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That's why I pretty much quit watching SNL. Can you imagine 3 years of weekly Obama bashing. I wouldn't want to see that either.
Bass-O-Matic. Shimmer, Cone heads, Land shark, Bad Idea Jeans, Colon Blow, Mr. Robinsons Neighborhood, Jeopardy................ they were funny and that's why I stayed up to watch in. Now it is just a signal for bed time.
I did see the clips of the end with Kanya wearing that beautiful MAGA had and the totally dismayed cast in the background....... now that was funny. :D
Bet they don't have the nads to let him host the show. That I would stay up for.
I guess I know where I stand. I 'm not even registered. I let it go back in the 70's when Wallace ran.
I've been registered all my life as a Democrat. :D

Nick said:
I hate the people who don't vote, But are the first ones to complain.

...first, last and every minute in between. :rolleyes: They listened to the media and knew Trump didn't have a chance, so they stayed home. :) ......sheesh, thinking back, I really do like the media. :D
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I'm telling ya, term limits is our way out. Give them one chance in office to make a difference, then they are out.
I'd give em two. Takes a while to learn all the stuff you need to, especially relations with foreign dignitaries. Same with the reps and senators.
I get disgusted, because most years neither candidate is worth a crap.
Major campaign donation limits might take the fun out of it for many, with exception of the home town ordinary Joe that wants to toss his hat in the ring.
...that said, the wet behind the ears ordinary Joe doesn't have a clue how the world ticks. We're doomed.
.......hmmm, sounds like the FBI needs to do an investigation on Feinstein to find the skeletons in her closet. I thought the Dems wanted the report made public.
My understanding it was to protect some of his other victims from the public. There were several others.
Those victims are also known as accusers. The people they are protecting told the FBI that the events never happened or happened differently.
Had the accusers told their stories 35 years ago, maybe there would be a shred of evidence.
Kavanaugh is presumed guilty in this sham and he's supposed to prove his innocence. Can we say Bassaquards? The timing of these accusations is a freakishly obvious last resort effort to doom his place on the court.
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Turtle head is only allowing a one hour review for either party of the lopsided FBI investigation. Hmmm
But they can block Obama's pick for Supreme court.
Not being picky but that's where all this fighting started. No
Turtle head is only allowing a one hour review for either party of the lopsided FBI investigation. Hmmm
But they can block Obama's pick for Supreme court.
Not being picky but that's where all this fighting started. No
I don't recall anyone's life and reputation and career being ruined when that happened. Problem here is there is no evidence on anyone's side to prove anything. We assume the one we like best is telling the truth. ...then what?
The FBI did not interview Ford or Kavanaugh, does not sound too comprehensive. A couple of his college buddies have said that he frequently drank to the point he either passed out or became aggressive and started a fight. And he said he did not drink much at that time. They also said he lied about other stuff during his testimony. Him lying under oath to congress is a felony. Did you know that he was never a practicing attorney? He was a law clerk, a gopher, when Bush made him a judge.
He did it .. I know it , You know it, the Senate knows it ..

Make him eat some 3 alarm chili and see if he Pukes ..
As an American Taxpayer, I in essence pay for the FBI. As a result, I demand to see exactly what was found. This is not transparity as we deserve. If they found credible proof that anyone was lying, either the accused OR THE ACCUSER, they need to be put in jail for perjury. And if one of our Senators are found to have done something improper, committed a payoff, lied, or tampered with any witnesses or evidence, they also need to go to jail. We need to quit being *******, call a spade a spade, and quit this gawd damn Pussification of America with hurt feelings, padded rooms, he said/she said BS. If you don't like America, then GTFO out like you all promised when Trump became the president!

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