OK, they're coming to ask how far it is back to where they came from.There is no horde invading us.
Nice sticker Rusty, where'd ya get it?I voted. Heres a free sticker for you ..
If the military isn't there and they just keep walking..... then what?
Sending the military is supposed to sent a message. If we don't send a message, then .......................... we are sending a message. That message being "trample all over us we don't have borders"
That kind of military expenditure cost about 2 seconds of the annual budget. The employment cost of those military personnel already exists, so deduct that from the transportation costs or just call it a military preparedness maneuver. Dust in the wind, not an expense.
The barbed wire is for those that do not want to go through the vetting process, just like the rest of the people that cross illegally.
Invasion may seem a little harsh I admit............... but so what, we got the rule of law here.
If they are all going to stand in line and apply for asylum, I don't have much of a problem with it.We have Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement agencies to handle it. These are unarmed men, women, children, and infants who are on a long journey to seek asylum through legal means. They aren't violent insurgents rushing the border. They are walking at a slow pace and won't be at the border for months. So bringing the military in months before arrival is pointless. Particularly because these refugees are unlikely to have access to social media & news. They are unlikely to even know about the military waiting. Now, if there was evidence that the "caravan" was armed and they were within days of reaching the border, I *might* see justifying the military-- but the military isn't really trained to handle refugees. The Border Patrol *is* trained for it. There could be some misunderstandings with military involvement and it could turn ugly. Besides, what the refugees are doing is not illegal. The legal way to seek asylum is to come to the border and speak with officials to formally request asylum.
The talk of them being this dangerous force rushing the border is total BS meant to cause fear & incite hatred against the refugees and people who defend them. These people will probably be absolutely exhausted when they finally reach the border. I just hope that no nutjobs rise to the fearmongering and try to take matters in to their own hands (although I've heard there are groups of armed citizens who plan to go fight the refugees). The people from Guatemala are fleeing attempts at ethnic cleansing & racial persecution. Many of them were going to be killed if they didn't leave.
Editing to add the link to an article: http://time.com/5445444/american-troops-migrant-caravan-mexico-border-trump/?xid=tcoshare
Our CIA set up many of those governments. If they elected leaders, we would just topple them again.I wish these people that claim persecution would rise up against their government and have a good old civil war like we did. Ours turned out pretty well. Not saying all that death was a good thing, but look at our country today. I wonder how close Iran is to civil war They hate their government more than they hate us.
.......hmm, the most horrible place on earth and yet everyone wants to come here.
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