If currently popular scientific theories and hypotheses about the Earth's climate at different times over the course of its existence are correct (and they very well may not be), then:
1. From the time the Earth was formed (when it was purportedly covered with molten lava) until now, the Earth has cooled.
2. Around 650 million years ago, during the "Snowball Earth" period, the Earth was believed to have been covered in ice from pole to pole. Since that time, the Earth has warmed.
3. During the time of the dinosaurs, which spanned around 180 million years until about 65 million years ago, temperatures were largely warmer. So, since that time, the Earth has cooled.
4. Since the last ice age (around 12-20 thousand years ago), the Earth has warmed.
5. Since the Medieval Warming Period (around 800–1300 AD), when the Vikings were the terror of Europe and Greenland was actually green, the Earth has cooled.
6. Since the mini-ice age (around 1350-1850 AD), when the glaciers advanced, crop failures increased, deaths from epidemics and plague were common and Washington crossed an ice-choked Delaware river, the Earth has warmed.
7. Since around 1995, the Earth climate has stayed pretty flat and maybe even cooled a little bit.
Of course there are many other instances of cyclical climatic periods such as the ones above that could be added to this list. But the point is that the Earth's climate has always been in a state of change. It always has, and it always will. So no one should be surprised to discover that the Earth's climate continues to change at the present time.
Clearly, climate change is normal and natural on the planet Earth.