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Speaking of studies, One I find interesting. If rats are kept by themselves with dispensers of food, water and cocaine, they will exist on the cocaine. When put in a group (family) they will not touch the cocaine.
They didn't really need a study to show that, I can attest that cocain use in close proximity to family members is just a bad idea in general.
They estimated that 80% of those returning from Vietnam were addicted and most just quit using after returning home to family. I sure never saw that much addiction.
I could not have said this any better. People are boasting at how much money they make on this "special" unemployment bonus due to the $2 TRILLION Democratically voted Covid Relief Fund.

So when things start to normalize just like last recession, those that have been sitting on their ass for a year or so are at a disadvantage. Live it up while you can but you’re only hurting yourself. I’m sure not gonna hire some jagoff that’s been sitting on their ass for a year because you clearly have no work ethic.
CJ, I say bait and switch because the local McDonalds and other stores are notorious for promising bonuses & such and then firing employees for no real reason just so they won't get the bonus. They don't really train employees either. I've talked to people who work there, they just proverbially throw them in to the fire and expect them to figure out what to do. If they can't, they get fired. They don't like to teach anymore. The local McDonalds now requires previous work experience at fast food places so they are no longer taking people straight from high school with no experience. They want people who already know how to do stuff so they don't have to train them. The local Walmart is very notorious for never training employees & for mass firings just before eligibility for bonuses. My friend used to work in asset protection & the manager's office had audio and video footage. He was going through footage and came across the store manager conspiring with a supervisor to fire a longtime employee (16+ years) bc she was going to be eligible for a bonus soon & they felt she was getting paid "too much". Friend burned a copy of that conversation to DVD, reported it to corporate, & passed the DVD to the employee's son with instructions to take it to a lawyer if they tried to fire her.

Most people who are on unemployment here qualify for Medicaid. My brother qualified while on unemployment but now that he's no longer employed he still qualifies (not sure how).
Got my second covid shot yesterday. First one did absolutely nothing but a tender spot in the arm for 2 days. This one was different. Didn't go to work, just stayed home and slept. Probably slept 5 hours between late this morning and late this afternoon. That isn't normal for me. Go down to the habitat store to look for something and it was the first time I went outside today. Legs were a tiny bit weak and my breathing doesn't feel right. I think I'm over the hump and will go to work tomorrow. I'm holding up the show. Normally it's because I work slow not because I don't show up.
This is the first time I felt like this and 15 or 20 years.... Without doing something intentional. 😉
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I had a sore arm and fatigue for a couple of days after 1st vaccine then after almost 3 weeks I had some days of feeling dizzy (another friend reported the same symptoms around the same time). Got the 2nd vaccine & only had a little soreness in the arm (less so than 1st time). No fatigue or other symptoms after. But, my friend's gf got a cold and passed it on to her baby & my mom got the cold from the baby (she loves kissing babies) & passed it on to me & my brother. The baby just turned 9 months today. He is starting to learn how to crawl forward (motivated by trying to get candy).

My friend got the 1st vaccine & felt really horrible. Was told it didn't play nice with people who had blood clots so he's opted not to get the 2nd dose. We (my brother and I) took him with us when we went to get more water at Samsclub. Friend wanted to pop in to harbor freight. They had a tool chest that is sort of like a carry-on with extendable handle and wheels that was on sale. They only had one left & he said it would be perfect for him at work so I got it for him. Also got him some insulated screwdrivers with his surname on them. He bought himself some other tools. I had to double mask since I didn't want to spread my cold. Brother did the same.

I took the maximum strength cold meds to try to keep my nose from acting like a faucet. I mostly feel tired and don't like the whole stuffy/runny nose thing. Only very minor coughing thus far to cough up some mucus. Throat is already feeling better than it was yesterday. Feeling a bit meh though so I'm resting.

Tomorrow I need to take my truck for an oil change and new brake pads. Got the pads, the oil, and the filter. Just need to take it to the local repair shop.
Mine looked like this. Without the supernova!


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The only roller I've ever had for seams is a star roller. On some carpets they say not to use it. If you're not stupid they work just fine.
The wool carpet of the golf course that I'm working at says not to use a star roller, so I made a workaround just to show that I care. 😁
I stopped by the habitat store yesterday and found a flat roller just begging to be made.
They had one of the goofy rollers that you put a refrigerator on. $3
So now I got me a fancy schmancy flat roller for the carpet seams.
Here's the before picture.
It actually works really well as is. I'll show the finished product after I get back from work tomorrow. It turned out pretty sweet.


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