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I'm glad to hear that, Rusty. Hopefully there won't be any problems. Did he happen to say what was wrong in the first place?
Comcast here still uses the older 2.2 modems . So i bought a 3.0 one last week .

Internet downloads is a lot faster now .
Got it fixed this morning. Turns out I know the tech they sent today. He gave me his private cell number and told me to just call him direct if we had any more problems.

Worth writing Comcast to let them know that they have an exceptional employee.
..............oooops, I meant AT&T. It's Nick's fault for dragging them in. :D
I almost dragged him out .:mad:

If i didn't know anything about confusers it would cost me a few hundred dollars to have someone do the same thing i did in about 20 seconds .
My internet has been going out due to the weather and the houseguest has been using some sort of voice skype like thingy that has just sucked away our bandwidth. I'm a bit annoyed because we told him we have limited bandwidth, but I think he just has no clue how much bandwidth is used up by voice stuff. 10Gb in a 30/31 day period is not a lot to work with. I think the average webpage takes about 5Mb for download and then there's upload to communicate with the servers. And that's being conservative.
Bandwidth is the average rate of successful data transfer through a communication path.

10 megs should only last you about two or three days . Depending on how much you text [etc].
I don't text much. I don't really like texting. I do use the internet for mmorpgs, research, and looking up pictures. Before the bandwidth limit is gone over, I tend to do most of my loading during the grace period from midnight to 5am. My ISP calls it the "late night free zone" where the usage "usually" doesn't count toward the monthly limit. Sometimes they do count it, even though they are not supposed to. They refuse to have an hourly account of usage for users to examine to see if it is bogus though. However, they seem to have made some improvements so that I am able to do more while slowed. Before I couldn't even load webpages while slowed, but now I can play World of Warcraft-- granted its over 1000ms latency.

I do get a lot of failed packets though.
Changed the electric window motor in my '85 van. Third time in a year. Parts are under warranty, but changing them is a pita. Have to drill out rivets and rivet it back in. Not enough room for bolts like on some models. I just wish those little kids in China making car parts would have some pride in their work. :(
I went down to the barn to see how bad the damage is now and one part is completely collapsed. I really need to find a way to retrieve the stuff out of it before more of it falls and the stuff will be stuck there. I was going to try to grab some stuff but then my cow came to see me and got in the way.
Sitting here watching my son's dog. She's 16 and blind. Over the last few days she has started getting feeble. Don't think she has much time left. My son got her when he was three. He's autistic and I have no idea how he will react when she is gone.
Sitting here watching my son's dog. She's 16 and blind. Over the last few days she has started getting feeble. Don't think she has much time left. My son got her when he was three. He's autistic and I have no idea how he will react when she is gone.

That's not good. :-(
How severe is your son's autism?
I have a friend who is an expert on autism and is doing brains studies and teaching at Caltech. She used to be severely autistic to the point of not speaking until she was 9 years old, but she has made a lot of progress. I can ask her if she as any advice.

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