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There are crazy people out there on all sides. They aren't worth the air time. Comments from one idiot are brought only up to paint one political side the same color. Ignore the random crazy people comments.
True, but I'm starting to see more & more of the crazy people because I think they are being desensitized to the hatred/violence & are starting to be radicalized to think it's OK. I saw a bunch of Democrats thinking it was great that someone allegedly spit on Erik Trump. He wasn't hurt, but I personally don't think that is funny or good.
That was pretty disgusting. It's one thing to disagree with a person or his politics, but spitting on someone, or as in Jesse Jackson's case, spitting on white peoples meals when he worked at a restaurant...............................
That just isn't right no matter the circumstances.
I agree! And I forgot this was the jokes thread. LOL.
Two men walked into a bar. The third one ducked. :p
My father told me that he saw the Titanic and that from the very beginning, he warned all the people that the ship would sink, but nobody would listen to him.

He was a brave man. He did not give up. He warned them again and again and again, on many occasions, until they finally kicked him out of the theater!
Ern, you wearing your Nikes today?
Funny how were fighting the British for our independence using tools of war for 5 years after 1776, and we celebrate our victory with a parade showing off our military........... and that bothers some people. We didn't win because we were pushovers. We are proud of out mighty military power. Ever see a 4th of July parade without veterans and Jeeps? neither. ;)
My father told me that he saw the Titanic and that from the very beginning, he warned all the people that the ship would sink, but nobody would listen to him.

He was a brave man. He did not give up. He warned them again and again and again, on many occasions, until they finally kicked him out of the theater!
Ya had me for a second........ I was thinkin', how old is Ern? :D
Funny how were fighting the British for our independence using tools of war for 5 years after 1776, and we celebrate our victory with a parade showing off our military........... and that bothers some people. We didn't win because we were pushovers. We are proud of out mighty military power. Ever see a 4th of July parade without veterans and Jeeps? neither. ;)
The thing is Trump just wants his ugly mug in the news every day which is why he hijacked the 4th. Has any other president done that? Fenced i t off just for his goon friends and collect money for his campaign? Disgusting.
And maybe no one noticed but were broke and in debt up to our eyeballs. He stole the money from the parks. If anything he could have - should have collected money for homeless vets.
The "singing" bit reminded me of a poem in a book by Mercedes Lackey. She used to write about paladins who had magical horses that could read their thoughts (or something like that). I read them back in the 80s.

Excerpts from the poem:
It was a dark and stormy night - or so the Heralds say -
And lightning striking constantly transformed the night to day.
The thunder roared the castle round - or thusly runs the tale -
And rising from the Northeast Tower there came a fearful wail.

It was no beast or banshee that, the castle folk knew well,
Nor prisoner in agony, nor demon trapped by spell,
No ghost that moaned in penance, nor soul in mortal fright -
'Twas just the Countess "singing" - for she practiced every night.

It was a dark and stormy night - or so the Bards aver -
And so perhaps that was the reason why there was no stir
When suddenly the "music" ceased; and when Dawn raised his head
Within the Tower servants found the Countess stiff and dead.

At length the Heralds then pronounced her death as "suicide".
And all within the district voiced themselves quite satisfied.
It was a verdict, after all, that none wished to refute -
Though no one could imagine why she'd try to eat her lute.

I can usually only remember the first two parts and the last line.


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