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I saw that Feinstein is the one who demanded this be sealed. She is a Dem.

I saw that also. If it had smeared him I expect it would have been in the headlines in 30 minutes.
The Dems were only aloud one hour to go through the report.. they had to share the one copy .. And the FBI was limited to it's Investigation ..
I wonder if any one person is so absolutely sure of Kavanaugh's guilt, that if they had the sole power to put him in jail for 10 years based on what we know as armchair quarterbacks....... that they would actually do it.
"but he voted with the court’s liberal wing for much of his tenure."

Ern, what else would you expect another Lib to say?

Whether or not what his voting record said it is why he said it. The reasoning is the guy started out ranting about the Clintons and how democrats are after him, plus the "what comes around goes around" statement which proves his bias. His demeanor just plain sucks. :)
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Sorry, the libs of late have realized that if they don't get their way, they scream, shout, cry, protest, sabotage, make up ****, need a soft stuffed animal, a padded room, and honestly, they need to grow a pair of balls and man up for a change.
Sorry, the libs of late have realized that if they don't get their way, they scream, shout, cry, protest, sabotage, make up ****, need a soft stuffed animal, a padded room, and honestly, they need to grow a pair of balls and man up for a change.

Yeah, just like when Obama nominated Merrick Garland. Or when Turtle face got up and made his speech saying the GOP would do everything in their power to make Obama's time in office fail. uh huh
The things about Kavaugh that bother me have nothing to do with Ford. When Bush appointed him, he was a law clerk. He was not qualified for the job. He has never argued in front of a court. And then he has said he thinks a president is above the law and cannot be indicted, no matter what he does, while in office. That would set a dangerous precedent. What if the court had been full of people with that opinion when Nixon was in office? And it is pretty sure that he lied about his drinking while under oath. Why not admit you drank too much as a teen, hell we all did.

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