putty back in the box when I opened the putty manual that I’ve never read before. Lol. Who knew that they have blending formulas for matching multiple manufacturers stain colors.
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PM me your address.I'd like to make one myself if I had the pattern--hint hint.
Yes we got a new thermostat but only because the AC was heating while in cool mode. Back then I did the same troubleshooting measures of pouring bleach down the condensate line & changing the filters. Took a few months to finally get a repairman out and he diagnosed it as a dead compressor. He tried to push some off-brand replacement condenser unit but we had to go with an authorized Trane installer to get a compatible unit. It had been cooling while set to cool and heating while set to heat up until the other night.Did you recently get a new thermostat? If you wire it up incorrectly it will heat during cool mode. Heat pump vs AC or something like that. I had to check it out and correct it on mine for the same reason.
He's got a barn over there with a bunch of other cars, I'd like to see those too but.....