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And fix the economy

Who says the economy is broken. Maybe what you are considering to be a flaw of our economy is actually a feature. This country was built on the backs of exploited immigrants and slaves. It’s not pretty but it is our history and you were perfectly fine with it when you were doing good, no? So what’s changed?
Who says the economy is broken. Maybe what you are considering to be a flaw of our economy is actually a feature. This country was built on the backs of exploited immigrants and slaves. It’s not pretty but it is our history and you were perfectly fine with it when you were doing good, no? So what’s changed?
Grocery prices have tripled in 3 years. Look at real estate. We bought our house move-in-ready for $38,000 8 years ago. It is now valued at $132,000. And we could not sell it and afford anything else.

1. "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." ~Thomas Jefferson

2. Those who trade liberty for security have neither. ~John Adams

3. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.

4. An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject

5.Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them.

6. Gun control it is not about guns; it's about control.

7. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.

8. Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.

9. You don't shoot to kill; you shoot to stay alive.

10. Assault is a behavior, not a device.

11. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday

12. The United States Constitution (c) 1791. All Rights Reserved.

13. The Second Amendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others.

14. What part of 'shall not be infringed' do you NOT understand?

15. Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.

16. When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves.

17. The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.
“Extravagant as the supposition is, let it however be made. Let a regular army,... and let it be entirely at the devotion of the federal government; ... the State governments, with the people on their side, would be able to repel the danger.
Besides the advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation,... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of. Notwithstanding the military establishments in the several kingdoms of Europe, which are carried as far as the public resources will bear, the [European] governments are afraid to trust the people with arms...”
- - - James Madison, Federalist Paper #46.
Grocery prices have tripled in 3 years. Look at real estate. We bought our house move-in-ready for $38,000 8 years ago. It is now valued at $132,000. And we could not sell it and afford anything else.

Again, who says the economy is broken. I get that you think it sucks but that doesn’t mean it’s broken, it is operating exactly as intended.
When you paint Liberals as ‘ Wishers and Hopers’ what you see is weakness, but is that a correct view ?

That sounds good to me, what are you trying to say here ?

Sorry ! Gotta call that one out as being Passive Aggressive and not assertive.
Stand in the batters box and stop complaining about the Umpire.

I understand the need and want for his supporters to get a win. Both sides have strong conviction for their Candidates and that’s admirable, but has it gone to far ? And who is the leader of making it ‘ Go To Far ‘ ? …..His win would be a great symbol of retaliation from all the hate he’s received and will continue to receive, but once that emotion hits us, it will leave us, and then what substance is left behind ?

Sorry ! I got to ask you guys at this point, Isn’t it time to take the medicine and leave him and his ways behind ? To reluctantly and wisely get on board for bigger and better convictions, until next time. You can do it 😜

"Him and his ways" will save our country. I hope he doesn't change one bit. We need a leader badly.
You knew this was gonna happen when they invited Oprah.


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You're assuming that we need these people for jobs that would pay a liveable wage and that they would pay in enough taxes to cover their social costs. That simply is not the case. Most of these asylum seekers have made bogus claims too.

The more people there are in our country the more demands there are on housing, healthcare, schooling and on our natural and social resources. We must put the needs of Americans first and limit the number of valid asylum seekers that we allow into our country, deport illegal aliens and secure our border preventing more of them from getting into our country.
Most of the Hispanics that I know came in legally. They don't want the illegals either.
You're assuming that we need these people for jobs that would pay a liveable wage and that they would pay in enough taxes to cover their social costs. That simply is not the case. Most of these asylum seekers have made bogus claims too.

The more people there are in our country the more demands there are on housing, healthcare, schooling and on our natural and social resources. We must put the needs of Americans first and limit the number of valid asylum seekers that we allow into our country, deport illegal aliens and secure our border preventing more of them from getting into our country.
Most of the Hispanics that I know came in legally. They don't want the illegals either.

I’m not assuming we need these people for jobs that would pay a livable wage, I KNOW we need these people for jobs that DON’T pay a livable wage. That’s how this country works. It was built on and is maintained by groups of people that we can take advantage of. This is why I say the economy isn’t broken, it’s operating exactly as it was intended to operate. You’re just on the poopy end of the stick this time around and you don’t like it. I get it, I wouldn’t be happy either but for the love of God quit blaming the Mexicans because they aren’t the problem. They are a symptom of a problem. Shutting down the border won’t fix the problem, it will simply mask that specific symptom.

I’ve never met a single person on here so anything I say isn’t to be taken as a personal attack, it’s just me stating my opinion. Having said that, one thing I commonly see amongst those on fixed incomes (retired) is they say they’ll be just fine as long as things stay the same. Problem with that is things never stay the same. So now it’s not a matter of immigrants and handouts that’s hurting you, it’s a matter of you not planning properly for inevitable change that’s hurting you. Looking in the mirror and realizing you are the creator of your own problem is a hard pill to swallow. It’s much easier to blame someone else. Trump makes blaming someone else for your own decisions acceptable. Don’t know what the answer to your problem is but I do know that blaming others for decisions you’ve personally made IS NOT the answer.
Did you know that rural hospitals are closing because of being overwhelmed by illegals with no health insurance? By federal law they must be treated even when they can't pay. Many drive with no car insurance. If they hit your car, too bad. Many drive with no license. But I guess if you don't care that they come in illegally, you don't care about the other laws they break.
And be careful, we don't allow personal attacks.
The cat is out of the bag.
The press (fake news) has no choice but to comment on his speech today.
When I get off work, I'm going to watch every smarmy fake news channel. It will be interesting to hear their commentary on his 100% honest and from the heart statements. The Democratic party has earned its nickname and it's being smashed in their face like a chocolate creme pie.
.............that reminds me. I Need to stop and get bread, milk and desert on the way home.
.....any suggestions? 😁
Have a glorious weekend.

