Yeah, they have been called Obama Phones for years. Even the bums around here call them that. Last week I found a phone in the street. I took it home and charged it up. I couldn't access it because it was locked. An hour later, Beto calls asking for "********". I told him I found the phone and was just trying to get it to the rightful owner. He said "bring it down to the 7 Eleven, I'm the guy on the bike with the beer, and give me the phone and I will get it to "********." I drove to the liquor store, waited an hour, and "Beto" never showed up. It donned on me that this was an Obama Phone. I tossed it into the trash and drove home. He probably got a few more phones the next day.
You see, bums, hobos, homeless, transients are coming in my area and sleeping on the freeways, on the streets, on front porches. There are piles of poop on the sidewalks. We are really tired of it. They have taken over the area. They are breaking into houses, leaving dirty needles for kids to pick up. We are done. After our elections next month, I'm moving next to Ern in Arizona. California has gone to the libs, and sinking fast.