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Is Zuckerberg being a good conformist so that he won't get investigated for election tampering in the past? Or is he sincerely regretful for banning Trump and many other conservative voices? It's not like the various social media giants might have conspired to stop him from communicating........ and that by silencing him, it might prevent him from winning the election against Biden. 😱
Mark knows that Trump's memory is really, really, really good. 😂
Regardless, what a breath of fresh air. Is YouTube next? Hell, they demonetize channels if they are climate change deniers. They won't even give a reason to channels when they acknowledge why they were demonetized. They just give me a form letter stating "broke site guidelines" or something vague like that.
The dictator of Canada is stepping down.
Ford, Walmart, John Deere, Harley Davidson, Coors, Jack Daniels, Lowes, Caterpillar and even major colleges have eliminated DEI..... In a week and a half, the military and federal government will throw dei in the wood chipper. Every state in the US moved more red. Sounds like Europeans are fed up too.
Light at the end of the tunnel is neon, blinking and says:
"Approaching Normal"
The UK is going farther left.
The UK is going farther left.
Do we want all Left, all Right, or balance?

The founding fathers constructed division on purpose, knowing it was problematic. WHY ?

Let’s identify that “ why “ then understand it, accept it, and appreciate it. Now ! that should or could activate us to care enough, to trust the process enough, to then decide on taking the responsibility serious enough to be respectful along the way as we work the founding fathers process.

If we apply that logic, we should or could be able to understand this next ‘ counter intuitive statement ‘ …..Unity happens through respectful division 🤔 and respectful division keeps us balanced.
Is Zuckerberg being a good conformist so that he won't get investigated for election tampering in the past? Or is he sincerely regretful for banning Trump and many other conservative voices?
I hate to bring up old experiences, but we kinda already went through all this on a local level with TFP and our own Mark Z. named Jimbo….. The owners / creators of this new ‘ Social Media ‘ are learning as it grows and develops. Rules are made, broken, enforced, not enforced, and ever evolving towards improving.

My take / understanding is that both men were sincerely human and susceptible to mistakes.
Do we want all Left, all Right, or balance?

The founding fathers constructed division on purpose, knowing it was problematic. WHY ?

Let’s identify that “ why “ then understand it, accept it, and appreciate it. Now ! that should or could activate us to care enough, to trust the process enough, to then decide on taking the responsibility serious enough to be respectful along the way as we work the founding fathers process.

If we apply that logic, we should or could be able to understand this next ‘ counter intuitive statement ‘ …..Unity happens through respectful division 🤔 and respectful division keeps us balanced.
We've gone extreme left woke, we're going back to center. How much farther left could we have gone? I'm a center type tilted slightly right. The far right is as nutty as far left.
Our constitution and decades of pride in our country and "traditional" family values is the center point.

The government has been telling us what light bulbs to use, when we will drive electric cars, when we will have X% wind, solar and unicorn powered homes. They give us mandates on hiring. More and more they have used censorship as a weapon and try to prevent us from owning weapons.
Their cohabitation with social media is disgusting....... as in American as it gets. Elon exposed this BS and it's all unraveling. Without him exposing all that...... Where would this have ended?
Aren't WE supposed to vote on that stuff?
We're heading back to normal ...to center.

Regan said it best.

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Do we want all Left, all Right, or balance?

The founding fathers constructed division on purpose, knowing it was problematic. WHY ?

Let’s identify that “ why “ then understand it, accept it, and appreciate it. Now ! that should or could activate us to care enough, to trust the process enough, to then decide on taking the responsibility serious enough to be respectful along the way as we work the founding fathers process.

If we apply that logic, we should or could be able to understand this next ‘ counter intuitive statement ‘ …..Unity happens through respectful division 🤔 and respectful division keeps us balanced.
In the UK a man who raped a young girl several times was sentenced to counseling only. (standard sentence now). And people who criticize the government on Facebook go to prison. They have been threatening to arrest Americans who criticized the UK government.
I hate to bring up old experiences, but we kinda already went through all this on a local level with TFP and our own Mark Z. named Jimbo….. The owners / creators of this new ‘ Social Media ‘ are learning as it grows and develops. Rules are made, broken, enforced, not enforced, and ever evolving towards improving.

