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What’s going down Don, Floating?
the removal is not thought about or considered at install time.

or to think opposite,the Felt may have been glued to to prevent water damage from the top to the plywood when mop water or strip n wax.
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I stopped drinking over 7 months ago😳
Haven’t had a drop. Every once in a while I think, maybe I’ll have one. But I would probably fall off the wagon. I was never good at having one 😎
Good for you. I realized one day that I had not bought any beer in months. I can buy a 6 pack now, drink one, and my wife will dispose of the other 5 in a year in the trash.
Give it time man. I was a 5 p.m. alcoholic, or maybe that is to say a highly consistent casual drinker. I stopped drinking about 7 years ago in any kind of regular way and don't miss it in the slightest. I'll still have some beer, or a cocktail or anything else if the mood is right and I have no desire to go back to a halfsac every night or better. Good for you for making it 7 months though!
I got home an hour ago and I haven't stopped drinking yet. I only had one beer at the house so..... I got to make it last. It's definitely not going to be an all-nighter. 😁
I had a small restretch today, refitting some Berber carpet to ceramic tile in a kitchen area and a bathroom. Afterwards I took my bill upstairs to get paid and get my bag of still warm, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies..Yes I still work for food.. 😁
The owners had a new addition to the railing upstairs. Custom made to fit.


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A buddy sent me this picture and it kinda sums up some of what we’re seeing with not being able to find help. Drove past a Wendy’s today and they have a $300 hiring bonus. Gotta do what you gotta do if you want people to work for you, right. I’ve never gotten a hiring bonus in the trades.
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I think a lot of the hiring issues are temporary. It will force employers to increase wages and more money in the consumers pockets is a good thing. For 30 years Americans have been losing purchasing power while the rich get richer. Time for the little guys to get something out of it!
I think a lot of the hiring issues are temporary. It will force employers to increase wages and more money in the consumers pockets is a good thing. For 30 years Americans have been losing purchasing power while the rich get richer. Time for the little guys to get something out of it!
Wages have been too low, but some of the locals have said they don't want a job as long as they can draw the pandemic unemployment. Some here offering $16-$18 an hour can't find help. My grandson is 16 and working all the hours that Dairy Queen can legally work him. His school will be giving him credits for working this summer.
LOL. I used to joke that when my dad and I were together we were missing a stooge. He would be holding a board and turn and bonk me (accidentally of course). I had to wear a hat when painting with him because he would paint up higher & I would paint down lower and he would always splatter paint on my head. One time I was trying to help him cut something and he pushed down on it after he cut it so it flew up and hit me in the chin. LOL. We were like a couple of monkeys sometimes. I miss working on projects with him. Even if all I did was hand him screws or nails or hold something still, it was nice to have that bonding and teamwork.

CJ, even 1 layer of scaffolding is too high for me. LOL. I watched some horror movie where a kid fell out a window (I think she was actually pushed) but for some reason after that I was afraid of heights. I've gotten over it quite a bit (I can now look out windows without getting vertigo). I got to the point that I was able to climb on roofs and clean leaves off, but can't do that anymore bc my ankles got messed up so I can't do inclines. Cows are adorable but they can be dangerous. I'm constantly having to dodge my cow's horns. She's not trying to hurt me, but she doesn't have much of an awareness of them. Even though we hadn't planned to breed her, I'm glad a bull broke the fence & she has her daughter. Cow stopped being as obsessed with me once she had her baby to spend time with.

Don, I'm glad they tested for asbestos before you did that job. Those lower tiles looked pretty old.

