Well-Known Member
Kinda weird how you use the phrase Nazi’s when they’re nestled in Trumps Republican party.
I’m talkin about any and all of em. Doesn’t even have to be political. I’m waiting to see what happens to that broad from Theranos. Elizabeth Holmes? She’s definitely a nut case. How about Bernie Madoff? That guy ruined how many peoples lives? He should have been crushed with a steam roller of something like that. Put that **** on pay per view and send the money to his victims.You taking about Thomas Barrack and a 250 million dollar bond?
How about going back to public hanging? They were a family event in the 1800s, The whole family would take a picnic lunch and go watch. There were 3 public hangings here in the 1800s. And before anyone says anything, all 3 men were white. All were for murder.
It is probably too late, but he has upped deportations for illegals, finally.There is talk in California of getting a stamp on your arm to verify you have had the covid shot. I hope they consider also stamping AIDS patients, TB cases, ah heck, let's also stamp which bathroom one prefers on any given day.
You hear about the prisoners who identified as women, were immediately transfered to an all female prison, then sexually attacked a dozen women?
This world is messed up beyond belief and the dems have created such division with their us/them attitude.
Unless someone wakes up Bite Me Biden, Civil War #2 will soon be approaching.
Nope. Not a warning, just a concern. He has to understand that there has never been such division between parties. It just seems that he don't care at all. Pretty frightening, to be honest.Another warning?
I try and stay out of this sortie.... but you literally just called out a specific group for an us/them mentality... while clearly making the distinction yourself.This world is messed up beyond belief and the dems have created such division with their us/them attitude.
Just history. Why are Democrats so afraid of history? Maybe because they were the party of slavery?Round these parts there’s some kind of Civil War re enactment. Kinda weird why you would reenact a war you lost and most have moved on.
maybe they’re preparing gotta plead ignorant on that one,