Got my 200 yard carpet job done today. Reminding you I'm 85 years old.
(I was 61 two weeks ago)
Last chore today was cutting 3 pocket doors with my Fein Multimaster. A bit tricky after the doors are trimmed in. You need to cut from both sides of the door so it meets in the middle. I thought he said way back when I was measuring that tho it was difficult, they could be adjusted. The cuts were straight and clean, tho slow going.
End result is they are happy as happy gets. This is the 4th house they have asked me to do in the past 17 years, with each one being nicer than the last.
This is one of the coolest and most perfect families on the planet. So cool to work for such nice people. He's a local police captain and I discovered that his wife wasn't teaching school anymore.
They are buying or have bought a local coffee company. They buy the coffee and roast it, then blend it as per the previous owners highly detailed instructions.
I got a $150 tip and two bags of coffee............. coffee is food, and you do recall that I will work for food.
Dang the stuff smells good. Gonna test it in the morning.
They will be moving the coffee companies operations to their large shop at the house. I'm gonna get an invite to see the roasting process when they get it all up and running. Their going to have the best smelling shop in the state.
Shameless plug.
Last chore today was cutting 3 pocket doors with my Fein Multimaster. A bit tricky after the doors are trimmed in. You need to cut from both sides of the door so it meets in the middle. I thought he said way back when I was measuring that tho it was difficult, they could be adjusted. The cuts were straight and clean, tho slow going.
End result is they are happy as happy gets. This is the 4th house they have asked me to do in the past 17 years, with each one being nicer than the last.
This is one of the coolest and most perfect families on the planet. So cool to work for such nice people. He's a local police captain and I discovered that his wife wasn't teaching school anymore.
I got a $150 tip and two bags of coffee............. coffee is food, and you do recall that I will work for food.
They will be moving the coffee companies operations to their large shop at the house. I'm gonna get an invite to see the roasting process when they get it all up and running. Their going to have the best smelling shop in the state.
Shameless plug.