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Yikes. I hope the chemo goes well, Nick.

I once managed to worm my way in to see my mother's brainscan when she was having one done (she'd been feeling dizzy & off-balance). They technically weren't supposed to let other people in the trailer where they did it, but since I pushed her wheelchair and asked nicely, they let me. She has a wrinkly brain. My father was disappointed that he didn't ask to see it because he wanted to joke that there was nothing there. Plus he would have really found it fascinating.

Had a neighborhood guy come over and ask if I'd seen his missing dog. I said I'd keep a look out for it. If it went anywhere near my nearest neighbor's it's probably dead though.

Mom twisted her knee the other day and wouldn't get up to go eat in the living room (we always eat in the living room rather than the kitchen). So I brought her food in bed. She woke me up around 4am or so because her internet stopped working. Today I got her to get up and go to the living room (while I ran interference with cats). I got her to try a new frozen meal- beef with portabella mushrooms & some sauce with broccoli. Very small portions. She liked the broccoli but said the mushrooms didn't taste right & the beef was meh. So, it's one marked off the list of options. The side I made worked out though. Bird's Eye frozen asparagus spears. They weren't bad steamed in the microwave with some seasoning added afterward. I prefer baked asparagus with sea salt and olive oil. But, she liked it well enough that it is on the list for re-purchase.
We’re looking at 18-24” of snow starting this afternoon into Sunday.
Monday we are supposed to be -30 with the wind chill.
It must be that global warming, I keep hearing about.
Yikes. I hope the chemo goes well, Nick.

I once managed to worm my way in to see my mother's brainscan when she was having one done (she'd been feeling dizzy & off-balance). They technically weren't supposed to let other people in the trailer where they did it, but since I pushed her wheelchair and asked nicely, they let me. She has a wrinkly brain. My father was disappointed that he didn't ask to see it because he wanted to joke that there was nothing there. Plus he would have really found it fascinating.

Had a neighborhood guy come over and ask if I'd seen his missing dog. I said I'd keep a look out for it. If it went anywhere near my nearest neighbor's it's probably dead though.

Mom twisted her knee the other day and wouldn't get up to go eat in the living room (we always eat in the living room rather than the kitchen). So I brought her food in bed. She woke me up around 4am or so because her internet stopped working. Today I got her to get up and go to the living room (while I ran interference with cats). I got her to try a new frozen meal- beef with portabella mushrooms & some sauce with broccoli. Very small portions. She liked the broccoli but said the mushrooms didn't taste right & the beef was meh. So, it's one marked off the list of options. The side I made worked out though. Bird's Eye frozen asparagus spears. They weren't bad steamed in the microwave with some seasoning added afterward. I prefer baked asparagus with sea salt and olive oil. But, she liked it well enough that it is on the list for re-purchase.
Thanks Z ..
Power went out last night and was out for quite awhile. It's weird how much noise the fans and stuff in the house make. Once the rain stopped I kept hearing all sorts of noises from outside. I could hear water dripping off the roof on to something, which was driving me batty. And I could hear the wind blowing against the tin roof all the way down at the barn- some of the tin is starting to pull up so I could hear it flapping and slamming back down onto the wood. I could also hear the cats moving around in the kitchen (even with my door closed). When the power came back on I was so relieved. Not only is there "white noise" but I like the air circulation from the fans. It's still rather nasty outside though.
Get the shot every year .. Haven't gotten Flu.. Have to be careful now as i start the Kemo on the 23 rd ..
Had a Brain scan today , They found nothing , not even the potatoes in my ears .. Blood work Monday ..
Your brain did a cloak on the confuzer they use. Ya fooled em. Your brain is totally full of it. (brain) :D
we're rooting for ya buddy.
I have a lighting bolt flashing on my weather station. A "poof" and clouds showing too. We're gonna get wiped off the face of the earth.
29.99 and dropping. 48 degrees and steady with no wind or rain. (9:pm)
We're sensitive to slight weather changes here. :D
Just came in from snowblowing for 3 1/2 hours nonstop.
It is supposed to snow until 6 o’clock tonight
Worked out good , it came on a weekend though
It’s 2 degrees here..
Now they are saying -40 with the wind chill tomorrow.
I put a new headlight bulb in my pickup and felt like my fingers were frost bitten.
Wow! That is a lot of snow! My friend in New Hampshire showed me some pictures of a previous year where they had over 5' of snow. I'm just trying to imagine what would happen down here if we got that much snow. Total panic would ensue.

Meanwhile, some people are just finding their own fun.

I'm envious of the T-Rex costume.