My take / understanding is that both men were sincerely human and susceptible to mistakes.
Jim had his rules and it was his business.
We couldn't vote or tell a business owner how to do business. Some of us "voted" to simply leave.
Government isn't remotely the same thing. We can (or should be able to) tell them what to do. The government has been slowly playing roll reversal. It got to the tipping point as this election demonstrated.
During this election cycle EVERY single state gained Republican voters, not one blue state gained Democrats.
Trudeau banned guns, banned Brakleen banned WD-40 😱 and during the truckers strike/demonstration during COVID, he froze the bank accounts and seized the truckers trucks, fined and jailed them. They hunted down every participant like our government did January 6th participants.
Trudeau learned that tyrants won't be tolerated.
Our administration learned something too, but I'm not sure how many of the members actually learned from it..... yet.
Government isn't remotely the same thing. We can (or should be able to) tell them what to do. The government has been slowly playing roll reversal. It got to the tipping point as this election demonstrated.
Mark Z. is not the government, but the philosophy of rule makers, ( government or citizens ) who manage the enforcement or not, are going to make mistakes. Striving or demanding perfection from both is noble, but could this endeavor for perfection create more problems that delay improvements ?

As an aside, hey high up, I’m using the talk type feature and slowly learning how to feel comfortable with it. 😀

As for the tipping point and Democrats losing states. That was Trump turning Liberal strength into weakness. He understands more than most on how to exploit, he’s the king exploiter, 😱 and history will decide whether this exploitation has helped with improvements or delayed and created more turmoil then was necessary. 🤷🏻‍♂️

In many ways some of our country’s citizens are divided like an unhealthy marriage and in need of therapy for the greater good of their children and citizens.
Probably the biggest scandal in British history! From a recent GBNews yt interview:

Maggie Oliver, a former detective for Manchester police dept, was there in 2008 when Keir Starmer was the director of public prosecutions and Gordon Brown was the PM, when she found that "the greater Manchester police closed down a live investigation where we had a hundred pedophiles on a database that we knew were abusing dozens of children..not one person prosecuted"

Why was it closed down?

" a circular was sent out to all Crown prosecutors and police forces telling them that this was a well-known problem among the Pakistani Muslim Community, that young white children were being groomed or and *aped on a daily basis and that they should do nothing about it..."

From her interview on GBNews yt: "Cops ordered 'DO NOTHING' about grooming gangs as Starmer 'TURNS HIS BACK' on 'white victims"

Why do they rape girls? Another guest on a different GBNews interview said it's in their culture that boys and men are told that it's ok to abuse any non-Muslim girl. Even encouraged to do so.
It is truly amazing to see just how bad things have gotten in the UK in such a short period of time, and how the people of Britain are being abused by their government. From the Islamic rape gangs allowed to rape and brutalize a now estimated 1/2 MILLION little British girls, the violence, vileness and dominance of Islamists throughout the nation. If you dare speak up about the horror of the rape gangs, and if you dare mention it on social media, police will put you in prison. Same if you say anything about their government they disapprove of. They locked up Tommy Robinson simply for sharing facts they did not like. Worse-they threaten to put AMERICANS in prison if we post comments critical of their government. NO American that values freedom in any manner should visit the UK. How the people of the UK let this happen...I don't understand.
A quick google search turned up David Cameron ( A Conservative) having similar issues back in 2011….. So I say again!
Left issue, Right issue, or more complex than that ? …. Either way heads need to roll off the chopping block 😜

More importantly have you ever considered How beneficial is it to take such an issue like this and place the focus onto a political party, rather than onto the bigger tragedy of corruption and criminal activity. IMHO that’s what Elon M. has done. They seem to be all in with this exploiting for political gain 😡 However if this type of tactic or branding yields real world results, then I would happily consider turning a blind eye to what I believe is Dirty Pool, unscrupulous mentoring, that we as a society will have to address before real improvements can happen 🤷🏻‍♂️
A quick google search turned up David Cameron ( A Conservative) having similar issues back in 2011….. So I say again!
Left issue, Right issue, or more complex than that ? …. Either way heads need to roll off the chopping block 😜

More importantly have you ever considered How beneficial is it to take such an issue like this and place the focus onto a political party, rather than onto the bigger tragedy of corruption and criminal activity. IMHO that’s what Elon M. has done. They seem to be all in with this exploiting for political gain 😡 However if this type of tactic or branding yields real world results, then I would happily consider turning a blind eye to what I believe is Dirty Pool, unscrupulous mentoring, that we as a society will have to address before real improvements can happen 🤷🏻‍♂️
The current PM of the UK is ignoring all criminal activity done by Muslims. And if someone speaks out, they are going to jail.
Mark Z. is not the government, but the philosophy of rule makers, ( government or citizens ) who manage the enforcement or not, are going to make mistakes. Striving or demanding perfection from both is noble, but could this endeavor for perfection create more problems that delay improvements ?