On the wages front, I feel sorry for the poor buggers that fall for that signing bonus hook. They have to work there 6 months to get that bonus and if the businesses are run the way things are where I live, they will fire them just before the 6 months is up and hire new people so none of them will ever qualify for the bonus. The joys of living in an "at will" state where they don't need a reason to fire people. Of course, they make up BS excuses to justify firing people anyway. Local walmart pulled some garbage where they changed people's schedule constantly & would do it without prior notice. One of my friends had a day off scheduled but her supervisor put her as having to work that day (but only made the schedule change 1 hour before the shift was supposed to start-- against corporate policy but they don't care). They did this to make an excuse for firing her as she was close to "pointing out". She'd gotten a point off for going home bc she had a seizure on the job and got points against her for having to stay in the hospital when her uterus prolapsed during childbirth & she nearly died. They refused to accept doctor's notes. It's a real racket they have going.

Highup, I'm not surprised that people signed up for the router forum without looking at the pictures. LOL. Of course, there might be some trolls in there.

I've been planning some of the accessories for the guest bathroom. I think I mentioned I grabbed some cheap shelves on clearance. They crappily made (secured only with staples) but fixing them up is inexpensive and easy. I can get some cheap angle braces/brackets. They are already cut to size so it's just a matter of sanding, securing, painting, etc. I may go with more than one of the shelves in the bathroom depending on how things work out. Hell, I may even use one or more in my bathroom. I'm going to take the one for the shaving area and add a wooden dowel as a towel bar. I'm thinking 1" or 3/4" thick should work. The other thing I'm working on is plans for the recessed tp holder. Since I'm lazy & couldn't find any picture frame wood locally, I bought a metal picture frame from dollar tree. I'm going to use it to hide the front of the recessed tp holder that will be in the vanity. I'm making tops and bottoms of the holder out of 3/4" fir (buying 1x6s bc they are the right depth) and some cheap 1/4" plywood in small sections. 3/4" will be for top and bottom. 1/4" for sides and back. I will sand all of the sharp corners on the inside to blunt them. I'm going to use scraps to reinforce the vanity & use leftover braces from the shelf project to secure it. In order to fit the frame, I will need to make it wider (which will also make it so the shelf area below can hold phones & wet wipes) so I will use plinth blocks and washers to make the spring-loaded rod fit. If I can find the right cutting tools (which I probably have already), I may make my own wooden washers. I want to be able to nail and glue them in place. The front will be secured with caulk & doublesided tape. (It may actually be large enough to fit a 2nd tp roll standing on it's side since the tp rolls are now only 4" wide).
This is my sketch of the plans thus far (tp rod not drawn in yet as I need more specific measurements)

Yesterday I as a little productive. I got my brother to pull the trash bag out of the trash can (it was stuck & my shoulder was not cooperating with trying to lift it). I helped him haul the bags outside. Then I started cleaning in the kitchen more. Got a bunch of stuff cleared up. I should probably throw away the empty grape juice bottles that look line wine bottles but the hoarder in me feels they can be repurposed somehow. I might put them in a bin and take them to the workshop. There's a lot of dirt on stuff and I don't wear gloves. My brother doesn't like to get dirt on his hands (which is funny because we both used to play in the dirt/mud as kids). I still remember a mud fight in the duck pond. I got a handful of mud and duck crap and threw it right in his mouth. Poor Mom did not have fun washing our laundry-- especially since she had to search our pockets for frogs, worms, and other stuff. She was not amused by the ribbon snake I picked up.