Today wasn't bad, but I have kidney stones again & my monthly "visitor" is here punching me in the abdomen & causing pain through my entire pelvis & lower back. Kidney pain is adding to the back pain. I couldn't bend in the store so I tried squatting to get something off a lower shelf but I still had to bend a little and my back decided not to cooperate so I couldn't reach what I wanted and had trouble getting back up. Fortunately, my brother was along to help & he got stuff for me. He also carried in most of the groceries.

Mom had a long list of things she wanted. Didn't know until we got back home that we were out of fabric softener though. I have a few more things we couldn't fit in the cart that I can go back for later. My bro was in a good mood bc he got more $ than he expected in his paycheck. At work they said people working the omelette station are still not technically allowed to accept tips until they sort out whatever the dispute was (people who didn't like working omelette station apparently complained that they felt it was unfair bc they weren't getting the tips). If someone leaves a tip, he's not allowed to touch it, however, the chefs can and they just told him that if someone leaves a tip, he can ask them to come pick it up, they will then ask him to go get something from the pantry, and then hand him the tip out of view of the cameras. He's not quite comfortable with that though, so he's hoping it will get resolved soon. He said he missed out on over $200 worth of tips last week bc a man tried to give him $100 on too different occasions. He also told me about a regular customer who normally orders 3 omelettes & how one day she came in and asked for 6 omelettes (there are only 6 pans so it used up all of them to make her order). She was by herself and he watched her eat all 6 of them and then she came back and asked for 3 more and ate them.

Rewinding a bit to last night, the dog scared a skunk and it sprayed outside not too far from the house. Stunk up the whole house. Dog didn't get directly sprayed but she had some of the stink on her- so of course she came in & got on my bed then rolled on my blankets & sat on my pillow. I kept thinking it was still from the outside and was spraying air freshener over and over before I realized she was the source of the stench. She also briefly sat on my brother's pillow while I was trying to do something on his computer (per his request). Before he went to bed I gave him some Gain scented Febreeze to spray on his pillow. A few minutes ago he asked me where he could find more of that scented spray because it smelled "amazing". LOL. He wants to spray everything in his room with it. I need to wash my bedding and pillowcase tomorrow (after I take the dog for a bath at the vet's and buy more fabric softener).

Meanwhile, I think my brother baked another cake. This is not helping with my hopes for weight loss (I say hopes bc I have procrastinated on attempts to lose weight).
We’re looking at 18-24” of snow starting this afternoon into Sunday.
Monday we are supposed to be -30 with the wind chill.
It must be that global warming, I keep hearing about.
Here on the Oregon coast, we probably haven't been below freezing more than 10-15 times this season..... coldest was 28 I think. Most of the others were 30 or 32. Actually that's not far from normal. To get really cold......... 25 or less, :D it takes an unusual front dropping down from Canada. Winter storms or winds push off the ocean towards the east, so that's why we don't get very cold here. There's a 10 to 15 degree difference between daily highs and lows. We are having a lot of soggy weather now and the difference between highs and lows for the next 2 days is only about 6 or 7 degrees.
Fortunately, it hasn't been below freezing here yet (at least not that I've noticed). We had a very nasty thunderstorm the other day, but no snow.
Monday the groomer wasn't in to give the dog a bath so I went to the post office for mail, went to the store to pick up prescriptions & cleaning supplies (including fabric softener), saw my brother on his way to work & stopped to give him a letter when he realized he forgot his work shirts at home. He rushed back & got them and sped to work, got pulled over & got a ticket but his supervisor said he was going to try to get a pool together to pay for the ticket for him since he was speeding to get to work on time on his usual day off.

I went back home, put my bro's medicine in his room, washed some dishes, frosted the cake my bro had put in the pressure cooker before falling asleep (the night before I'd turned the heat off bc he forgot about it) & heated up a bbq steak & veggies bowl thing and some asparagus for Mom. Then I decided to clean the toilet & the floor around it. Trash can was full so I took it out and when I went in to the kitchen to get something I was bothered by the trash piling up over the can so I managed to put the overflow in to a bag and took out the old bag, tossed it in the front room for my brother to drag out, put a new bag in, filled it up with trash that had spilled on the floor, tossed it in the front room, then put another bag into the can, and went back to the bathroom to put a new bag in the trashcan and clean some more. My back gave out on me before I could clean both rooms entirely though.

My brother got home & asked my mother who had cleaned (I think he thought that my friend & his fiance had been over to help). My mother said "Who do you think cleaned?" So he came and knocked on my door and thanked me.

I took Mom to get her bloodwork Tuesday afternoon, picked up packages from the post office, and napped for most of the rest of the day. I'm still exhausted but got woken up bc Mom heard a mouse in the front room even though there's nothing I could do about it. So, I'm trying to get my mind to settle enough to go back to sleep.

Thursday my friend is supposed to come over and help me change the wax ring on the toilet.

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