The one I bought is a brushless motor and it's rated at half the speed yours is. It would be nice if it was 1725 because that would work better for making this into a belt sander, a disc Sander or even a belt sander. This one doesn't have a mounting plate on the bottom which surprises me. It's pretty heavy and there are double nuts on the front of it indicating that it was mounted directly into a fan shroud of some sort.
I can make it go a lot faster with the right size pulley, but that eliminates direct drive. It was 30 bucks I just couldn't pass it up. If I could attach a drill chuck to it it would make one hell of a mixer for self leveler. A bit heavy but it would work
I can make it go a lot faster with the right size pulley, but that eliminates direct drive. It was 30 bucks I just couldn't pass it up. If I could attach a drill chuck to it it would make one hell of a mixer for self leveler. A bit heavy but it would work