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Well, I don't know about wine, but mine sure love to whine. Since it's raining out they have piled on me. I unintentionally chucked one of my cats halfway across the room last night when he pounced on me. Woke me up but I was still half asleep so it was a reflex. Fortunately, he's OK.

Thunderstorms and rain today. Internet keeps going out. I hope it's not like this tomorrow.

Waiting for my brake pads to come in (I think they won't come until the 20th). May have to reschedule plumbing work that is supposed to be done tomorrow because we'll be having bad thunderstorms again. Next Tuesday is supposed to be sunny.

On my recessed TP holder, I'm going to take havasu's advice & ditch the storebought plinths. He suggested making the box narrower to fit, but I want more room for stuff on the shelf. I will look for scrap wood in the workshop to use instead.
I think a lot of the hiring issues are temporary. It will force employers to increase wages and more money in the consumers pockets is a good thing. For 30 years Americans have been losing purchasing power while the rich get richer. Time for the little guys to get something out of it!

I pull up to a truck stopped at the bank pulling out, window down, “ I heard you’re leaving”, (close to the two week notice) nope, rubs 3 fingers together, That’s what it takes I said, good for you!
I pull up to a truck stopped at the bank pulling out, window down, “ I heard you’re leaving”, (close to the two week notice) nope, rubs 3 fingers together, That’s what it takes I said, good for you!

I believe you yourself said if now isn’t our time then when is. Amazon package just arrived so I’m makin small talk with the USPS lady and she says they’re workin 6 to 7 days before they get 1 day off. They need people bad. This is a government job, people! We’re talkin benefits. Things will eventually correct themselves but until then this is what it looks like.
On my recessed TP holder, I'm going to take havasu's advice & ditch the storebought plinths. He suggested making the box narrower to fit, but I want more room for stuff on the shelf. I will look for scrap wood in the workshop to use instead.

The house I grew up in had a phone nook in the wall with an old rotary dial phone. Fast forward many years and now the phone nooks are being incorporated with the TP holder. My last house I thought about getting one of them TP holders that sits on the floor then changing out the built in TP holder for a phone shelf. Funny how things change without ever really changing.
Those tp holders on a stand tend to get knocked over. It's great that you can re-use the phone shelf.

Part of the reason USPS is short is because they had layoffs, but it also is not free to apply for. They had a flyer on the door about hiring at my local one. $300 deposit for background check (paid by the applicant), no benefits, & no compensation for gas for their delivery drivers who have to use their own vehicles. And that $300 doesn't even guarantee getting hired. No wonder they have a high turnover rate and people don't want to apply. A lot of people here can't afford to apply.

I went into town to get medicine, mail, and groceries. Forgot to stop and get gas, but I can get that next trip (I hope). Roads were already flooding & the water on my road had a current. It's worse in other areas though. Lake Charles has major flooding. My friend's grandfather sunk his SUV trying to drive across a flooded road. Friend was saying his grandfather can't roll up and lay on the horn now.

Listened to my friend's gf call her bank to ask for her routing # and account #. She gave her name, spelled her last name, and no other info. They gave the info to her. No security checks, nothing to confirm she was really who she said she was... I told her that some random person could pretend to be her and they would give away her info. Lousy bank.

My brother went with me & when we stopped by to check on our friend the friend's daughter was there & was super excited to see my brother. She's adored him since she was a baby. He picks her up and lets her sit on his shoulders. He'll carry her around while she climbs all over him and swings on his arms and stuff.
I saw a McDonalds offering $18/hr with an asterisk next to the 18. So there is some caveat which means it is a bait and switch.

Feeling very sleepy today. Sore throat from post-nasal drip. This weather does not play well with my sinuses. I'm about to see if I can get my brother to cook something. He was supposed to make some stew a few days ago and hasn't done anything but play video games.
A local factory that has always had to turn down job seekers is now running ads for help. Starts around $20 an hour.

I’d rather have a worker shortage than a job shortage any day.

Republicans have said for years they are against raising the minimum wage because they believe the job market should dictate wages.

And here we are. Market pressure is pushing wages up. Less money in the hands of the rich and more for the workers.

Be careful what you wish for!
I saw a McDonalds offering $18/hr with an asterisk next to the 18. So there is some caveat which means it is a bait and switch.

Not so much a bait n switch. They want a commitment. Completely understandable. Same thing as anybody wants. Hiring and training costs money. It’s cheaper to pay to retain good help once they are up to speed then it is to recruit and train again and again. Wasn’t there some **** in the news a while ago where people were bitching because fast food doesn’t pay a living wage. Well it does now but nobody wants to work while they’re getting ‘free’ money. Better apply for that job now because as soon as the ‘free’ money runs out and people all of a sudden need a job, they sure won’t be hiring at $18/ hr. Gotta strike while the poker is hot.
There are numerous jobs out there.
In about a 3 block stretch[hamburger row] I counted 6 hiring signs. Not all were fast food. Was in a retail store a couple weeks ago and couldn't get anybody to help me, went back later and the lady said they were short hand as the people who worked there before would rather draw the unemployment than work.
Our local farm supply store is down to 3 employees. One cashier and two people to do everything else. They are working 12 hour shifts. They will hire anyone who will apply, but no one is. Walmart is paying about $12 an hour and can't even get students. They are willing to work around class schedules. In fact, they will help pay tuition.
I would like to do a government-funded study.
Group 1:
20 monkeys are supplied at ample pile of food and water.
Group 2:
20 monkeys have to find their own food and water.
My study will determine which group spends the most time sleeping.
I have no clue which one it will be.
When the study is over I propose a second study.
Stop feeding group 1 so that they have to find their own food.
In this study I'd like to observe the monkeys in both groups as they both have to find their own food. I'm curious if monkeys in group 1 continue sleeping and starve themselves to death or if they gradually begin behaving like the monkeys in group one.
I would like to do a government-funded study.
Group 1:
20 monkeys are supplied at ample pile of food and water.
Group 2:
20 monkeys have to find their own food and water.
My study will determine which group spends the most time sleeping.
I have no clue which one it will be.
When the study is over I propose a second study.
Stop feeding group 1 so that they have to find their own food.
In this study I'd like to observe the monkeys in both groups as they both have to find their own food. I'm curious if monkeys in group 1 continue sleeping and starve themselves to death or if they gradually begin behaving like the monkeys in group one.
I could not have said this any better. People are boasting at how much money they make on this "special" unemployment bonus due to the $2 TRILLION Democratically voted Covid Relief Fund.

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