I saw that Feinstein is the one who demanded this be sealed. She is a Dem.
I saw that also. If it had smeared him I expect it would have been in the headlines in 30 minutes.
I saw that Feinstein is the one who demanded this be sealed. She is a Dem.
How much ya wanna bet the info gets leaked. Senators can't keep a secret for two days.I saw that also. If it had smeared him I expect it would have been in the headlines in 30 minutes.
"but he voted with the court’s liberal wing for much of his tenure."
Ern, what else would you expect another Lib to say?
Sorry, the libs of late have realized that if they don't get their way, they scream, shout, cry, protest, sabotage, make up ****, need a soft stuffed animal, a padded room, and honestly, they need to grow a pair of balls and man up for a change.
It doesn't bother you that any president can not be charged for a crime according to Kavanugh?Well, to use Ern's logic, Obammie never had a paying job before he was elected as POTUS. He walked away as The Messiah!