I hope for an early death myself. Something quick and unexpected like an asteroid or lightning.
Prolly something more like this.
I hope for an early death myself. Something quick and unexpected like an asteroid or lightning.
I want to live to 100 and get killed by a young woman's jealous boyfriend.I hope for an early death myself. Something quick and unexpected like an asteroid or lightning.
I watch tons of welding videos. Guys out there put on weld so pretty they ought to be an art gallery.It is a 120v 15/20 amp draw, so says the box and an output of 60/80 amp. I am fairly sure all my outdoor plugs are 15A and I only ran it for 20 min or so but it held. Just a cheepie but it will suffice for what I need.
One thing that is for certain, I have a lot of learning to do before I go and let me touch my car with this thing.
Then there is my tool preferences. Things that I know I will use a lot, or are imperative to my ability I will spend endless amounts of money on quality for. Things that I rarely use or are more of a convenience tool I have no problem buying el cheapo tools.
Prolly something more like this.
I've never heard of insulin resistance causing weight loss-- just the opposite. There was a doctor who did a Ted Talk about how he was exercising, eating "right" etc & still packing on pounds. Found out he was insulin resistant. His body was producing it.
I was a healthy weight for most of my life up until I dislocated my ankle & couldn't walk, then I hit age 30 & my metabolism changed so I got hit with both at the same time. Then I developed hypothyroid and insulin resistance. Hypothyroid made me gain weight, but so does the medicine I take for it. I also have two prolapsed heart valves so when my heart rate goes up, I don't get oxygen & I nearly pass out. So my doctor recommended exercises that don't stress my heart.
I've got chronic fatigue to boot, but I know it could be a lot worse.
Today was a waste. Power went out & it was too hot to do anything and no light to see. My backup unit didn't keep my computer on so I lost some stuff I'd put in Notepad. The power surge managed to make it through Mom's backup unit & killed her computer (I think it's the internal power supply). It's also possible I may need a new wall outlet there if it's not giving the backup enough juice to power the computer back on. If it doesn't power back on in the morning I will take it over to my friend's house for diagnosis.
He came out and took the battery out of my brother's truck (battery was dead-- it started last week but this week decided to nope out). Friend had trouble lifting it so I picked it up & put it in the back of my truck. Need to make sure we take his tools back to him tomorrow. I grabbed him some Popeyes as a thank you.
My younger sister was a medical transcriptionist. She knew all of her doctor's patients very well. She corrected him on a number of different prescription issues like that.Called the Dr. and told him I was done with the new med. My lymph nodes swelled. Read up on the med and it has been linked to lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). Besides, he has me on a couple other meds that should not be taken with that one. WTF?
After watching my cousin in ICU for over 6 weeks and in so much pain from covid he begged to die, I decided it might be easier to die from the vaccine. He got his wish and they let him die.It really is something to behold. I mean here we will pay morons to stay at home more than most of them made working but we won't offer working people paid sick leave because somehow that would be foolish. There is a lot in life I try and understand and a lot of leeway that I can give to people put into situations they are not overly qualified/prepared for, such as a global pandemic but caress my sweet ass there has been a whole lot of not a whole lot of thought put into a lot of this.
There comes a point in time where doing something really is not a whole lot better than doing nothing.
Kudos to America, they are at least getting their vaccine game up to a fantastic level, here in the great white north we can barely manage to figure which way is up any longer. For the record I am neither for/against a vaccine, I won't get one any time soon.... maybe in a decade or so when i feel a bit better about it lol but I can see how perhaps it would be a good idea.
It definitely rips through a lot of people. It probably would be a lot easier to die from a vaccine complication than respiratory illness. My mom went down from lung cancer and I can assure you I would take a bullet before I go down that road.After watching my cousin in ICU for over 6 weeks and in so much pain from covid he begged to die, I decided it might be easier to die from the vaccine. He got his wish and they let him die.
In the last picture, I showed the mismatch in the seam. The pattern has an 18 by 18 match. I thought it had a half drop with those four flamboyant wings emanating from the center of one pattern.No, that doesn't look like a giant pain in the ass at all...........
Well done sir.