the Liberals don't want to work together to keep illegals out.I see the point and that’s why I liked it, For the words, not the sexy woman
BUT ! ! let’s not get caught up in their business of WHY ! and loose sight on HOW we can work together to improve the border, economy, environment, health care, education, security etc etc. If you’re not part of the solution, because you want it the way you want it, then you are not fulfilling your responsibilities and are just as much a part of the problem as they are.
Liberalism attitudes and style is not going to evolve away , and we can’t force them SO ! If what comes out of our mouths is not Reasonable, is a full blown reaction, rather than a reasonable response ( on both sides, ) then we could self destruct…. Someone needs to step up and mentor Assertive action with out denigration.
Just for **** and giggles ( I actually don’t like that phrase) let’s keep a tally on Trump and Kamala next Tuesday on who denigrates the other the most.
They may not want to, but again ! That’s not our business to judge or assume. Our business is to be ‘ Doers ‘ with out being Judgersthe Liberals don't want to work together to keep illegals out.
It's amazing. You make a long post and say nothing.They may not want to, but again ! That’s not our business to judge or assume. Our business is to be ‘ Doers ‘ with out being Judgers…… The time and energy it takes to judge and complain could be better spent on doing. What does doing look like ? ……. It’s an attitude towards the greater good, with no distractions. That means if the opposition is placing a roadblock in front of you, you go around the block rather than fighting against it….. Invite them to see the progress/ plan and ask for feedback. Just because they won’t work with you doesn’t mean you don’t work with them.
Blessed are the Peace Makers: How many times must we forgive. How many times must I be expected to forgive my offender who shows no sign of repentance ? …. Not seven but seventy sevenIt's amazing. You make a long post and say nothing.
Still on top of that fence, and unwilling to commit.It's amazing. You make a long post and say nothing.
He is a liberal.Still on top of that fence, and unwilling to commit.
He is a liberal.
I’m on a Catholic Retreat this weekend and maybe I need to consider this commitment thing ? The Priests talk this morning touched on being indifferentStill on top of that fence, and unwilling to commit.
Not a bad observation, and I must admit that if you complimented that analysis of Doers vs Feelers, I would feel satisfaction, but that’s not the point, nor the motivation. The concept either makes sense or doesn’t make sense, and if it does, maybe that perspective could assist us all to communicate with more understanding and function……. They say the burden of communication is on the speaker, so this is me trying to convey, even though I understand that it can be taken as convince.Just an observation, I have a few liberal friends, and we get along great. Maybe it is because they understand that both sides have faults, as do I. I've never asked them to accept my way of thinking, nor do we play word games trying to use mental tactics to convince the other to concede.
Someday, you will have to take a side on an issue. No one can always ride the fence or you will see something bad happen that you speaking up might have changed. That is why we don't like the Democratic party. How do you feel about abortion into the 9th month? How about limiting your free speech which means you could not come on here and give your opinion? How about letting a man go into the restroom with young girls. These are just some of the things the current Democratic party favors. They keep turning criminals loose over and over and don't want us to be able to protect ourselves from them. A Democrat recently turned loose a rapist who has been convicted three times of multiple rapes, served time, three times, was released on parole and did it again. Would you feel safe with him in your area? He was allowed to go back into the area where he committed the rapes, again. What if you could take a stand that would make women safe from him, would you? You seem to be afraid to take a stance on anythingNot a bad observation, and I must admit that if you complimented that analysis of Doers vs Feelers, I would feel satisfaction, but that’s not the point, nor the motivation. The concept either makes sense or doesn’t make sense, and if it does, maybe that perspective could assist us all to communicate with more understanding and function……. They say the burden of communication is on the speaker, so this is me trying to convey, even though I understand that it can be taken as convince.
That’s what I’m doing right now. Speaking up about the style we use about speaking up.Someday, you will have to take a side on an issue. No one can always ride the fence or you will see something bad happen that you speaking up might have changed.
I don’t want any baby’s aborted, but I understand that circumstances create feel about abortion into the 9th month? How about limiting your free speech which means you could not come on here and give your opinion?
Not on my watch. Just because they favor it doesn’t mean it’s going to happen. And if it does exist now, I bet it’s on a scale that wouldn’t even register a blip. And the ultimate deal breaker will come from the women themselves.How about letting a man go into the restroom with young girls. These are just some of the things the current Democratic party favors.
Yes ! Absolutely and it would be nice to see a volunteer citizens group investigate this type of activity, and reporting it on community cable channels, so we can vote out or get people fired. The big network channels are too biased to report this type of stuff in any meaningful constructive way and that makes activism difficult.He was allowed to go back into the area where he committed the rapes, again. What if you could take a stand that would make women safe from him, would you? You seem to be afraid to take a stance on anything
The shooting that killed three people and injured another at a Greenwood, Indiana, mall on July 17, 2022 drew broad national attention because of how it ended – when 22-year-old Elisjsha Dicken, carrying a licensed handgun, fatally shot the attacker. Evidence compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center shows that the sources the media relied on undercounted the number of instances in which armed citizens have thwarted such attacks by an order of more than ten, saving untold numbers of lives. Of course, law-abiding citizens stopping these attacks are not rare. What is rare is national news coverage of those incidents. Although those many news stories about the Greenwood shooting also suggested that the defensive use of guns might endanger others, there is no evidence that these acts have harmed innocent victims. |
Probably a fear of promoting vigilantism. What is rare is national news coverage of those incidents. Although those many news stories about the Greenwood shooting also suggested that the defensive use of guns might endanger others, there is no evidence that these acts have harmed innocent victims.
But if we judge before voting and vote in someone that will to the right thing, then we correct the problem. I say judging is how the how the human psyche operates in it normal state of operation. It's not something that needs changing.They may not want to, but again ! That’s not our business to judge or assume. Our business is to be ‘ Doers ‘ with out being Judgers…… The time and energy it takes to judge and complain could be better spent on doing. What does doing look like ? ……. It’s an attitude towards the greater good, with no distractions. That means if the opposition is placing a roadblock in front of you, you go around the block rather than fighting against it….. Invite them to see the progress/ plan and ask for feedback. Just because they won’t work with you doesn’t mean you don’t work with them.
Nice pointBut if we judge before voting and vote in someone that will to the right thing, then we correct the problem. I say judging is how the how the human psyche operates in it normal state of operation. It's not something that needs changing.
If we judge, and "they" get voted out of office, "they" (either side), has some pondering to to about why they aren't employed by the government any longer. Let's just call that education.
Just to follow up, on speaking up. Am I riding the fence or am I not trusting the truth ? I was sent this letter that we may want to consider. Even though it sounds like it’s about ‘ personal life’ I believe we could also use the same templateSomeday, you will have to take a side on an issue. No one can always ride the fence or you will see something bad happen that you speaking up might have changed.