Time to clean litterboxes and do some re-arranging in the front room and them more cleanup on the kitchen.
Unemployment doesn’t provide healthcare except for Medicaid. Or the poor just walk into an ER and get free healthcare. So I think the euphoria of getting money instead of working will fade. Anyway, wages have been depressed for so long there’s bound to be a reaction. The republicans in congress have been against raising the minimum wage for decades, saying the market and demand for workers should dictate wages. Well, here we are. Be careful what you wish for!
the minimum wage seems useless these days. People wont work for 10 or 12 bucks an hour. that automatically forces business owners to pay more. Some people thing without a minimum wage some scumbags would pay $4 or $5 per hour. They would have
zero employees.
I always paid 3-4 times minimum wage and when young people found out there was actually work involved, they were not interested. The newest generation seems to be lazy.
I heard that many of times. Company I worked for hired 14 temps and by noon we were down to 3 and 1 was female whose significunt other didn't like her working with a bunch of guys[she was good] and came to our warehouse and slapped the **** out of her and they disappeared never to be seen again.
I work with college students making $10/hour and every one of them are incredible. They man the phones are deal with some pretty ignorant primadonna profs and parents. And when it comes to work ethic, I’ll put these kids up against any group!
I heard that many of times. Company I worked for hired 14 temps and by noon we were down to 3 and 1 was female whose significunt other didn't like her working with a bunch of guys[she was good] and came to our warehouse and slapped the **** out of her and they disappeared never to be seen again.
Back in the 80s, I was paying $20 an hour for someone to bag scraps and carry glue buckets in. Most quit before noon.
I work with college students making $10/hour and every one of them are incredible. They man the phones are deal with some pretty ignorant primadonna profs and parents. And when it comes to work ethic, I’ll put these kids up against any group!
Man, tell me about it. I am so sick of hearing "kids these days". 20 years ago we went through over 100 employees in under 2 years trying to find just one. Every day I was told "you know kid, you ain't that great and as soon as I can find someone to replace you your gone" needless to say I never left. Ok I did leave however I did it on my own terms. I think there has always been a lack of interest in manual labor across generations once there was work to do that was not manual labor. Just so happens to be there is more of it this day and age than ever before.
I'll save the economic & medical discussion for another thread when I feel up to posting.

The cat condo was in the way & my brother would not stop b****ing about it. He was using it as an excuse to not take trash out. So I took the cage part off of the base and set it on some puppy pads, took the litterbox outside and scrubbed it, took the base out and scrubbed it, put it in a new location out of the way, cleaned the bottom rails of the cage, tried to carry it over to the base (but cats kept jumping in and climbing on the shelves inside). Started having chest pains and trouble breathing when I had it almost to the spot. Overheated and went to ask my brother to finish putting it in place. It had gotten caught on something and required two people to get it free and set it in place. So, now it's in a better location. Put fresh litter in the box and set it up, gave the kitties fresh food and water, cleaned up the area around where the condo had been (litter got thrown all over), and ate a popsicle to cool off. Well, it's one of those flavored ice thingies in a clear plastic tube...

I had a little schadenfreude over one of my brother's friends getting fired from the local auto repair/maintenance place. It's where I go to get maintenance done and I did not want him to touch my truck because I know what a moron he is. Kid has a problem with mouthing off to customers, coworkers, and supervisors. He got fired from his previous job for mouthing off to a supervisor. I need an oil change and brake pads done but I was afraid to go in while he worked there & I wasn't sure how the staff would take it if I asked them to not let him touch my truck bc I know him & know he'll screw it up. The owner of the place is incredibly nice but this kid was saying he the guy was a jerk & how the guy chewed him out for mistakes but wasn't chewing out the newer employees for mistakes. He'd worked there 2 weeks and was still screwing up. Not sure what he did, but apparently he screwed something up majorly. It was so bad that his own uncle was looking to beat him up over it. I'm tempted to ask the owner next time I'm there (which should be this week since my brake pads should be coming in). Got some Wagner brand ones that come with installation kit. Hope I won't need new rotors. I got new oil and a filter so I can get my oil changed while I'm at it.

I meant to clean more in the kitchen, but I'm burnt out and don't want to overdo it.
Man, tell me about it. I am so sick of hearing "kids these days". 20 years ago we went through over 100 employees in under 2 years trying to find just one. Every day I was told "you know kid, you ain't that great and as soon as I can find someone to replace you your gone" needless to say I never left. Ok I did leave however I did it on my own terms. I think there has always been a lack of interest in manual labor across generations once there was work to do that was not manual labor. Just so happens to be there is more of it this day and age than ever before.
My dad was a general contractor and tight. He would tear down old houses and reuse the lumber. I started at 8, pulling and straightening nails to be reused.

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