Did you know that rural hospitals are closing because of being overwhelmed by illegals with no health insurance? By federal law they must be treated even when they can't pay. Many drive with no car insurance. If they hit your car, too bad. Many drive with no license. But I guess if you don't care that they come in illegally, you don't care about the other laws they break.
And be careful, we don't allow personal attacks.
Tell them to come to Oregon. You can get a driver's license here AND get automatically signed up to vote. Yay! 🤧
Did you know that rural hospitals are closing because of being overwhelmed by illegals with no health insurance? By federal law they must be treated even when they can't pay. Many drive with no car insurance. If they hit your car, too bad. Many drive with no license. But I guess if you don't care that they come in illegally, you don't care about the other laws they break.
And be careful, we don't allow personal attacks.

No personal attacks, no name calling. I just think it’s foolish to think that whoever the president is will have more positive or negative effect on my life than my own personal decisions do. I also believe this applies to just about everyone else. Sure there are exceptions to this but in general I believe this to be true.

Hospitals are closing down because they have been bought out by private equity firms and the parts of the hospital that don’t turn a profit are being closed down. Look at Sears, that whole place was strategically dismantled for profit. That’s the new way and if you’re not prepared for it, you’re gonna get gobbled up by our system because that’s what our system does.

Speaking of private equity firms buying up places, pet hospitals are the latest thing for them to purchase. They jack the price up because they can. They know you have a personal attachment to your pet and therefore are more likely to spend big bucks if your pet gets sick. I think if you really want to make a positive change in this country you should be thinking about how Citizens v United can be overturned. Until then, it is what it is and this is just the world we have to live in.
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No personal attacks, no name calling. I just think it’s foolish to think that whoever the president is will have more positive or negative effect on my life than my own personal decisions do. I also believe this applies to just about everyone else. Sure there are exceptions to this but in general I believe this to be true.

Hospitals are closing down because they have been bought out by private equity firms and the parts of the hospital that don’t turn a profit are being closed down. Look at Sears, that whole place was strategically dismantled for profit. That’s the new way and if you’re not prepared for it, you’re gonna get gobbled up by our system because that’s what our system does.

Speaking of private equity firms buying up places, pet hospitals are the latest thing for them to purchase. They jack the price up because they can. They know you have a personal attachment to your pet and therefore are more likely to spend big bucks if your pet gets sick. I think if you really want to make a positive change in this country you should be thinking about how Citizens v United can be overturned. Until then, it is what it is and this is just the world we have to live in.
If Democrats stay in control, they will continue the path that pushed Kennedy to the side, making it impossible for him to be included in any debates and putting up obstacles so it was hard or impossible to get his name on state ballots. They tried putting Trump in jail to stop him.
.....did you listen to all of Kennedy's speech? He laid out what we all know as fact, how the Democrats and the media are all ingredients in the same egg roll. The Biden administration has one obvious reason for letting 15-20 million new Democratic hopefulls into the country.
I mean, if they gave you a free pass to be a US citizen, gave your kids a free education, gave you much needed health care, food stamps, housing and a phone .......who would you owe your thanks too? Trump? Republicans that want to deport you? You know why Biden's administration wants open borders, no matter the risk inflicted on this country. ....an overwhelming guaranteed democratic advantage every election cycle.
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15. Guns have only two enemies; rust and politicians.
Assertive behavior looks out for the needs of self and others. And IMHO that would make # 15 sound like this : When Guns are not responsibly respected, they have three enemies, Rust, Politicians and the victims surviving family and friends.

Even though we have an amendment that gives us permission, isn’t today’s gun culture different than the culture during amendment times ? And if we understand that, doesn’t it make sense to monitor gun ownership in a responsible way ?

When we fear ‘ Give and Take ‘ philosophy, we become convinced that it doesn’t work, And ! In my humble opinion this type of person would thrive better living with like minded individuals, in a like minded government, And ! IMHO that’s not a two party system, but a One Party system and that’s not in the constitution.
So ! In other words, if we on both sides are unwilling to ‘ Give and Take ‘ with each other, then we are both Tyrants and have some deep soul searching to do.

I love the conviction to country and amendments Rusty and all, but have those convictions gone to far, as to ignore the two party system ?
, if they gave you a free pass to be a US citizen, gave your kids a free education, gave you much needed health care, food stamps, housing and a phone .......who would you owe your thanks too? Trump? Republicans that want to deport you? You know why Biden's administration wants open borders, no matter the risk inflicted on this country.
I’m not going to argue that concept, but what I will point out is that when we only play defense, we have less chance of scoring a touchdown. My recommendation ( 2 cents 😜 ) since they will probably not play, what is being interpreted as not fair ! ….would be to get the offense on the field as quick as possible, with a counter attack that empowers the GOP .

If there’s a need for real ideas, it will cost more than 2 cents for me to share 😜😂

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