As an aside, hey high up, I’m using the talk type feature and slowly learning how to feel comfortable with it. 😀

As for the tipping point and Democrats losing states. That was Trump turning Liberal strength into weakness. He understands more than most on how to exploit, he’s the king exploiter, 😱 and history will decide whether this exploitation has helped with improvements or delayed and created more turmoil then was necessary. 🤷🏻‍♂️

In many ways some of our country’s citizens are divided like an unhealthy marriage and in need of therapy for the greater good of their children and citizens.
When you use that talk type...... Beware..... If you don't check what you talk-typed after you post something, you might be in for a surprise.
On morning I went online here and Daris was asking what the hell I was drinking.
I read what I had supposedly "typed" and it was so out of whack I couldn't even begin to figure out what it was supposed to say.

It will total change one word into another...
....your mileage may vary. 😁
All spel checkers may not be the same. I've got an android. Not sure if each phone brand uses the same spell check or not.
It's correct most of the time, or correct enough. Sometimes it's on meth, so keep an eye out.
Mark Z. is not the government, but the philosophy of rule makers, ( government or citizens ) who manage the enforcement or not, are going to make mistakes. Striving or demanding perfection from both is noble, but could this endeavor for perfection create more problems that delay improvements ?

As an aside, hey high up, I’m using the talk type feature and slowly learning how to feel comfortable with it. 😀

As for the tipping point and Democrats losing states. That was Trump turning Liberal strength into weakness. He understands more than most on how to exploit, he’s the king exploiter, 😱 and history will decide whether this exploitation has helped with improvements or delayed and created more turmoil then was necessary. 🤷🏻‍♂️

In many ways some of our country’s citizens are divided like an unhealthy marriage and in need of therapy for the greater good of their children and citizens.
No, Trump just help open their eyes. It's his charm. 😁 I'm amazed how you, like my brother can't see it.
He's so far ahead of sliced bread it will never catch with him in our lifetime. 🤣
They are not hiding it. It is happening.
I just read the NPR story on this subject and it was interesting 🧐 … For me it’s an 80/20 thing. ( just like Axminster Carpets 😜 ) 80 % wool and 20% Nylon. NPR Is the 80 % trusted wool and Elon is the 20 % shiny Nylon 😜 ….. Both have value and will perform properly together, but separately the natural fiber is the trusted real one and the synthetic fiber is the fake man made one 😜 …. but I understand the temptation to blame someone after unthinkable tragedies happen to children. Lets be careful not to turn Trumps winning marketing methods into real world complexity, please 🙏
No, Trump just help open their eyes. It's his charm. 😁 I'm amazed how you, like my brother can't see it.
He's so far ahead of sliced bread it will never catch with him in our lifetime. 🤣
I believe everyone has the ability to open others eyes, including Trump. However, is this charm / perspective filled with sincerity or something else? My spider senses tell me it’s something else.

Good may come from this unconventional strategy tragedy 😜 but is it something we want our children to aspire to ?
.....oh, and Mark Z worked hand in hand as an extension of the hand of government overreach.
He ought to be in jail. He should be for the people. He should question government.
He did the opposite because he liked the current anti Trump government model.
He spent $300 million in the previous election putting ballot boxes in heavy Democrat locations...... Only Democrat locations.
They can't help him now because they lost power.
He's playing games and sucking up right now.
Too little to late? We will see.
When Hunters laptop was exposed, it was extremely obvious it was his.
The government told Zuckerberg it had all the earmarks of "Soviet disinformation". (It had none)
Instead of looking into it. I stead of questioning them, he started banning and deleting comments like a good boy. He doesn't like Trump so he did the governments bidding.... Happily so.
Same with COVID and that magical word "COVID". More banning if you doubted the government.
He and they had hands on each other's pants. The media played along happily too. Ban and silence naysayers. What a better combo than all of social media literally joined at the hip with the federal government?
It's time to legally destroy whatever needs to be destroyed.
A new beginning. A lot of heads will be rolling and the start of a new era or restructuring of government is about to begin.
Trump's first term began and ended with our own government and it's internal power structure organized and empowered, trying to destroy him.
The FBI, CIA and attorney generals departments need to be pressure washed, hung out to dry and discard the cleaning label. They then need to be restructured in a way that makes them work with and FOR the president.
What they did to him during his first term was Soviet style rule but against their own leader. All the heads in those departments need to roll.
........if they delete records and destroy evidence on their way out..... Charge them with treason and life sentences
What the did needs NEVER again to happen to a US president.

Invade and conquer Greenland first. Wait for the Canadian economy to get better before wasting time taking them over. 🤣

I wasn't finished venting 😂
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