On the wool carpet job I just mentioned.
The customer wanted the same patterned wool carpet that was in the room at the golf resort rooms that we installed 3 years ago.
He and his wife stayed in one of these suites at some point. He fell in love with the carpet.
He's from CA, and building a second home here, maybe 3rd 4th or 5th... how would we know?

Tho you can't see it, nor the ocean, the practice green of this world renowned golf course,
(actually 7 golf courses now)
is probably 100 feet away through impenetrable trees and brush. While measuring the home, I could faintly hear an occasional golf cart whizzing by off in the distance.
Anyway, the home..... a vacation home, is probably just over 5000 square feet of comfortable gloriousness. Now there are fancy, expensive, "Hollywood" style homes ....all white marble and high gloss everything with gold leaf on everything.
Then, there are large, well constructed, COMFORTABLE and easy on the eye, expensive homes. This is one of those. The builder is local. He is probably early 40's. He's dad was a local builder who recently passed. This young man started focusing on these expensive homes about 4 years ago. His workmanship is impeccable. Very, very nice gicing 2500 feet of finish on site engineered plank, 2000 feet of wool carpet in the 5 bedrooms and another 800 feet of tile, not including the 5 shower walls and ceilings. Each bedroom has a nice, large bathroom.
Here's the big one.
The man wanted the exact same patterned wool carpet that was in the room at the golf course suite. The shop checked for pricing. I know it was inches away from $100 per. We needed 240 yards .....for those 5 bedrooms.

We discovered a couple of roadblocks.
There is a 350 yard minimum order.

(We need 240)
They don't make that pattern anymore.
.............But they
can make that carpet because they still have the pattern on file.
The customer was informed that he would have to purchase an additional $14,000 worth of carpet, beyond what he needed.
........no big deal.

Is capitalism great, or what?
.....later, thinking rationally.
Is that really a big deal?
People, ordinary people buy used cars day in, day out for $14,000.
I gave the shop a price of $25 per yard. I won't get rich by any means, but I know I'll have a couple weeks of good paying work in a couple of months.
The carpet isn't scheduled to made for a couple of months, so I will have questions later...... For SMLI, Dairis........and Ramey.
Dumb questions, but I will be asking them anyway. I'm not proud.

The new shop owner knows I don't want this job that I measured.
He told me today...
"I have some bad news for you"
The homeowner gave a green light to the carpet price.

$14,000 for buying additional carpet and that was not a big deal?

There is really knowbody within 120 miles that will, or more realistically 'can' install this carpet. Nobody will install woven here. Give em $50 a yard and I'd guarantee there would be no takers.
...they want slapperdown LVP on the menu and no carpet.
It's hard to coax installers to do carpet at $9 per yard with rental carpet.